Background Pony #C695
Eris is a great name for a chaotic villain, the godness of chaos, and Cosmos deserves to be called Eris instead of the turkey cousin of Discord
No eris’s discord and cosmos
Non-Fungible Trixie -
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@Background Pony #F4E0  
Eris is a great name for a chaotic villain, the godness of chaos, and Cosmos deserves to be called Eris instead of the turkey cousin of Discord.
Background Pony #C695
Change my mind: Cosmos should have named Eris
Ok bye bye
Non-Fungible Trixie -
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Noodles > Everything
@Background Pony #F4E0  
Cosmos really is obsessed with Discord.
Change my mind: Cosmos should have named Eris.
Background Pony #C695
Yes Cosmos love discord ¿no?
Non-Fungible Trixie -
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Noodles > Everything
@Background Pony #F4E0  
Woah, you’re mad for Cosmos. i know that she beside her arc, is like Chrysallis fused with Discord.
Background Pony #C695
Mmm… did no discord? villains? No And…Cosmos!!!
Non-Fungible Trixie -
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Noodles > Everything
@Background Pony #34C7  
Discordiant Harmony is the best way to close Discord’s ard, and yes, thats the same reason many people hates A Matters of principal, because the writer wants S2 Discord in S8 where he must have learned things…
And you really must rethink about your writing when someone says than Cosmos arc have more respect to Discord than your episode.
Background Pony #D541
@Background Pony #0C2F  
“There;s also the fat that Discord is not the same person as the ones who redeemed him.”  
Well good thing he didn’t learn from those people because that wouldn’t feel like he grew as a character by understanding his friend’s, he’s different. He doesn’t actually help anyone and if they do learn the lesson he tried to teach them than that’s proof they will never ever be redeemed and he has to turn them to stone, the thing he derisively said he doesn’t do in his first appearance. I guess that’s growth? He turned from unwilling to stone others to willing to do the thing he said was terrible. Huzzah.  
“Besides, there are villains who were endeared into friendship immediately or shortly after defeat.”  
Just not him, or Glimmer. You know the two characters who have the biggest presence since their redemption. Oh but it worked on Luna, which Discord wasn’t around for, I guess I can see why he’d think that would be the only victory? Its just terrible to see a character grow for so long and then not only get reset, but pushed backwards, and this is supposed to be a triumphant moment.
Background Pony #70EB
@Background Pony #C14F  
There;s also the fat that Discord is not the same person as the ones who redeemed him. He has his own ways of doing things. Besides, there are villains who were endeared into friendship immediately or shortly after defeat.
Background Pony #D541
“But those who complain about it breaks Discord’s character, how? “  
He supposedly grew from Three’s a Crowd except no he didn’t he still puts others into needlessly dangerous situations and expects his recipients of his dumb and dangerous plans to be thankful for his actions, and when they backfire on him he somehow pretends like this wasn’t his fault and it shouldn’t have happened. All that character growth since then? Completely undone, and this is the last show. This is what is going to be the last thing he does, a completely idiotic and needlessly dangerous action that has no real means of success and the minor success apparently is a sign of catastrophic and irredeemable failure. In three’s a crowd, he was a deliberate and terrible antagonist for the episode meant to make the audience hate his actions and see him as someone who needs a swift and powerful comeuppance that lasts past the end of the episode. If they didn’t intend the same here, its just one more thing to the pile. He never even learned from his own redemption, he never once showed those three a reason why being friends with ponies could be more fun than just doing what you want. He never showed them anything to make them believe anything else but their own prejudices. This was fine when it was Grogar, when its Discord it just makes it look like he never learned a single thing since season 3, including from his own redemption.  
“If he wanted to redeem them, he couldn’t do that if they were imprisoned “  
He absolutely could, snap Chrysalis into Tartarus and see if they could work together to get out, and if they do then he can show them ponies aren’t all bad. Or just, I dunno, don’t give them the bell? The bell is a boulder you’re not slipping past, that makes no sense.  
“ Wait until the english release is out to let him answer to his mistakes before judging. “  
There’s a translation out already, I don’t have it on hand but suffice to say, its as bad as you expect and yes, they are just pointing out the flaws in his plan like that makes it better. It doesn’t.
Background Pony #03B4
@Background Pony #34C7  
I’m content with that explanation. Maybe those flaws are the reason the actual final episode is separate from it.
But those who complain about it breaks Discord’s character, how? He’s grown into the role of a Trickster Mentor but still is chaotic enough that he ofter doesn’t think things through or lets his arrogance get in the way. If he wanted to redeem them, he couldn’t do that if they were imprisoned and they would have rejected him if they knew his true identity and goals. Wait until the english release is out to let him answer to his mistakes before judging.
