Background Pony #7B76
@Chuy Ryu  
He also said in the past that Starlight is the part of the main cast
Chuy Ryu
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@Background Pony #6364  
he said romantic relationships for the main cast
Background Pony #B009
Also come on dude:You dont fool anyone about Starlight and Sunburst relationship.I mean it’s not headcanon those two have a thing for each other and they have a big advantage over the “two school pricks romance”:it isnt forced
Background Pony #B009
“Like you want us to write romantic relationships when the first ship we tried to write had twisted our worldbulding beyond repair to shoehorn a zoophile pairing about a twink who want to bang an horse who changed into a human for bullshit reasons”  
Shipper,if you want to be mad at something for ruing the ship,be mad at the spin off continuous and insulting existence.In fact you dont need to be a shipper to be mad at it
Background Pony #671B
I hope he just meant for the show cause it would make sense for the mane and humane 6 to have a love interest only in equestria girls

Sunset is Best Girl
Look man, genuinely, I’m sorry that you’ve repeatedly run into and had to deal with but I would call the stereotype of a Sunset Shimmer fan.
But taking someone’s reaction to something else in the franchise or fandom, in this case shipping, and then attributing it to being a common thing because they were a fan of a certain character doesn’t make it any easier to deal with those types of people.
After all this time and with the series ending I don’t hate Starlight anymore. I’m not a fan of her but I’m not going to tell somebody who enjoys her character that they are wrong for some reason. I welcome any opportunity to discuss with somebody the reasons I don’t like Starlight and hear out the reasons why they do like her. And that’s the case with any character.
Again sorry that you’ve repeatedly run into people who would condemn others in the fandom who like different characters and have different opinions. I am personally the type of person who will sit back and laugh at the comment section rolls on and on, and on. But if somebody actually wants to talk with me about certain characters episodes or aspects of the show I welcome it. And if the conversation turns nasty that’s unfortunate, but not unexpected.

As if that’s going to stop anyone.
Duck - Likes to sockpuppet for drama
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My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

That makes no sense.
Background Pony #7B76
It is a huge Beauty and Beast reference. Even Jim Miller tweeted “our staff know what they are doing” as a reply to the image that compares Discord caressing Fluttershy’s face to Beast caressing Belle’s face when he was dying. Even he is aware that the show intentionally tease ship some pairing.
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I haven’t? I tried to multiple times, I even created a thread for her. Few of them were nice, the rest just kept talking about “Starlight is shit” and how many times they had been comparing both Sunset and Starlight or any other character that wasn’t Sunset. While also showing agressive tendencies when they were either proven wrong or just because their opinion wasn’t the same as other people.
I simply got tired of it.
And so far you are showing signs of one side…

Sunset is Best Girl
That’s all alright it just means that you haven’t tried to engage with a wide range of fans.
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Disagree in what? From most of the people I’ve seen, the ones who love Sunset are usually the most loudest.
In nothing, probably only in you.

Sunset is Best Girl
Look I know it can be scary repeatedly seeing people who disagree with you but it’s alright.
Okay and why does that affect me and you?
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Coming from someone who thinks a Mary Sue is best girl I’m not surprised.
Thread is dead, btw.

Sunset is Best Girl
Oh wow you actually think somebody cares. You poor soul.
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@Chuy Ryu  
Chuy Ryu
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
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it was a nice btfo
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@Hollowfox the Stallion  
If you say so…
@Chuy Ryu  
Se lo buscaron los shippers no?
Hollowfox, Always The Worst Person
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Est. 2012
It was just a “thank god” rather than a “take that”
@Chuy Ryu  
That doesn’t mean you can shove your love towards Betrayalshipping Fluttercord on anyone’s faces.
Chuy Ryu
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
The Power of Love - Given to a publicly verified artist with an image under their artist’s tag that has reached 1000 upvotes
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Hollowfox the Stallion  
pues si la gente no se pusiera de ardida como en este tweet, lo comprenderíamos  
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@Hollowfox the Stallion  
I do respect both sides, but you need to read clearly what he typed.
Hollowfox, Always The Worst Person
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
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Est. 2012
Let me be frank, people are allowed to dislike Fluttercord, it doesn’t matter if you say some hints Fluttershy’s infatuation towards Discord, but you gotta respect people who don’t like this ship. Comprende?
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
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Congrats, everyone just saw how edgy you sound and look

Sunset is Best Girl
@Background Pony #EAD7
Do you think I give a shit that I’m late.
Try and think that one through a little more next time you think about typing it.
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@Hollowfox the Stallion  
Do you have any other show to be compared?
@Chuy Ryu  
A lot of people already knows that, but the problems is that they don’t seem to understand it.