Background Pony #4595
Well that’s a biased comparison if I ever saw one. The upper line is all in the same pose for easy comparability. Meanwhile in the lower line, everyone strikes a different pose to begin with.
Also, I can’t say I ever had an issue with ‘emphasizing, relating and connecting’ to the G4 characters. Know why? Because they had good writing. Not perfect. Not flawless. But good. I cringe internally when even thinking about saying that about G5.
And for as much as I vote in favor of diversity, there are benefits to using the same body types. It puts an additional emphasis on character writing to make a distinction and it bars thoughts in the direction of ‘oh, the chubby one’ or ‘ah, the skinny one’.
Don’t try to lift G5 up by pushing G4 down. It doesn’t look good. And it probably won’t win any favors with the G4-fans.
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