Background Pony #04C9
upon entering…

@Background Pony #2023  
Alarm rings
Filthy Rich: “Well, that about does it. What do you say we pop in and let them show their appreciation?”
Starlight: “Oh yeah. They’re really gonna appreciate you, boss.”
Background Pony #04C9
Sweetie Belle & the other workers begin to become ill
Artist -

as time passes

@Background Pony #2023  
Both Twi and Pinkie are sad
Twi: “Ok, no more bunnies! I’m doing it for my mom!”
Pinkie: spits out chocolate bunny “Me too!”
Background Pony #04C9
Fly: You see? Even though our parents aren’t here right now to help us do what’s right…If we remember what they taught us, it’s kinda like they are here~!
Background Pony #3777
So let me guess, Twilight Sparkle is her husband Bob the Tomato, Pinkie Pie is her husband Larry the Cucumber, and Scootaloo is Fluttershy’s husband Junior Asparagus in this episode.
Background Pony #A17A
Twilight: “Oh, you’re back! Well I still haven’t been able to get Pinkie out of the sink.”
“I wanna get out, Twilight!”
“But it’s time now to talk about what we’ve learned today!”
What Have We Learned plays
“Pinkie, you know how I feel about that song!” sees the faucet and smirks before turning it on
“Hey! That’s cold!”
“As I was saying, it’s time to talk about what we’ve learned today! Right Pinkie?”
“I’m wet.”
“Right! Well, Twi, Fly, and Pinkie learned that standing up for what they believed in was pretty hard, but it was worth it. When all their were doing things that were wrong, Twi, Fly, and Pinkie remembered what their parents have taught them and that Faust wanted them to do what was right! In the end, Faust was protecting them, even in the fiery furnace! What did you learn Pinkie?”
“Well, I learned that doing something that you isn’t such a good idea, just to be cool, isn’t very cool. I put an oven mitt on my head just because Pony Beat Magazine said it would make me cool. Even though I couldn’t see anything. It didn’t make me cool, it made me, it made me bump into a toaster, and then fall into the sink! And now I can’t get outta here! I’m gonna be stuck here forever! And people are gonna set plates on my head and I’m never gonna get to go to the circus or run through the fresh-cut grass or feel the ocean breeze in my hair as I pilot my nimble schooner, Felix off the coast of our family home on the rock farm! gasp Oh, Auntie Em! There’s no place like home! There’s no place like home! Click, click, click.”
“Are you finished?”
“Okay Pinkie, you see that spoon over there?”
“Uh huh!”
“If you stand on that end of it, and I jump onto the other end, it will fling you out of there, OK?”
“This will just take a second.”
“I’m ready!”
“OK here I come!” flings her out
“Oh that’s much better! Thank you Twilight! Twilight? Twilight!?”
“I’m in here, Pinkie!”
“Oh, there you are! Hey, let’s see if Qwerty has a verse for us! “Stand firm, and hold to the teachings we passed onto you.” 2nd Thesaloofians? Thessilions? Thesaloopians? Uh, Twilight?”
“Can I get out now?”
“Not yet. 2nd Thessalonians 2:15! That means, remember what your parents teach you, and what you’ve learned from the Bible. If someone wants you to do something that you know is wrong, stand firm and do what’s right! In our story, Twi, Fly, and Pinkie stood firm when all their friends were doing things they knew were wrong. So Fixture, the next time you go to Lilly’s house, maybe you bring one of your favorite videos to watch instead, she might think it’s pretty cool. It isn’t always easy, but knowing you’ve done the right thing sure feels good inside. Right Twilight?”
“Yep, that’s right Pinkie. I’d like to get out now!”
“Well, that’s all the time we have today! Remember, Faust made you special and she loves you very much! Goodbye!”
Background Pony #F511
Twilight: Hi, kids%! And welcome to PonyTales%! I’m Twilight Sparkle%……I’m Twilight Sparkle%….Pinkie!  
Pinkie: Just a minute~!  
off-screen crash  
Twilight: ! Are you okay?  
Pinkie: I’ll be right there~!
Background Pony #680A
Fly: Know that, wherever you are~…  
It is never too far…  
If you think of me…  
I’ll be…With…You~…
Artist -

@Background Pony #5EEA  
Think of me everyday,hold tight to what I say,even close to you I’m far away. Now that wherever you are it is never too far, if you think of me I’ll be with you.
flashback ends
Background Pony #680A
it flashbacks to when Fly was just a baby
Artist -

@Background Pony #5EEA  
Fly:Twi,Pinkie listen to me. I know our parents aren’t here right now but I keep thinking of a song my mom used tosing to me a long time ago.

