
Ok buddy
@Background Pony #E56F  
Exactly! Its like once they fixed thier “Reset to 0” characters they made another one just to fill in more episodes
Background Pony #796C
The main difference though is that Starlight actually does learn and try be better, a lot of those later bit are when she’s at the end of her rope.
Every little thing she does - season 6 episode 21 - brainwashes  
Starlight the Hypnotist - after season 8 - brainwashes
Totally learns and tries to be better. While practicing new means to do the exact things that backfire to her friend’s detriment.
Okay there.

@Background Pony #7C03  
Yes and that too

This…this right here
Background Pony #9B8F
And Twilight stressing her out.

The main difference though is that Starlight actually does learn and try be better, a lot of those later bit are when she’s at the end of her rope.
Background Pony #6499
Why do they keep doing this with their characters? They did the same thing with Fluttershy & Spike in the early-mid seasons and now they just moved on to a new character. Character has a flaw, character learns to correct it, character seems to forget everything they learned by their next episode.
They handled it right when they adressed Twilight’s character flaw ie. her neurosis in ‘Lesson Zero’ and that was back in the beginning of S2. Then again, Twilight was in every ep of S1 so maybe she just got this treatment compressed into a single season.
Background Pony #796C
Starlight doesn’t feel bad about herself though. Nor should she.
She should. If she doesn’t feel bad about the fact she brainwashed ponies who wanted to be her friend for any reason she’s a straight up sociopath…
“Encourages her mentor to reopen her school that was shut down for completely valid reasons.”
Her school did fail. Sure it was influenced and the chancellor wanted it shut down, but he didn’t need to make anything up to shut it down. It was valid and that’s why Twilight didn’t contest it.

Ok buddy
Its not better that all her shitty desicions just incidentally turn out to be good because Starlight is the writers pet. 9/10 starlight episodes go like this:
Starlight has a problem.  
Starlight makes massive fuckup while trying to solve that problem  
Starlight regrets doing it in hindsight.  
Somehow her fuckup leads straight into the solution, and she was right all along, just mildly inconvenienced (example: all episodes in this post)  
Repeat next epidode.
Starlight doesnt learn.  
Starlight doesnt need to learn, because the writers refuse to let her have a real issue that isnt solved in the same episode that its brought up. Being written poorly doesnt count as one

“Encourages her mentor to reopen her school that was shut down for completely valid reasons.”
Yeah, no. Your point just lost all of its credibility.

Starlight doesn’t feel bad about herself though. Nor should she.
The mind control was a misunderstanding that she learned from.
Swapping the Royals roles was EXACTLY what they needed and they thanked her for her boldness. No apology necessary.
The monster Starlight was leading was one the Changelings easily handled by working together in the past and was one they easily handled by working together at the time, so kind of a non-issue.
Sunburst didn’t object to being turned into a colt until after it was done, and once he complained she immediately undid the spell.
Encourage Twilight to reopen the Friendship School was the right thing to do. Seeking to be EEA accredited was a mistake when the school was never intended to be a Pony only school.
She banished Discord from school grounds not because he was heckling her but because he was directly endangering the lives of students with his antics. She was completely justified since she was the responsible party left in charge of looking after the students.
She traded her friends vehicle for a BETTER vehicle, and yes got upset when Trixie failed to adequately explain why she preferred her old inferior vehicle. She thought she was doing her friend a favor. It was only after trying to travel with the larger vehicle that Starlight came to understand why bigger is not always better, and she came back to fix her mistake, willing to humiliate herself to do so.
Twilight agreed to hypnosis therapy to overcome a childhood fear. It likely would have worked too had Pinkie not interfered.
You can’t keep doing this.
You can’t keep making up shitty reasons to bitch about Starlight and expect everyone to see things your way.
You need to be better.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Moved to Twibooru
Let me take a wild guess. You’ all Lily Orchard followers.
Literally who  
edit: After a quick google search. Some YouTuber? I thought it was  
Background Pony #8DAF
Background Pony #8DAF
@Background Pony #0EF0
Let me take a wild guess. You’ all Lily Orchard followers.
Background Pony #E568
Maybe he/she’s prepping us for if Starlight does something even shittier in Season 9.
Lord WyrmSpawN
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Thread Starter - MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Lingering Wyvern
Okay, now your heart’s in the right place, but I feel like the time for this image is long past.

Ok buddy
Nah dude you got it all wrong. She cried, so its like character development and stuff

And all it takes is her saying “I’m sorry” and all is forgiven, regardless of how terrible her actions were.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Moved to Twibooru
Pretty much. All her character essentially boils down to is.  
Good(at least in her mind) intentions with horrible/selfish/lazy solutions.

Yeah, Starlight really hasn’t gotten better.
Background Pony #796C
>Before reformation  
Governs a town under totalitarian rule  
kidnaps the mane 6 - including a now princess  
steals their cutie marks  
fyayed with time and space over petty revenge nearly screwing everyone at a cosmic level (if it didn’t just stop them from existing)
Background Pony #E568
heh, ironic that in School daze, Starlight of all ponies tells Twilight for enforce her will regardless of anyone’s objections.