Background Pony #5F5E
and of course, they just fucked off without providing any counter-point to this @gingerninja666.
Background Pony #796C
I disagree.

5, 6, and 7 are blatant lies. They are factually wrong.
Background Pony #37A9
Starlight needs consequences to her actions.
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“ShimSham my GlimGlams”
Anti-Starlight types do have that stereotype, and they don’t seem interested in losing it.
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“ShimSham my GlimGlams”
Read DerpyFast’s various comments on Starlight. They’re not cynical, they show an understanding of the way the show works, and, therefore, they’re not drenched in impotent rage nor a desire for the show to cater to vindictive impulse.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Kaze ni Nare
I’d argue the point about Sunburst IS blatant lies. Because the image is describing a sequence of events that never actually happens.
“Transforms her friend into a child regardless of his objections” implies that he was objecting and saying “I don’t want this”, and she turned him into a child anyway. Which is not what happened. He was happy for her to try the spell.

@Background Pony #0EF0  
Mind controlling someone against their will to make things easier for yourself and using hypnotic therapy to help someone get over a phobia are two completely different things.  
If you can’t see that then I think your just looking for reasons to hate on this character.  
I don’t care if you don’t like her or not just don’t choose to ignore all the ways she’s developed that people have pointed out in this comment section alone.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Kaze ni Nare
Like… this show is about characters fucking up and learning lessons.
Messing up is basically what these characters do. All of them. Not just Starlight. You’re basically asking for Starlight to never make mistakes.
Also, I object to the Discord one. He was endangering the students, and was making it clear that he had absolutely no intention of stopping. The last straw was him heckling her, but she was at the point of revving up her horn even before then. She banished him. She was trying to keep him away from the school because he was being a horrible destructive pest.
With Sunburst, he wasn’t objecting when she cast the spell. He was excited about the spell and wanted to see it, and as soon as he made it clear he was uncomfortable she stopped and undid it.
With the School Neighsay revealed himself to be biased and full of shit as he went to shut it down. Apparently the teachers being unqualified was a major point, yet he says “If you had higher standards for who was admitted, this could have been avoided”, implying that if the students weren’t non-ponies then he wouldn’t be shutting the school down. So he clearly doesn’t CARE about the cast being unqualified. Since even if the students were all ponies the faculty would still be the same.
Seriously, how people can look at No Second Prances (where she messed with Big Mac’s mind the second she met him and was annoyed when AJ implied that was a bad thing) and Every Little Thing (where she literally had to be told she did something wrong) then compare it to All Bottled Up (where she used magic on herself to try and avoid her negative tendencies), Royal Problem (where her own guilt nearly caused psyche scarring and she only used magic after being patient and tried using other methods first), Road to friendship (where she realized what she was doing wrong by herself and immediately trekked back to make it right), and Starlight the Hypnotist (where she asked Twilight if she wanted to try it) and say that she hasn’t learned ANYTHING is ridiculous in my eyes.
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“ShimSham my GlimGlams”
Far more contextual take than from still-stewing OP-come-lately. ELTSD and the Maulwurf incident are still not cool, but she most certainly did apologize in the former fuck-up. And you’re right that:
You can’t keep making up shitty reasons to bitch about Starlight and expect everyone to see things your way.
There’s a bizarre amount of vindictiveness in this fandom.
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“ShimSham my GlimGlams”
Continuing to be bitter about trivial events when they’re months to years past in real time? Hmm, maybe some people are more like Starlight than they want to admit.
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“ShimSham my GlimGlams”
@Background Pony #0EF0  
Know wherefore the negative outcome? Pinkie’s intrusion.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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“ShimSham my GlimGlams”
Pudding Pone
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Way to underplay all those scenes to make you’re point op.
Background Pony #37A9
THANK YOU! She needs to actually fucking develop and learn
Duck - Likes to sockpuppet for drama
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My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

@Background Pony #0EF0  
Hypnotism without consent is impossible.
Background Pony #796C
you can see very clearly that Starlight suggests it, Twilight is put-off by it, but agrees reluctantly. And big surprise it did not have a positive outcome, but as I said, I’ll concede it’s not as bad as straight up brainwashing. It’s still sad Starlight doesn’t learn that screwing with others psychology is not something that she should be doing.
If this weren’t a kid show I could see her turning someone irreparably into a drooling vegetable like a Starlight Glimmer loyalist.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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Moved to Twibooru
If you want to delete blatant lies tag, explain your reasoning here, instead of deleting it with no explanation.
Sure thing! It can be argued by both sides. Just because in your subjective opinion it’s not factual does not make objective fact. Hence “blatant” is incorrect.
deletes tag

If you want to delete blatant lies tag, explain your reasoning here, instead of deleting it with no explanation.
@Background Pony #0EF0  
Difference is, Twilight wanted to be hypnotised. It’s not brainwashing when it’s done in a voluntary fashion.
Background Pony #796C
@Background Pony #1E03…0.0..0.106.364.3j1……0….1..gws-wiz…….0i71j0i7i30i70i249.V7ymHoafBo8
Putting that in REAL convenient terms. Here’s the actual definition.  
“the induction of a state of consciousness in which a person loses the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to suggestion or direction.”
You wanna call it the diet coke of brainwashing, sure. But don’t act like it’s apples and oranges…
Background Pony #DFE5
@Background Pony #0EF0  
Hypnosis cannot make you do something you are not willing to do. Hypnosis is just a suggestion
Background Pony #796C
@Background Pony #0EF0
Hypnotising someone to treat their irrational fears is not brainwashing them.
@Background Pony #0EF0
Which part of his reasons was valid? Teaching friendship to non-ponies?
All MLP episodes are about the focused character doing something wrong and then learn from ger/his mistakes.
Yes, it is. She’s literally using methods to change Twilight’s ways of thinking without her even being aware of it.
He saw the school break into a fight the one day he showed up. Imagine opening a school that teaches something new, that no other school teaches. Showing up and then witnessing it have the adverse affect. On top of this students and parents suffered injuries and were endangered. I’d shut it down too.
Background Pony #E568
The school being poorly run, the teachers being inexperienced and irresponsible, the students being endangered (which the Young Six did do).

“Transforming her friend into a child despite of his objections.”
Yeah, okay, I’m adding blatant lies tag.
@Background Pony #0EF0  
Hypnotising someone to treat their irrational fears is not brainwashing them.
@Background Pony #0EF0  
Which part of his reasons was valid? Teaching friendship to non-ponies?
All MLP episodes are about the focused character doing something wrong and then learn from ger/his mistakes.
Penguin Dragneel
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The Moonflower of Peace
Can you just not.