Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

A waste of biomatter
Well actually on reflection my last comment was pretty inaccurate and somewhat misspelled. Thanks for your response as it gives me a chance to say that pretty much almost every comment from every page before gave me that sense of disregard for humanity that you felt before including this picture itself though it is very nicely drawn though I think the joke is dumb.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Since the Beginning  -

nobody's favorite
The thing with the rocks bothered you that much?
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

A waste of biomatter
Trust me.The last page of comments before this one made me gave me the very same ditch humanity idea.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Since the Beginning  -

nobody's favorite
Ugh, this sort of bullshit make me hate everyone with any sort of sexual identity or gender preference. We need to create sapient machines and ditch humanity altogether.
Dangerous Amoeba
Duck - The world's first and only single-celled duck.

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Dangerous Amoeba
Duck - The world's first and only single-celled duck.

But it is a mental illness, i gave you a link to wikipedia that explains gender identity disorder. People want it not to be a mental illness becuase “Truth hurt mah feelers”, but just like bipolar, it is infact a mental illness.
There are only 2 genetic genders, male and female.  
Sex is a gauge of sexual organ so it is somewhat fluid, but not completely.  
Gender is what you identify as. A healthy brain, with a healthy amount of chemicals chooses the same gender as its sex and genetics. A malfunctioning brain, or one lacking chemicals conflicts with its sex and gender.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

@Dangerous Amoeba  
can someone tell me why swearing is not legal on derpibooru? I mean we have porn, but no swearing?  
Only on safe tags. Swearing is fine on the other tags: Explicit, questionable, grimdark, pretty sure swearing is fine in places like that.
@Dangerous Amoeba  
What are you not agreeing with?  
That it’s a mental illness.  
they ruined the rainbow for me  
Ugh, I know. It’s bad. Wish people wouldn’t associate the two so closely.
Background Pony #B709
@Dangerous Amoeba  
Maybe you haven’t been to a pride rally in a while? They’re lame as hell these days. The last one in Seattle was literally just a bunch of bored looking people holding banners from local businesses who wanted to look gay-friendly.
This is one reason I’m not out at work. “Hey, you’re gay, right? Great! You just volunteered to represent us at that rally thing. Go show how much we love faggots or whatever.”
Dangerous Amoeba
Duck - The world's first and only single-celled duck.

I agree with everything you just said, and it is wrong of me to say “tumblr” when referring to the small SJW groups that make the open forum their home. I admit respect for tumblr, allowing all art, whether explicit or not. But when you have a forum so open, like 4chan, you also allow the “slower” people a voice. Which in the long run is good, becuase it shows just how easily these people are dismantled and makes it public.
@Background Pony #327A  
I agree with having political power by relying a bunch of people and showing they are willing to be “weird”, it doesn’t make sense from a personal standpoint, and when you have people voting on gay rights, not just gay people, you lose support by these shenanigans. Maybe i am the only person who thinks that if a man covered himself in phalluses i would not like them, but those are the kind of “they are degenerates” argument people like to use.
Background Pony #B709
@Dangerous Amoeba  
No, they made a lot of political sense, especially in areas like San Francisco where they could demonstrate power. It was pretty similar to what the early Christians did when they gained critical mass in an area.  
Loud demonstrations, co-opting holidays and institutions, intimidating opponents–every rising cult does it.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

A waste of biomatter
@Dangerous Amoeba  
Well Tumbler itself is only a social media site and In truth even on there all those SJW and “progressive activist”are just really loud vocal minority’s. Tumbler itself could be described as the Middle East ,you got a wasteland of radical idiots who’s insane ideas they want to impose on the rest of society so they can think they’ve actually made a difference in this world and any attempts by others to explain the faulty of this view or merely the existence of things they don’t like is enough to set them into a rage believing themselves victims as they mercilessly and mindlessly Harass and attack anything they view as a threat to them. By contrast tumbler is also home to amazing thing sand wonders where examples of human genius and skill is put on full display(ex,Dubai=all the good ask pony tumblers).
Of course Tumbler is also a rallying site for those sort of deviant groups who think their planing the new world and in this age of social media and in this age of blind “liberal progressiveness”such a strong hold in such an influential site is a. Dangerous thing indeed. As for why swearing isn’t allowed(or at least rampant)…well this is an image site not 4chan gotta have at least some class.
Dangerous Amoeba
Duck - The world's first and only single-celled duck.

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Dangerous Amoeba
Duck - The world's first and only single-celled duck.

@Background Pony #B147  
OH SH*T! (can someone tell me why swearing is not legal on derpibooru? I mean we have porn, but no swearing?)
Does anyone with more than half a braincell care about tumblr’s opinions? Actually let me ask a better question: Have the tumblr SWJ crowd actually EVER done anything? Just anything, harm, good, disrupting a boy scout meeting? Because if not, tumble may not be that harmful.
Background Pony #AE54
@Dangerous Amoeba  
Somewhere someone on tumbler is taking notes for new “pride” ideas
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

@Dangerous Amoeba  
So we agree its not a “normal” state to be in, and it is by definition a mental illness  
I wouldn’t say that. But I do think it’d be better for them to accept the way they are than go through all the anguish and such of the transitioning.
Background Pony #B709
@Dangerous Amoeba  
Those are probably already somewhere in LGBTQQIAAPWTFBBQ____.
Dangerous Amoeba
Duck - The world's first and only single-celled duck.

So we agree its not a “normal” state to be in, and it is by definition a mental illness. Like any mental illness these people need medical help, A sex change or hormonal injections, whatever works to help them.
So now can we move from this “Pride” shit becuase it is absolutely ridiculous. What’s next? “Bipolar Pride”, “ADHD pride” Or “Psychosis pride”.

Pun Maker
Needless to say, I need those shades and headphones.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

@Dangerous Amoeba  
I have heard trans described as “A man in a woman’s body” or vice versa.  
Well yeah, the two descriptions are close enough to each other. They feel they’re the “wrong” gender and think they’d be happier as the other one.  
just that its not statistically or biologically “normal”  
Yeah, fair enough.
Dangerous Amoeba
Duck - The world's first and only single-celled duck.

“Asexuality just means your brain is failing to find someone sexually attractive, like not being into certain foods.”
Well if its simple “I don’t find YOU attractive”, asexuality is the wrong label.”
Asexaulity implies you lack a sex drive, and that in humans a sexual species would be a hormone deficiency or brain damage.
“Trans just means you want to be a different gender and are trying to do so.”
I have heard trans described as “A man in a woman’s body” or vice versa.
If that is true, than it is still a chemical imbalance or mental damage. I’m not saying don’t treat it in the most efficient way, just that its not statistically or biologically “normal”.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

@Dangerous Amoeba  
Asexuality just means your brain is failing to find someone sexually attractive, like not being into certain foods. Trans just means you want to be a different gender and are trying to do so.
None of this is to be prideful of, for the same reason someone born in a country shouldn’t be proud of their nationality, its a happenstance of birth  
I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way.
Dangerous Amoeba
Duck - The world's first and only single-celled duck.

@Background Pony #B147  
My fingers are ready. The truth will stand whether they like it or not.
Background Pony #AE54
@Dangerous Amoeba  
You are about to get pounced by every single user who faved this…but at least you were brave enough to come out.
Dangerous Amoeba
Duck - The world's first and only single-celled duck.

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Background Pony #C344
Rainbow Dash is right! :P