Dizzy Pen

@Magic Man  
Man, I don’t know if it could genius trolling, great subversion or complete awful writing if it’s CHRYSALIS who comes out as an Anti-Villain and is the one betraying the other “bad guys”, while thye dumbly follow Sombra and end up in jail or something like that.

That’s true. She is being an idiot, but so have a lot of characters, not to mention myself. I’ve been run through the wringer and nearly lost everything….Oh boy, I was a complete idiot back then. Thankfully, I got better and that’s kind of what I want to see happen with Radiant.
Besides, yeah, Twilight’s done some rather…immoral things even if she is a good character.
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Whether or not we like her has little impact on many of us thinking she’s an idiot.
There were enough times I wanted to take Princess Twilight by the shoulders and shake her while yelling “You’re being an idiot! Stop it!”
That being said, Hope is still the bigger idiot. She’s close to growing wings and becoming the Princess of Idiocy.
Dizzy Pen

@Background Pony #F083  
Well as far as companion’s go, the trend got broken by Amy, of course because she already had her fiancée Rory.  
About Radiant… she’s obliviousness incarnated, WAY too kind-hearted to don’t realize the mistakes she made OR that she might be in the wrong.

@Background Pony #4F95  
Radiant Hope. There is very little to no chance for Chrysalis being redeemed this issue. Given that she was a villain who appeared on the show, if she is ever redeemed, it’s going to be there. As is now, Chrysalis is a hammy villain and I love her for it.
Background Pony #D6B8
@Background Pony #4F95  
Likely Hope. I also like to see where all this goes. It’s one of the best arcs they’ve released in a while.
Background Pony #2279
The redemption part, are you talking about Radiant Hope, or Chrysalis there…?
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@Background Pony #4281  
How should she be handled, though?
Background Pony #F6E7
She is a good character being compeltely mishandled. Much like all the others .
Background Pony #D6B8
To me it’s the fact she started the most annoying trend in Dr. Who: the companion falls in love with the Doctor.  
At least Martha got over her little crush with him. Meanwhile Rose sits moping in an alternate dimension.
Lord WyrmSpawN
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Lingering Wyvern
@Background Pony #404B  
I hope he at least reconsiders.
Maybe he and his race can actually survive this arc unjailed at the very least.
Magic Man

I’m sensing a Chrysalis betrayal and team-up with the Mane Six incoming…
Twilight: Well, well, well. The feared and all-powerful Queen Chrysalis wants help from Princess Twily and her friends.
Chrysalis: Yeah yeah, irony, I get it. That’s not what’s important right now. Sombra is about to release the Umbrum and we need to work together for each other’s benefit to stop that from–
Applejack: Welly, welly, welly. Ol’ Queenie McBugButt’s come crawlin’ to the Puny Pony Peasants.
Chrysalis: Look, you peons, we don’t have time for your petty–
Pinkie Pie: Wellity, wellity, wellity-
Chrysalis: STOP THAT! Now will you help me or not?!
(Ponies all look at each other)
Applejack and Twilight: Yeah, ’kay.
Background Pony #8038
I’m more worried about Sombra. He seems like he might be starting to get second thoughts, I hope he doesn’t turn back on his evil ways.

@Background Pony #F083  
I just couldn’t find anything to like about her. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one.
And yet, I still don’t hate her. I freely admit, I want to give her a hug. Yep, I admit it. I still like her character and I want to see her be redeemed.
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Sombra: You should learn this well, Twilight-hime. Admiration is the emotion furthest from understanding.
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Do remember that she promised to let Chrysalis freely feed on ponies in exchange for her help. And didn’t complain much about the fact that Sombra just turned her mentor into stone.
Being fooled into thinking the bad guys are good is not enough of an excuse for this.
Background Pony #D6B8
You think Rose Tyler is terrible too?

Doctor Who, 9-10th Doctor’s companion.  
Basically, terrible.
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The Anti-Normies
Who the hay is Rose Tyler?

I still think she’s a good character in her own right. I mean, she isn’t…Rose Tyler. ANything is better than that.
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The Anti-Normies
Yeah, she became an idiot, basically this trope  
But it doesn’t generate sympathy for her in me, instead i have the extreme necessity of nuking her into oblivion, is a type of hate i used to have only for HIM.

sees a lot of Hope hate
Or, you know, she’s became so distraught over the sudden loss of her love and home at the same time, as well as the Umbrum manipulating the facts to a large degree, she went a bit nutty.
So yeah, I actually still like Radiant Hope, people. I think she’s a good character.

Time to go in for the kill! Let’s get her!  
The Kill!  
Yeah, let’s get heeer!
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012
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The Anti-Normies
Actually you can, but the lesson is “even if you love that person, if they have become a thread to the world, put away your love and fight”.
Lord WyrmSpawN
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Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Lingering Wyvern
Cadance is like, “LOVE! An Opening!”