Background Pony #AB34
uh, you know the person who started this is going to be donating ad revenue they get to rape survivor charities? Not really a circlejerk, she’s putting her money where her mouth is.
Here’s hoping you actually donated to RAINN, they can do with all the help they can get.
Background Pony #7D25
Whatever you are smoking, please share.
Background Pony #AB34
@Background Pony  
Fact is, rapists see it like this:  
joke about rape = rape is funny.
That’s not really to say we can’t joke about rape. Just that it shouldn’t be at the expense of the victims. The good rape joke exaggerate and scorn the assailants, show how absurd the idea that anyone ‘asking for it’ really is.
Obviously this issue is painful for everyone to think about, and people are getting mad. Best way to judge is, who is the butt end of most of the jokes surrounding Molestia – not just JJ, but Molestia-as-a-meme? The burden of being the punchline is undeniably the victim’s to bear here.
Do we really want to support something that makes the victims feel like shit?
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

This cykas my blyats
@Background Pony  
I’m pissed off, alright? I’m not thinking straight anymore.
Background Pony #7F8C
Oops, I realised I quoted the wrong person there. Meant it for @Background Pony
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)

@Background Pony  
…You’re saying that, while trying to get a humor blog taken down?
I can see the difference. I’m saying that everyone who is supporting the Down with Molestia bullshit isn’t actually doing anything. People are still going to rape, they’re still going to feel a part of a group that exists only in their minds, and the actual problem of people being so horrendously violated is going to be ignored because you shits are too busy whining on tumblr.
Congratulations, you’re attacking a character. Go tell all the other Down with Molestia bloggers how awesome you all are.
I’m going to go donate to RAINN while you idiots circlejerk.
Background Pony #7F8C
What are you talking about?
rape: terrible  
jokes about rape: funny
Is that simple enough to understand?
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Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

This cykas my blyats
Deletion reason: No reason given
Background Pony #AB34
Of course people who are okay with rape aren’t going to be changed by this. But they don’t live in a vacuum. If more and more people made their stances against rape clear and spoke up about it, rather than joke or victim blame, it’ll make it clear to people who don’t know any better to activly seek consent and there will be LESS rape. Can’t do much about the current rapists except make the victims feel like it’s safe to report it, so that law enforcement can pick things up from there properly.
This is a problem that needs to be addressed at multiple levels of the system, since bias against victims is a cultural issue. It needs to be challenged at every level.
Voicing concern and disapproval of a pervasive idea of a rapist character in this show is one small part of the whole picture. I know it seems small but there is a ripple effect.
Ah, I assume you’re talking to me about my few comments, but that was a different guy.
Background Pony #7F8C
You really can’t understand the difference between a joke and reality can you?
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@That one guy….  
Well the tumblr fight where “assuming that woman have vaginas is offensive” was remarkably stupid, although when pressed I guess this does qualify pretty high up the list. But really, I find any attempt at forcing censorship to be abominable, and there’s alot of those attempts.
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Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

This cykas my blyats
@Background Pony  
Oh, goddammit, let it go.  
You’re a making a fucking huge ass argument about something you think it’s messed up.  
Just because you’re offended doesn’t make you right, alright?  
We can all agree that rape is a horrible thing and all, but for the sake of my sanity  
Background Pony #3508
Feminist make problems with everything.  
>Holding a door open  
>being Polite  
>walking down the street  
>Video games  
The list goes on. This is just another addition.
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)

@Background Pony  
No one who thinks rape is okay is going to be changed by this. Everyone who isn’t okay with rape is already against it.
What will taking down an AU Pony Princess do? I already said that if rapists already feel a part of a group that hides rape, then what exactly is this doing outside of making these social justice bloggers get their rocks off thinking they falsely achieved something?
Background Pony #3762
Ask and you shall receive.
Rape as defined by the FBI Uniform Code 2012: “Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”
That one guy....

Oh yea? What does? I’ve yet to hear one stupider than this.
Background Pony #7F8C
@Background Pony  
People who were raped are already going to see it as an important issue. The people you have to convince are normal people with a normal sense of humour. So far you’ve only convinced me that I don’t want anything to do with any movement you’re involved in because it’s probably going to waste time on pointless shit.
Great job advocating for your cause. Clap.
Background Pony #AB34
@That one guy….  
Not really sure how your understanding conflicts with what I said. They feel powerful exerting their dominance over them, and then later laugh about it and feel that same power and pride when others around them laugh at rape jokes and the thought of others being in the position they had subjected their victim to.
That’s basically what rape jokes do, cement a rapist’s positive feelings about their assaults. Especially when they see people around them laughing alongside with them.
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

This cykas my blyats

I’m sighing for the world right now.
Background Pony #AB34
@Background Pony  
You know it’s an actual rape victim who started this thing, right? And many others who experienced the same thing are chiming in with their support? Supporting this is the opposite of alienating them.
And people can focus on more than one aspect of the issue at a time. I’m certainly not patting myself on the back for a job well done after firing off a few replies here and there. There’s a lot of things that need to be addressed, and yes, ‘rape is funny’ Molestia jokes so loved in our supposedly tolerant and nurturing fandom is one of them. I can spare 5 or 10 minutes to do that.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@That one guy….  
They sure are, although it doesn’t even make my top 10 stupidest internet arguments
That one guy....

@Background Pony  
When I said “Pretty sure” I meant to say Absolutely Sure. I’m SURE you pulled that out of your ass. People rape for a Sexual thrill and because it makes them feel powerful in some sick way.
That one guy....

It confuses me why this is something people complain about…Why?..Just…Why? Are people really that stupid?