Filthy Rich: Sing the song!
Starlight: They ain’t singin’ it, boss.
Filthy Rich: Sing!
Fly: Think of me everyday…
Filthy Rich: Is this the money song?
Starlight: No, I don’t think so.
Sweetie Belle: Are you crazy? That’s the wrong song!
Fly: Even from far away.
Twi, Fly, And Pinkie: Know that wherever you are, it is never too far, if you think of me, I’ll be with you.
@Background Pony #2023
“It is with great pleasure that I present to you the object of our affection, your new best friend, the bunny! giant bunny statue comes up Now it is time to bow and sing the bunny song!”
Noteworthy: “Now this was a pickle. That bunny song was chock full of stuff they knew was wrong. And if they don’t sing it, Rich says he’s gonna throw them in the furnace. Whew, what would you do if you were them? Better hold that thought, the ceremony’s startin’.”
Filthy Rich: You know, I was hoping you would ask~. music begins to play
Filthy Rich: The Money Song explains just how much I love making bunnies, how nothing will stop making bunnies, how they should do everything for money! Aaaaaand…It goes something like this. the lights dim
Fly: Wow, that’s a big bunny, sir.
Filthy Rich: Mm-hm. Since you’re my Junior Executives, you get to see it first~. But this afternoon, everypony gets to meet the new bunny! And it’s gonna be a beautiful thing when everypony bows down and sings, “The Money Song!”
@Background Pony #2023
“What they need is a bunny that they can look up to. And I mean way up to!” lifts up sheet “This is just a model. The real bunny is 90 ft. high! My workers finished it this morning.”
Filthy Rich: Girls, have I got a surprise to you~! The other day I was thinking about the Rich Chocolate Bunny and the money that came with it. Thinking about how valuable the bunny is and how amazing money is…And I thought to myself, “Oh, if only all of my workers love the hard-earned money as much as I do!” I asked myself, “Why don’t they love it as much?” Do you know why?
Twi: about to say something
Filthy Rich: Because it’s small! It’s a little bunny!
Noteworthy: “Well, what do you know. Twi, Fly, and Pinkie did what they thought was right, even though nobody else was doing it, and it paid off! This time anyway. But boy were they in for a surprise when they got to Mr. Rich’s office the next day.”
Starlight: sees Twi, Fly, & Pinkie Wait, boss! Those 3 over there! They don’t look sick.
Filthy Rich: Oh? sees the 3 Hm…
Twi: clears throat Thank you, Mr. Rich for the lovely gift of choc-o-late~.
Pinkie: Yeah%! Thanks%!