Background Pony #5490
@Background Pony #F318  
Nope: I’ve shared that picture because you proved me that you’re simply full of hate for this series and it’s pointless to waste words with you. Since you hate the series so much why do you bother still watching it?  
“Logic and sense completely prove you wrong”? Who estalibished that?  
Your words are not facts, dude. Yeah, well, that’s just like…  
Background Pony #6D95
@Background Pony #0057  
Logic and sense completely prove you wrong, so you jump straight to ad hominem. Well, at least that settles that.
Background Pony #5490
Background Pony #7335
@Background Pony #0057  
I think he’s more like  
Background Pony #5490
Background Pony #6D95
@Background Pony #F318
the “mysterious random magical events” are random because in that world magic isn’t supposed to exist.
Just like Disney’s “Enchanted”; when the two world collided, you could see the effects: Giselle’s influence on the animals, or NY citizens singing with her like in the animated movies…
Everything about magic happened after Equestria’s influence, even before the events of EG1 (Starswirl sending the sirens in the human world).
Magic coming in from Equestria is what started the EQG series, but it happened for a reason, like Sunset bringing over a magical object. Little bursts of magic just dropping in and making things happen around the protagonists (like creating the geodes that they were just destined to have (“because destiny” being about as lazy as it gets)) for no reason is a handwave at best. The closest thing we have to an explanation for why the geodes exist, why Juniper’s mirror got enchanted, and why whoever the new villain in the partially-leaked special is apparently has the same sort of magic is a close-up of the broken statue to which the portal is attached. Even then, there’s no real answer for why it would do the things we’ve seen, just “This magic thing is making Plot happen.”
“Things happen because people actively make things happen” (Sunset with the Element of Magic) vs “Things just happen” (pretty much everything else). Do you understand the difference?
Students around the protagonists don’t care about magic? Maybe becuase they get USED to it?
You really don’t see anything abnormal about a world of people where magic, in your own words, isn’t supposed to exist, almost immediately adapting to life with flat-out sorcery causing huge, world-threatening incidents on a regular basis? That makes sense to you? You don’t think more people would want to come asking questions like Sci-Twi did?  
Have you ever even seen magic-in-the-real-world fiction before? Do you know why it typically has to be explained away as always having been kept secret, some kind of Masquerade or otherwise from the general populace? Because it would be a huge incident if it got out. This seems like common sense.
And “whatever the writers feel like happen”? You mean just what EVERY WRITERS in the world do with EVERY SINGLE THING THEY WRITE in EVERY franchise on Earth?
Again, see the difference between characters’ choices making things happen and things just happening.
The writers want a singing contest? Bam, magical singing villains.  
The writers to give the heroes super powers? Bam, magical, power-bestowing rocks.  
The writers to do a bit with Sunset’s friends forgetting her? Bam, magical, memory-erasing rock. At least they gave the person using it a reason to use it the way she did, but this still relied on her just happening to find the object, which apparently happened to come with written instructions.
Do you see the nuance? How Sci-Twi coming to CHS and causing the trouble she does was brought about by her own choices for understandable reasons while her ability to construct a device capable of detecting and absorbing energy from another world is still iffy even with the handwave of “because she’s a genius”?
“they just make the series to sell dolls” Ya mean just like THE MAIN SERIES?
Did I ever say the writing for the main series wasn’t terrible? It is and has been just as bad, the most egregious recent example I can think of being the Storm King and his army of overpowering goons all apparently popping in out of thin air, a big, evil emperor type hell-bent on conquering all, known and feared everywhere the heroes go in the movie, not so much as a mention anywhere in the series prior.
If you were hoping to make a point with this one, you’ve shot yourself in the foot: It just proves that the writing across the series is lazy and low-effort.
They DO put effort. They put A LOT of effort
Maybe in the art department, which is a different kettle of fish. Maybe it’s just the hope that, if they make everything as pretty as possible and spend more of the budget on visual details, people will be too distracted by pretty pictures to notice the many gaping holes in the writing.
Sound like anyone you know?
Background Pony #5490
@Background Pony #F318  
the “mysterious random magical events” are random because in that world magic isn’t supposed to exist.  
Just like Disney’s “Enchanted”; when the two world collided, you could see the effects: Giselle’s influence on the animals, or NY citizens singing with her like in the animated movies…  
Everything about magic happened after Equestria’s influence, even before the events of EG1 (Starswirl sending the sirens in the human world).  
Students around the protagonists don’t care about magic? Maybe becuase they get USED to it?  
And “whatever the writers feel like happen”? You mean just what EVERY WRITERS in the world do with EVERY SINGLE THING THEY WRITE in EVERY franchise on Earth?  
“they just make the series to sell dolls” Ya mean just like THE MAIN SERIES?  
They DO put effort. They put A LOT of effort
Background Pony #6D95
@Background Pony #DE49  
Magic just popping over for no apparent reason (as with Juniper’s mirror and the geodes at Everfree) or “no really, this has always just been here” (as with the memory stone and the sirens) to make whatever the writers feel like happen? Yes, that is objectively lazy writing. Even the way you say it yourself; “mysterious random magical events,” spells it out plain as day.
This doesn’t even touch on the fact that they completely skim over how Sunset got accepted in the human world with no form of identification and almost nobody really cared when magic started popping up all over the place. Because the writers couldn’t be bothered to explain any of it when they just make the series to sell dolls.
Background Pony #7335
@Background Pony #D51E  
I clearly remember him remaining calm and collect with the worst subjects (Murrioson for example)
@Background Pony #F318  
They dare to use the magic from Equestria to justify the misterious random magical events that are affecting the human world in which magic isn’t even supposed to exist, in a spin-off show of a cartoon show based on magic little ponies doing magic things? Yeah, that’s lack of effort and lazy writing.
Background Pony #6D95
@Background Pony #DE49  
Right, right, effort and care, that explains why they keep using the magic-thing-out-of-nowhere plot to justify magical girl transformations over and over again. And that’s just in Equestria Girls.
Background Pony #9854
@Background Pony #DE49  
Calm? The guy loses his temper by literally anything.
Background Pony #7335
Sometimes there are idiots who says that the MLP staff is lazy and don’t care about their job; Those idiots are mean especially to Jim Miller, who is always calm and collect, but once he understandably lost it when one a guy went simply too far by accusing him to not give a damn about the show. These frames above are just the last of a LOOOOOOONG list of examples that prove that the staff DEEPLY care about the show and even about their fans (despite some fans absolutely DON’T deserve that, as the guy who made Jim angry). I’d like to show these frames to all those who accuse the MLP crew to not put effort in their job and tell them “YOU WERE SAYING?!?”
Proper Prose

Whatever they pay these people, PAY THEM MORE.
And gift baskets…
Background Pony #F4FF
Wow… that’s actually a lot of dedication for something most people probably wouldn’t ever notice. Kudos to the dedicated team.