Background Pony #D541
@Background Pony #0C2F  
There’s no reason he couldn’t have just seen for himself though, just to see if they were even working together or not. What was the plan? Sit there and hope they came back regaling him with tales of how they worked together but didn’t get the bell to the villain? Him trying and failing makes no sense either with how the show depicted them obtaining it, he can make clones of himself and has demonstrated the ability to use more magical power than Tirek at that time was using. But regardless, how was them being defeated supposed to endear them to the ponies? Discord himself didn’t get endeared to Fluttershy by her defeating him, he only liked her because she tried to be his friend and didn’t give up on him and put him in stone. This is the exact opposite of what he did in the episode. This entire episode was showing Discord do the opposite of what helped him, let that sink in.
Background Pony #70EB
Well assuming he thought about seeing if he could reform them on top of giving Twilight a test, maybe he didn’t expect them to actually get the bell? Maybe he tried getting, failed, and figured they would too. Basically the bell was a red herring hiding what Discord really wanted: For them to work together, bond and in doing so learn friendship, this way they could be redeemed and accept friendship upon defeat. To his credit: It damn near worked until Chrysalis rejected it.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
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Noodles > Everything
@Background Pony #FE9B  
Well, how he said, “why Discord must give them the bell?” that is the most problematic thing, if the bell works like “Only Grogar can use it, if anyone who isn’t he, they are absorbed by the bell”, a fake bell or anything, there will have drama by all these things of the “begining of the end” scenario but at least make less fuck up the thing.
Background Pony #49AF
@Background Pony #34C7  
With all the other problems I really didn’t even think about it but yeah, doesn’t this prove that they’re capable of friendship and teamwork? So, why is this the thing, not Chrysalis slapping away the offer from Glim, Tirek betraying Discord or Cozy’s declaration from the previous season? Chrysalis joining a group where she isn’t in charge, Tirek not betraying them and standing with them even when they “won” and Cozy not manipulating anyone is the proof that there’s no chance they could ever get better?
From a storytelling perspective it makes no sense, in the final battle Tirek should have tried to betray them, or Chrysalis use them selfishly for an attack, or Cozy tried to pretend she wasn’t with them or they forced her to do it when Chrysalis declares they wouldn’t stop, something to show their friendship wasn’t real would have fixed so many problems, because it looked like Discord’s plan to make them work together worked, he just never had a plan for them to not hate ponies.
Background Pony #0860
Season 9 is the worst. They ruined everything.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
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Noodles > Everything
Why i feel that DHX and IDW have legal fights and that’s why Show Discord is like S2 Discord even when the point is that he is a nice guy now meanwhile IDW Discord is redeem Discord is not evil even in scenarios where he must not be like the flashbacks from Cosmos’ arc?
Don’t make sense what i said but makes more sense than this…
Background Pony #D541
@Background Pony #C14F  
“You’re still failing to explain WHY this twist was bad”  
Alright this is gonna take a bit, and that you need it even when there’s so much wrong is worrying. Lets start at the very beginning.  
Alright so now we know why Grogar was powerful, even though nobody asked that because “I’m an ancient villain who’s been gathering powers for centuries and this point was even addressed in my introduction fit”, so the one not-terrible thing that could be found here doesn’t even add anything to the story.  
“Discord using trolling method to help others but not thinking thing through fits his character. “  
Even this, if we really stretched it, could possibly work. Oh he didn’t mean it, wasn’t thinking. You know what doesn’t make sense? Sending them to the bell. He sent them to the bell. Why? Why would he possibly do that? Oh he wasn’t thinking? Oh, okay, so we’re just going to accept that even though these characters did not know about the bell, he explained it to them, and thus had no idea where the bell was, he still sent them to go get the bell and didn’t even follow them like he could because he’s able to teleport by snapping and could watch them every single second. It’s not just stupid, it breaks any possible reasoning about his intentions because he gave them the superweapon! He didn’t have to, he could make a whole damn artificial mountain and make them go up it if he wanted! He could replace the bell with a fake one! He could just plain watch them the whole time and if they get it just snap it into his hands! The method of which that the main villains got their most powerful weapon isn’t chaotic, its stupid. It was a downright stupid move that at least was acceptable when Grogar was a real character who theoretically couldn’t teleport and follow them, and who genuinely wanted his bell back. Discord doesn’t want the bell, he doesn’t need the bell, he has no reason to tell them about the bell, the entire finale now hinges on the single dumbest move that could ever be done and it was made that way through a reveal that wasn’t hinted at and made no sense with past events. And we’re not even done yet.  
“If Grogar was real there wouldn’t have been enough time in the episode to deal with him satisfactorily on top of the other villain.”  
