Ok, yea, sorry. It’s just that flat out saying “I hope [character] dies in the show” kinda surprised me a bit. Probably even more if that was said in the show. But sorry. I sometimes say the wrong thing, and it sucks.
I never had a chance to find out people’s interpretation of the Storm Kings eye shimmer after he had his unfortunate workplace accident after falling from the Canterlot balcony while doing his short lived weather job there…
Certainly have been lots of ponies filling incident reports and workman comp claims from Canterlot Castle the past couple of years…
Please don’t act like death in PG13 cartoons was something unusual. People already died in Friendship is Magic too, if you didn’t notice (both off screen and on screen).
(Sorry, but you saying saying in caps and use word of “fucking” did kinda sound a bit rude for me.
I don’t see anything wrong in me doing exactly same towards you with that comment, minus f word.)
Well, then, how exactly is Chrysalis going to die in a kid-friendly, non-PG13 way? Because I can’t think of anything.
(Also, that wasn’t meant to be rude.)
I hope shes gonna die. Not that I hate her (I actually really like her as a villian) or new changelings but I think she is a type of villian who will go really beyond with her evil side and will for revenge that at the end of her story arc she will die in some fight against Glimmer/Twilight/OC than being reformed.
I’ll be honest, the only ones I’m kind of angry at are the treebrary getting destroyed and replaced, and the changelings becoming colorful and such. But they don’t bother me that much.