Twilight: “Oh, you’re back! Well I still haven’t been able to get Pinkie out of the sink.”
“I wanna get out, Twilight!”
“But it’s time now to talk about what we’ve learned today!”
“And so what we have learned applies to our lives today, and Faust has a lot to say in her book!”
“Pinkie, you know how I feel about that song!” sees the faucet and smirks before turning it on
“You see we know that Faust’s word is for everyone and now that our song is done we’ll take a- Hey! That’s cold!”
“As I was saying, it’s time to talk about what we’ve learned today! Right Pinkie?”
“I’m wet.”
“Right! Well, Twi, Fly, and Pinkie learned that standing up for what they believed in was pretty hard, but it was worth it. When all their were doing things that were wrong, Twi, Fly, and Pinkie remembered what their parents have taught them and that Faust wanted them to do what was right! In the end, Faust was protecting them, even in the fiery furnace! What did you learn Pinkie?”
“Well, I learned that doing something that you isn’t such a good idea, just to be cool, isn’t very cool. I put an oven mitt on my head just because Pony Beat Magazine said it would make me cool. Even though I couldn’t see anything. It didn’t make me cool, it made me, it made me bump into a toaster, and then fall into the sink! And now I can’t get outta here! I’m gonna be stuck here forever! And people are gonna set plates on my head and I’m never gonna get to go to the circus or run through the fresh-cut grass or feel the ocean breeze in my hair as I pilot my nimble schooner, Felix off the coast of our family home on the rock farm! gasp Oh, Auntie Em! There’s no place like home! There’s no place like home! Click, click, click.”
“Are you finished?”
“Okay Pinkie, you see that spoon over there?”
“Uh huh!”
“If you stand on that end of it, and I jump onto the other end, it will fling you out of there, OK?”
“This will just take a second.”
“I’m ready!”
“OK here I come!” flings her out
“Oh that’s much better! Thank you Twilight! Twilight? Twilight!?”
“I’m in here, Pinkie!”
“Oh, there you are! Hey, let’s see if Qwerty has a verse for us! “Stand firm, and hold to the teachings we passed onto you.” 2nd Thesaloofians? Thessilions? Thesaloopians? Uh, Twilight?”
“Can I get out now?”
“Not yet. 2nd Thessalonians 2:15! That means, remember what your parents teach you, and what you’ve learned from the Bible. If someone wants you to do something that you know is wrong, stand firm and do what’s right! In our story, Twi, Fly, and Pinkie stood firm when all their friends were doing things they knew were wrong. So Fixture, the next time you go to Lilly’s house, maybe you bring one of your favorite videos to watch instead, she might think it’s pretty cool. It isn’t always easy, but knowing you’ve done the right thing sure feels good inside. Right Twilight?”
“Yep, that’s right Pinkie. I’d like to get out now!”
“Well, that’s all the time we have today! Remember, Faust made you special and she loves you very much! Goodbye!”
Background Pony #680A
it shows the workers eating the chocolate bunnies; as the 3 ponies are eating, Fly begins to contemplate something after swallowing  
Fly: Hey, guys? I don’t think we should eat anymore bunnies…  
Twi: ? What do you mean? Mr. Rich said we could eat as many as we want.  
Pinkie: nods  
Fly: But don’t you remember what our parents taught us? We shouldn’t eat very much candy because it’s not very good for us!  
Twi: Fly, our parents aren’t here now. We’re on our own. Besides, everypony else is doing it.  
Pinkie nods
Background Pony #EA97
If God really did exist in this episode, he would’ve done more than just scare Filthy Rich Mr. Nezzer after what he did to the three workers.