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Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 355

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
A crowd was at the decorated Ponyville townshall to celebrate the CMC as there was balloons and banners. Mayor Mare was giving scared Gabby a beak balloon massage with a creaking, grey, very wide, shiny and clear balloon for 4 hours non stop as the bird had a balloon phobia. The bird and the pony was then grabbing a creaking, shiny, round, pink and clear balloon for 4 hours. The pony was then giving the bird 4 hour long beak sucking as Spike had Gabby´s beak in his mouth as the bird was rubbing the creaking, grey, very wide, shiny and clear balloon under her legs. Then was Terramar breeding an creaking, shiny, round, pink and clear balloon for 4 hours non stop as the bird felt the soft balloon skin rub against the feather son his his stomach.

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 354

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
A crowd of ponies and Gilda was together at the welcome party for Gilda in a decorated and crowded Sugarcube Corner for as there was balloons and banners. Pinkie Pie was giving scared Gilda a beak balloon massage with a creaking, grey, very wide, shiny and clear balloon for 4 hours non stop as the hawk had a balloon phobia. The bird and the pony was then grabbing a creaking, shiny, round, pink and clear balloon for 4 hours. The pony was then giving the bird 4 hour long beak sucking as Spike had Gilda´s beak in his mouth as the bird was rubbing the creaking, grey, very wide, shiny and clear balloon under her legs.

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 353

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
A crowd of ponies and Spike was at the Fetlock Fest in the school of friendship that was decorated with banners, balloons and more as there was dance competitions too. Spike laid and was rubbing a creaking, pink, round and shiny balloon under his legs, sat on the balloon with his butt and also rubbed the balloon against his back spikes too for 6 hours non stop.

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 352

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
A crowd of ponies and Spike was at the Fetlock Fest in the school of friendship that was decorated with banners, balloons and more as there was dance competitions too. Both Spike and Rarity was grabbing a creaking, pink, round and shiny balloon for two hours. After that was the pony holding the creaking, pink, round and shiny balloon under a hoof while she was watching the amphibian lay and rub himself under the legs for four hours non stop.

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 351

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 350

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
A crowd of ponies, Spike and Gilda was together at the welcome party for Gilda in a decorated and crowded Sugarcube Corner for as there was balloons and banners. Spike had burped a letter to Gilda to invite her to the party, as Spike got a photo of Gildas beak. Gilda got a beak sucking for 4 hours non stop at the party as the amphibian he loved Gildas beak photo and the bird then picked up an flat balloon and blew air in a hissing, growing, creaking, grey, very wide, shiny and clear balloon and the bird was deflating the balloon that shrunk as Spike was scared of the loud screaming balloon noises as Gilda deflated the balloon four times. Gilda was giving balloon scared Spike a scale balloon massage with a creaking, grey, very wide, shiny and clear balloon for 4 hours non stop as the reptile had a balloon phobia.The bird and the reptile was then grabbing a creaking, shiny, round, pink and clear balloon for 4 hours. The reptile was then giving the bird 4 hour long beak sucking as Spike had Gilda´s beak in his mouth as the bird was rubbing the creaking, grey, very wide, shiny and clear balloon under her legs.

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 349

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Ember, Spike and Thorax was together at the welcome party in a decorated and crowded Ponyville for Ember and Thorax as there was balloons and banners. Ember was giving scared Spike a scale balloon massage with a creaking, grey, very wide, shiny and clear balloon for 4 hours non stop as the reptile had a balloon phobia. Ember, Spike and Thorax was then grabbing a creaking, shiny, round, pink and clear balloon for 4 hours.

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 346

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 345

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Caillou was at the crowded and decorated Canterlot Wedding party in the garden as DJ Pon3 and Pinkie Pie was DJs. There was a balloon and confetti drop with wide and round balloons and Caillou was scared of balloons. Caillou was scared as he sat as Princess Cadence rubbed a round and pink creaking balloon between his legs as the horse used her horn as Calliou got a 6 hour long balloon crotch masssage.

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 344

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 343

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Discord and his friends was at the Canterlot gala and there was dancing, drinks, banners, balloons and more. Human Principal Cinch, Grandpa Gruff, King Aspen, Blackthorn and well-to-do was there too. Human Principal Kinch, Grandpa Gruff, King Aspen, Blackthorn and well-to-do was grabbing a creaking, thick, very wide, shiny, clear and grey balloon for four hours non stop as the worm with arms and wings and the bird both had a balloon phobia. Human Principal Cinch was then giving the bird a balloon beak masssage for four hours non stop with a creaking, thick, very wide, shiny, clear and pink balloon as scared Grandpa Gruff both that had a balloon phobia felt more relaxed by having his beak balloon massage as he rubbed a claw under his legs for four hours non stop.

