Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary - Let's celebrate the 10th anniversary of Rainbow Rocks with an art event! Here


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Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2616

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2615

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2614

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2613

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2612

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2611

Duck - Bona fide shitposter - ignore or report

Sunny Day Realtor
I found the ending disappointing, I wanted the dog to die but it didn’t
I legit don’t think there is a Christmas special that I like though, so cruel jokes over unnecessarily dark Christmas specials is all I can come up with.

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2610

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2609

A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
Artist -

@Background Pony #9B01  
but that one was more awesome because the premise of the episode was the little brother of one of the protagonists is a LARPer so the turn into a fully functioning battle robot (TONS of working missles) was WTF territory.
lemme try to find the exact clip

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2608

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2607

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2606

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2605

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2604

Background Pony #D31A
I believe it’s made by the people who did Johnny Test.
Fills ya up with confidence, doesn’t it?

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2603

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2602

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2601

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2600

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2599

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2598

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2597

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2596

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2595

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2594

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2593

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2592

A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
Artist -

@Background Pony #7E82  
probably the most censorable show i know that’s being aired over here is brickleberry…and they rarely censor some of the crap in that show. still funny IMO just not adult/immature humor, more of immature/juvenile humor but the imagery and scenes are more for adults (which may or may not find the humor funny at all).

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