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[Movie quote]
Twilight is the main character of the show so her standards for a significant other should’ve been given more thought. Like someone whose intelligence rivals hers, or someone who shares the amount of responsibility she holds. Twilight’s relationship with Flash doesn’t really make sense. They have nothing in common as far as we know, we barely know a thing about him, and Flash is kind of a doofus (except that one time he plays Phoenix Wright). All we know about Flash is he plays guitar. It wouldn’t matter if Twilight and Flash took the time to know each other rather than the “love at first sight” cliche. Which shouldn’t even work considering how smart Twilight is, so her love at first sight thing is almost out of character
Big Mac and Marble Pie are minor characters, so there are little repercussions. Plus, their relationships aren’t important or considered a plot point like Flashlight.
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nobody's favorite
He acknowledges her all of once over the course of three movies, and that’s while he’s under the effects of siren hate-mojo and is the first voice in the Sunset shaming squad. I think this goes a bit past “not that interested”. It’s over, finished. They are never ever getting back together.
And yeah, I’m a little unsure about Senata myself. If it was Adagio, it’d make sense, since she’s predatory and seductive and loves the mind games, which makes her kind of like Chrysalis in that she could theoretically grab hold of whoever suits her current appetite and that suits her personality. But Sonata and Aria didn’t seem quite as touchy. (Then again, I think Coco Pommel and Ms Harshwhinny would make a good couple, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.)
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Very good point. Let’s not forget, he ended things with her, not the other way round. Even when he interrupted their band practice, he didn’t seem that interested in interacting with Sunset.
I know a few folks are pushing Flash/Sonata, and I keep wondering why. Other than she stringing his guitar, that is.
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DarkMech is Best Mech
Clearly the lesson to take from this is that Flash Sentry just isn’t cute enough.
They should’ve given him anime bangs. That would’ve done it.
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nobody's favorite
I dunno, I get the impression that whatever made him dump her last time, there’s still some bitterness there.
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Or Sunset Shimmer. That’s another option.
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant

>they are cousins  

'); DROP TABLE Title; --
>they are cousins
Chuy Ryu
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I hate to admit but… op has a point… they just said eeyupp and mhhhh and everybody loves the shipping
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Professional Shit🅱oster
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Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

You raise a fine point.
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Except the romance wasn’t forced in the episode.
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Padawan del dibujo
Now I understand but it is the way to see the fandom, I see very wrong because it seems as if never in his life had been in love with truth
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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nobody's favorite
I think it also helps that while we don’t know marble that well yet, what we have seen suggests they’ve got enough in common to understand each other, which will be good for them should they continue to interact in any capacity at all, whether their relationship winds up being romantic, platonic, or (pseudo-)familial.
By contrast, what little we see of Flash’s personality doesn’t indicate such a kindred spirit with Twilight. He doesn’t seem to have much respect for authority, and while he presumably can read, he’s never seen doing so IIRC. Out of the six, he’d probably be a be a better match for Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie.
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Account DoesNotExist
Hey, I’m not saying that they can’t be partners, I’m just giving the reasons why I think the fandom was generally more accepting of one than the other.
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Padawan del dibujo
I mean that if two people do not have things in common and interact in the same way can not be partner? sorry I do not agree
A Really Hyper Artist - 500+ images under their artist tag
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Account DoesNotExist
It may well have something to do with the fact that Big Mac and Marble actually have similarities. People like the ship because of more than just “they looked at each other and blushed!”, but because they’re both the quiet type, and see two characters interact in the way that they did is, for many, extremely cute. Contrast to Flash and Twilight, where the interaction is set up simply as the two of them bumping into each other.
And of course, the fact that one is a side character and the other is the main character of the show has a lot to do with it as well. Standards for a believable relationship with a character as fleshed out as Twilight are going to be higher than with a minor character who has one or two defining traits.
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Padawan del dibujo
As I bet many when they started with the shipping of Marblemac they not immediately thought the character or personality of Marble above?
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant

@Serious B  
Also it only makes the ship better.
Serious B
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I was kinda seeing your point, OP. That is, until you pulled the old, tired “they’re cousins!” card, which has been time and time again proven to be irrelevant, seeing how far removed their possible ancestry is.
Background Pony #063B
Big Mac has almost as much so it’s fine for side characters. But when they slam cardboard prop such as Brad with everyone’s loved and developed character that been there from the start, that’s the root of the problem.
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That’s debatable. Most of Mac’s “character” only got defined very recently. Before it was just he was the strong silent one and that was it. That didn’t stop people from jumping on the Cheerimac ship even though Cheerilee was a bit more defined than he was as well as that ship being a joke in the episode to begin with. It also hasn’t kept people from shipping him with virtually every other mare or stallion in the show. Again, most of what we see as a character for him has come about pretty much only in the last two seasons and he’s had 5 Seasons while Flash has had pretty much only 3 films with little screen time anyway.
I do agree that Flash was made to be a romantic foil for Twilight and sadly that doesn’t give him a good start, especially when I’m convinced that McCarthy is really not that good at writing romance (though she is great with the fantasy stuff). Flash has gotten some personality, though obviously not much. Overall he is rather bland but part of me suspects it because the writers don’t really want him to be anything more. It’s very likely that if the next film put more attention on him and Twilight or if they actually made it a spin-off show (which I wouldn’t have been against if they did in the first place) or even did more with his pony version, then this could be fixed. But he’s definitely at the bottom of the staff’s “Need to do” list. Sadly he’s become rather useless save for a tiny little romance subplot that only takes up about 5 seconds in an hour and a half long film. Kinda like he was just an after thought because “Hey, it’s a high school, we need a love interest”.
But now that I think about it, it seems that if they come from the Chyrstal Empire, they’re going to be overall very bland characters. Flash, Sombra, Cadance, Shining Armor. All with plenty of possibilities to have strong character, and yet none of them really do. Flash is just a nice guy, Sombra was just your standard little kid show villain, Cadance is too perfect (like a perfect big sister) and Shining armor is basically just like Flash though a nice big brother instead. You’d think that the Empire, full of ponies made basically out of crystals (or what ever I forget) would be more interesting but the prominent figures are just too standard and uninteresting despite the potential. Almost all of their “character” that we associate with them either came in the comics (which are non-canon) and the fanon. Just a random observation.
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Padawan del dibujo
Many say that Flash has no character, perhaps Marble to show shyness and be silent shows much?

Pone Aficionado
haha can someone point out where in the movies or show these couples having “love” or “romantic relationships”? This is just attraction and that doesn’t mean it’s love. These characters barely know each other but you gotta admit they have a mutual attraction.
This guy knows what’s up.