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 342

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 341

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Fluttershy, a mouse, a ferret and a bunny was together with some vines in the Everfree Forest after Fluttershys Birthday party. Fluttershy, a mouse, a ferret and a bunny was together with some vines in the Everfree Forest after Fluttershys Birthday party as the pony, the mouse, the ferret, the bunny and the vines in the Everfree Forest was grabbing a bunch of creaking, red, shiny, round and clear balloons from Fluttershys Birthday party for 3 hours. The pony, the mouse, the ferret, the bunny was then tangled by the vines while the pony rubbed herself under her legs with a wing 8 hours non stop as some of the other vines was strangling the creaking, red, shiny, round and clear balloons from Fluttershys Birthday party for 8 hours non stop.

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 340

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 339

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Apple Bloom was the cute cenera inside a baloon and confetti decorated Sugarcube Corner as she was together with Pokey Pierce she took a dance with. The filly was scared of balloons and she did not like Pokey Pierce give a bunch of balloons a 2 hour long horn massage as the pony rubbed himself under the legs by feeling the soft balloon skins. Apple Bloom was less nervous of balloons as she and Pokey Pierce was grabbing a pink, creaking, shiny and clear thick balloon for 2 hours.

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 338

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
All the birds in Griffonstone got a round and pink balloon at Galena´s Birthday. Greta had a balloon phobia and was afraid but relaxed as Galena gave her a balloon beak massage for 6 hours non stop. Greta then felt less afraid of balloons after her beak balloon massage so the two brids was grabbing the creaking, round and pink balloon for 3 hours non stop.

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 337

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 336

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Silverstream and Cozy Glow was together as they had been to the CMC Day Camp advertising in Ponyville. Silverstream and Cozy Glow was together as they had been to the CMC Day Camp advertising in Ponyville and Cozy Glow got a bunch of shiny, clear, big and cutie mark printed balloons in many colors. Silverstream was scared of balloons and she felt how the filly gave the bird a 6 hour long beak balloon massage with a pink, squeaking, shiny, clear, big and cutie mark printed balloon in the library. Silverstream was then less scared of balloons and the bird and the filly was for 3 hour grabbing the pink, squeaking, shiny, clear, big and cutie mark printed balloon in the library.

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 335

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Spike was at the “ones-versary” play. An orange, shiny, clear, very thick and clear balloon was used as the sun and as a part of the play was Twilight giving Spike a balloon scale back massage for 2 hours with the squeaking, orange, shiny, clear, very thick and clear balloon as the dino sucked Princess Celestia´s horn as scared Spike was scared of the balloon but he felt relaxed too by his balloon massage. Then was the two horses and the dino grabbing the creaking, orange, shiny, clear, very thick and clear balloon for 1 hour.

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 334

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Rara gave a concert in a park in Ponyville and many of the ponies got a pink, very thick, shiny and clear balloon under the concert. Scootaloo was blowing air in an hissing, growing, pink, shiny and clear balloon until the balloon got very thick under the concert and gave balloon scared Sweetie Belle a 6 hour non stop horn balloon massage as the nervous filly felt the soft balloon skin rub against her horn.

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 333

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Human Sunset Shimmer and human Pinkie Pie was on a stage under all the world´s on stage. All the world´s on stage was a stage show with the history of human Equestria from the railroad to the opening of a party city shop. Human Sunset Shimmer and human Pinkie Pie was on a stage under all the world´s on stage as Pinkie Pie had the opening of a party city shop act. There was round, wide, clear and shiny balloons in many colors and scared Sunset Shimmer had a balloon phobia, but she felt relaxed as Pinkie Pie rubbed a round pink, shiny and creaking balloon between her legs for 4 hours non stop as the creaking balloon got smelly by being rubbed between the legs and against the private part of Sunset Shimmer. Sunset Shimmer had a balloon phobia, but she felt relaxed as she and Pinkie Pie then was grabbing a round pink, shiny and creaking balloon for 4 hours non stop.

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 332

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
A crowd was gathered in the balloon decorated Canterlot Gardens at Princess Twilight´s coronation as there was drinks and a little fair too. Phaerynx was scared of the many balloons but he felt relaxed as Moon Dancer gave the scared fly a balloon horn massage with a very thick and creaking balloon for 4 hours as the fly rubbed himself under the legs. The fly and the pony was then grabbing the very thick and creaking balloon for 4 hours.

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 331

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
A crowd was gathered in the balloon decorated Canterlot Gardens at Princess Twilight´s coronation as there was drinks and a little fair too. Skybeak was scared of the many balloons but he felt relaxed as Sassy Saddles gave the scared bird a balloon beak massage with a very thick and creaking balloon for 4 hours as the bird rubbed himself under the legs. Sassy Saddles andthe bird was then grabbing the very thick and creaking balloon for 4 hours.

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 330

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Mori the baby shark celebrated his Birthday in Ponyville as his friend a hedgehog was there too. Twisty Pop made creaking, shiny and clear balloon animals for a crowd that day under the party and the baby shark and the hedgehog had a balloon phobia. The baby shark and the hedgehog had a balloon phobia but the shark and the rodent was petting, kissing and hugging the blue and creaking balloon hat the pony was wearing for 6 hours non stop as the pony rubbed himself under the legs.

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 329

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