
I like how starlight and chryssie work together on this pic :)
Background Pony #B3C0
@Beau Skunky  
Meh, Canon Chrysalis is a walking cliche as well, to each his own.
Wallet After Summer Sale -

@Beau Skunky  
Did I said it was something bad? Its just discussion, my opinion vs your, Isn’t that the idea here?  
FP handled it better mostly because its have literally more character development, show from start made her cheesy villain and only development was that she went insane and started carrying log.
I’m actually not much familiar with satAM (outside of some years ago youtube compilation or I was searching for Dr Eggman or something? It never aired in my country) watched few.  
Ofc most of villains were other category alltogether but I was comparing on more same level.  
And dark moment for goofy villains well Skeletor origins are hardcore and he is one of most goofiest and cheesiest villains.
I think my favorite kind of villains are the kind who can be dark, cunning, dangerous, yet a li’l goofy/funny at times.
Courage Katz? :P
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
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Extra thicc!
Yeah and I said we see how ending product is, it wasn’t good
That’s just your opinion though, not absolute fact. In fact, frankly I liked the ending to FIM just fine. Does that make me weird?
Moonstuck darker take on discord, well dunno it was more into 90s style villains where they actually were ‘scary’, still not even close to be on par with courage or that one take on dr eggman from sonic satAM (I think it was that one? Damn he is one scary evil motherf.)
I’m honestly surprised how many people are familiar with the cult-classic Sonic SatA.M. series. (I admit, Jim Cummings Robotnik was cool, even if he is a bit different from most versions of the character.)  
And frankly, not all ‘90s villains were scary. Alot, like the “Disney Afternoon” ones were quite corny, funny, or hammy.  
Still, even the goofy villains had some dark moments… Like when Fat Cat tried to execute Chip & Dale by throwing them off a building, and remarking (in that glorious Jim Cummings voice) “I do hope they hose down the sidewalk in the morning.”
I think my favorite kind of villains are the kind who can be dark, cunning, dangerous, yet a li’l goofy/funny at times.
In fairness, we don’t know if the show staff, or Hasbro toy department made her first. Faust even mentioned originally she was originally going to be a unicorn, impying they made her first for the show, and the toy concept came later.
@Background Pony #2E46  
No offense, but seems like a bunch of clichés to me.
Granted, I never really read that fan Tumblr series, was it even made by FP’s creator?
Wallet After Summer Sale -

First good example, cadence :D You can even search some interview with Larson (if I remember correctly)
Background Pony #B3C0
@Beau Skunky  
There were some struggles  

World's Smallest Violin
It wasn’t good? By whose standards? Yours?
Who are you speaking for? And why wasn’t it good? Because Chrysalis got her just desserts?
And still with this “to make toys” when they’re a toy company. That’s their job. My Little Pony is their IP. Of course they’re going to use it to push out toys. And I would love to see what characters they “forced” to make toys. Cause that excuse is getting old.
Wallet After Summer Sale -

@Beau Skunky
Yeah and I said we see how ending product is, it wasn’t good (and thats probably mostly because how they handled it). I would even say it was like failout 76, it had potential.
Moonstuck darker take on discord, well dunno it was more into 90s style villains where they actually were ‘scary’, still not even close to be on par with courage or that one take on dr eggman from sonic satAM (I think it was that one? Damn he is one scary evil motherf.)
Oh I don’t mean toys literally, if you meant product placement, well gameloft is ideal example,and hasbro forced few character just to make more toys.
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
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Extra thicc!
@Background Pony #2E46  
I don’t really see much development for her in FP honestly. It’s barely even story-based.
Background Pony #B3C0
@Beau Skunky  
Fluffle Puff the character has barely, if any depth to her yes.  
Fluffle Puff the author and how he handled Chrysalis’ development is the question.
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
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Extra thicc!
Not to mention, fans also profit off of their own unofficial toys/sculptures/customs they make actually just like Hasbro.
Nothing against that, mind you, and admittedly, many custom toys are impressive.
And as I pointed out below, there’s hardly been any toy tie-ins in recent seasons. Heck, Nightmare Moon didn’t even get a toy ’till Season 3.