Discord was introduced, explained and dealt with satisfactorily in his episodes. Implying it couldn’t be done when he was introduced at the start of the season is to say that they just couldn’t possibly have anymore Grogar centric episodes in the entire season, which is just some backwards logic. The villain dynamic could have been explored by, I don’t know, one of the Buckball episodes being replaced? This is faulty logic when they had the entire season to develop him and give them time to breath in a two part finale, or three if they felt like it!  
“As an elaborate attempt to redeem them it proved them beyond redemption thus justifying they’re being permanently dealt with.”  
And here’s where it really falls apart, how did it prove that? He broke two of them out of prison where they were entirely harmless, and in one such case had been harmless for over a millennia. The other he clearly could find since he easily abducted her. And the elaborate attempt to redeem them was send them to go get a Superweapon… that actually was a superweapon and could possibly kill them all. Mind you, at no point in this did he try to endear them to the rest of the world, if anything he fostered more resentment with them for being powerless and hidden away. He posed as a supervillain who made it clear he hated ponies and wanted them dead, and gave no reason any of them would be like “You know maybe he’s wrong”. His one method, apparently? Make them friends with each other! Which, apparently.. worked! It actually worked! They were friends till the end! They fought together until the final battle and never turned on the other for power. He actually managed to prove that in some capacity they could make friends, and then when they got along with each other he gave them the weapon to take revenge. Seriously? That’s the method to assure “Well there’s no hope there!” Make them become friends and then give them a gun to go shoot the guys you personally said were terrible? That’s the method.  
“Just because it’s unexpected doesn’t make it automatically bad”  
Correct. That is the least of the things problems.  
“(would you be less upset if they foreshadowed it so you weren’t surprised by it?)”  
No? It being surprising isn’t the problem. Them forshadowing would at least prepare you for the stupid I guess, but that’s not going to fix the layers upon layers of storytelling crapping the bed on display.  
“otherwise being formulaic and predictable wouldn’t also be a complaint.”  
True, but that complaint is not “Everything that just happened now is the dumbest possible outcome we could have gotten, including the evil three being redeemed by a rainbow. That would at least have been foreshadowed, you can’t even manage to be better than that.”  
“If this twist was so bad it shouldn’t be so hard to list objective reasons why.”  
I addressed two of your points here, there are many more besides these two highlights that are wrong with this finale, I hope you at least see the start of what went so very, very wrong.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
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@Burger King Leonidas  
You literally made an ending that any writer of MLP would made in previous seasons. A ending where you don’t fuck up a character because you need to maker powerless and to start a conflict and with a resolution where you don’t think that is horrible the punishment of one of those villains (Cozy in this case, i know that she is a manipulative bitch but is a fucking 8yo kid).
Brass Melody
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@Ghost Reviews  
Pretty much this. Also, it was a really dumb plan on his part. So Discord’s whole scheme was to get 3-4 different villains together to steal an artifact that absorbs magic and hope that they all just decide to do his bidding and not turn on him or abandon him at any point in time? Honestly, if I was writing this two-parter, I would have redone it to where Grogar was real, the betrayal still happened, he gets put into a position where he has to rely on Twilight and the rest of Equestria to stop his underlings from taking over the world, they succeed, Grogar attempts to backstab them all by taking his bell back, the cast show up to rainbow beam him into oblivion, the other three see the inevitability in resisting so they give up and get forced into Twilight’s School of Friendship, comedy ensues as Cozy tries to keep Tirek’s and Chrysy’s spirits up, the two-parter ends as normal and we still have our final episode to end things on a good note.
FiM is FIN.
Background Pony #40AD
Who asked for this?
That seems to be a recurring question throughout S9. Who asked for Garble, Caballeron and Ahuizotl to be reformed? Who asked for Weird Al and Patton Oswalt to return? Who asked for two buckball episodes focused on Rainbow Dash? Who asked for Grogar to turn out to be Discord?
Background Pony #C695
s09e01e24 grogar discord
Non-Fungible Trixie -
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Noodles > Everything
@Ghost Reviews  
-Breaks Discord evolution  
-Erases a potential villain like Grogar  
-Makes the season 9 feel like season 4 (Twilight isn’t ready to take new responsabilities but a thing that Discord causes makes her ready for that meanwhile a G1 villain returns to take Discord’s powers)  
-The plan don’t make sense, if Discord really wants to redeem them, he don’t need a mask, he just need a tea party where he can control everything.  
-Gives Discord the power of resurrecting people, making creepy his relationship with Fluttershy and screws any potential background to his madness.
Lonely Fanboy48

Now I immediately think this is like Star Wars the Last Jedi where Snoke gets killed making Kylo the main villain. When I review this 2 part episode, I’m not going to like this.