The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Plus it would mean more Silver Spoon screen time.

@Background Pony #A0C2  
I’d rather it not be seamless from here on out. I feel that there should still be an occasional rustled jimmy or two in new filly 5 episodes. Nopony’s perfect; not even reformed fillies.
On that note, it’s assumed that Silver Spoon was reformed when all we can really be certain of is that she has forgiven Diamond Tiara. It would be nice to see Silver exhibit some “bully-ish” behavior only to have Diamond Tiara set her straight. This would perhaps lead into some overdue Silver Spoon character development where we learn why she is having dfficulty adjusting to Diamond Tiara’s friendship with the CMC and how she no longer has Di all to herself anymore.
Aurora Glimmer

Wow! Glimmer
Background Pony #27FE
This is great, love seeing them all together & as friends. I really hope we see this going forward in the show.