World's Smallest Violin
People do that stupid “Hasbro does it to sell toys” crap?
Wow. A Toy Company selling toys! Totally not like MLP hasn’t been a toy line for a longtime before G4 either!
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
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Extra thicc!
You literally just said that “it isn’t hard to be better then the show’s writing,” my point was, if you can’t do it yourself, then your statement is false.
It’s not about “protecting official writers,” nor am I saying “only official stories are good/all fanworks bad,” but honestly as I said it’s unfair to both them, as well as fan-writers to pit them against each other.
I liked Woonastuck, but honestly I didn’t like it’s darker take on Discord, (granted this was back before his reformation) and some things, so honestly even I’d say that one isn’t perfect, nor exactly like the show either.
As for that “buy our toys” remark, honestly I can’t think of any toy tie-ins much sense “Rainbow Power.”  
So frankly if the show fails at anything, it’s the product-placement.
Wallet After Summer Sale -

@Beau Skunky  
Sure no problem just after you gonna fix CNC machine as fast as you can and if you fuck up there won’t be work for you (and it can be dangerous to human life), being professional at anything isn’t ease but everyone can see what is ending product,  
in that case people see how often writers they did same thing in just little different way and how inconsistent character were written or how OOC they were often( Its probably hasbro fault because its not their main thing to do good show but to sell toys, you can see good example how Lauren made it, how big her world/plot preparation were ).
And look if you want to still protect mlp writers, then look at IDW comics, their range from garbage to really great stories, same as everything else and their are official stuff.  
I didn’t said one word about it being mature or violent. For example story for moonstuck is way more interesting than any season of mlp and its only story, and main idea is literally same as mlp (not the buy our toys one).
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
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Extra thicc!
@Background Pony #2E46  
In honesty, FP doesn’t even have much of a story besides, “FP does something random, and has a crush on Chrysalis.”
So honestly it’s unfair to both FP, and the official show to compare them, or try to pit then against each other.
Background Pony #B3C0
When did FP woobiefy Chrysalis? She was undeniably evil at the start, she just grew into someone better, shocking isn’t it?
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
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Extra thicc!
but show writing was so bad that it wasn’t hard to be better than it.
That’s debatable…  
Ok then, write a 22-minute episode, that’s family-friendly, and much better then the ending we got, oh and you have to do it in a time limit… It isn’t that easy…
Writing professionally isn’t that easy, and a writer has to work under mandates of their higher-ups, (like Hasbro & DHX) and they need to be able to decide between what’s best for the show, and what they personally want. (I.E. you can’t just make a story where the main characters make-out randomly, or do violent/mature/random things like 60% of every fanfics out there.)
Sure fanworks have more “freedom,” but sometimes fans abuse that freedom too much, and it doesn’t alway work out. It’s very hard to find fanworks nowadays that is in line with how the show is. So honestly, while I’ve read many good fanfics, I have yet to read one that doesn’t feel like a fic, and is “better” then most of the show’s writing.

World's Smallest Violin
Bruh stop.
You’re only saying I’m in denial because I’m not kissing Chrysalis’s ass. Or at least the fandom’s ridiculous view of her.
I’ve seen most of the headcanons about Chrysalis. It’s hard not to when you hang around a fanfiction site for 5+ years.
But the only reason people are crying about Chrysalis is because she got her just desserts or because the show didn’t turn her into some giant woobie like everyone did with Nightmare Moon.
Then against she was the second most overrated villain from her introduction next to Nightmare Moon.
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Well thats what it is denial, if you can’t see it yourself.
I’m not saying FP was best but show writing was so bad that it wasn’t hard to be better than it.

World's Smallest Violin
Many people also liked canon and how they handled the show. Chances are the majority of people are in that group and you hear what many like to call the “vocal minority”.
Many fanons are nothing but a bunch of headcanons of stuff written by older audiences FOR older audiences.
And most villain headcanons from Nightmare Moon and Sunset Shimmer are lame victimization fanons anyway.
Strange, I’m not seeing that all in this post. At most is me just pointing out the lame victimization.
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Your context was that most stuff is bad and lame and practically you said you are in denial that some fandom things can be better than show.

World's Smallest Violin
@Background Pony #2E46  
And I gave context behind my post.
Stop being salty cause almost all these fanons most of people in denial are in about are trash and thankfully never realized. Oh but wait, that’s just me “trolling”.
Background Pony #B3C0
you mean like your empty comment about people in “denial”?  
It seems like you’re just trolling at this point lmao

World's Smallest Violin
@Background Pony #BA1B  
Oh look. Textbook generic responses with no meaning or value behind them.
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
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Extra thicc!
talking about Chrysalis with you is lose-lose with us but
Curiously, why do you say that? Am I that unbearable to talk to?
And she can be both, I’m not saying you can’t have your own fanons, or opinions, but I just disagree with this pic that a random fanon is better then canon.  
In fact, honestly I never understood the appeal to the FluffleXChrysalis ‘ship, it’s like ’shipping Tirek with some random OC for no reason.