Background Pony #666F
@Background Pony #8DF4”:/924808#comment_3768832  
But if Princess Twilight isn’t in the next movie, how will we have awesome romantic triangle subplot with Sunset?
Background Pony #5179
@Background Pony #AB66
Imagine how cool that would be? If Flash showed some qualities simmilar to his pony counterpart and helped fight?
That would kind of redeem him in many people’s eyes.
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The Tastiest
@Background Pony #AB66
That wasn’t a deep question. I was making a reference to Castlevania. The reason why I used it at all was because I found it odd to criticize one person making a lot of well-regarded shipping art when other people like Pia-sama, WhiteDiamonds, and Bri-Sta do the same.
Background Pony #30B8
all beings hold secrets, you might be holding the most out of everyone here.
and most faiths call for friendship and caring, it’s just one takes it extreme while the other does it right.
Background Pony #30B8
@Background Pony #8DF4  
right now all my imaginations about EG3 doesn’t involve pony twilight (well a little bit), the thing that works the most for flash is that the disaster for EG3 when it happens he will end up rounding up everyone to form a small army to fight it, i took the idea from the fact that his pony self is a royal guard, so maybe both of them has leadership character.
Background Pony #5179
@Background Pony #7220
The good thing is that we don’t know much about him, so anything could go. If pony Twilight doesn’t take part in the next EG movie, maybe they’ll be forced to do someting different with him.
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The Tastiest
@Background Pony #AB66
What is a man faith? A miserable pile of friendship!
Background Pony #666F
@Background Pony #8DF4  
I’m on board with the sentiment that Flash’s inclusion is basically part and parcel with the movie being smothered in very typical high school drama cliches, for better or worse. It’s just a shame he’s kind of forced onto the audience out of nowhere and isn’t really a very interesting character of his own.
In fairness, he doesn’t really come off as a douchebag to me, just boring. Except for the one scene where he was under the influence of evil mood gas.
Frankly, I just want Meghan to actually DO something with him or drop him, instead of constantly forcing him into really pointless scenes that seem solely intended to infuriate off the audience.
Background Pony #30B8
can you please respect other’s faith?
Background Pony #5179
It’s common to have crushes in high school movies, maybe that’s the only reason? Maybe the writers wanted to test and see how EG’s ‘teen’ audience would respond to the idea of romance?
Like I said, I don’t like the ship. But I don’t see it ever becoming something serious, so I don’t see reason to react strongly. The only way I can see it becoming an actual pair is if it’s between human Twilight and Flash, as they at least belong to the same world.
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The Tastiest
@Background Pony #A056
Perhaps the same could be said of all religions ship captains…
Background Pony #A5ED
@Background Pony #A758  
>that’s just cause dm29 has an army of fanboys  
Background Pony #6C90
that’s just cause dm29 is amazing
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The Tastiest
@Background Pony #A758  
Aww, come on, there are quite a few pictures that show not everyone froths at the mouth at Flash. These ones in particular have a cumulative score of over 100:  

@Background Pony #8DF4  
Well, if there is so little time dedicated to it, why have it? Why not just have him just be friendly to her without so much ‘crushing’. I’m not against the ship. I’ve found quite a few artists and fanfic writers that do it justice. I’m just saying that the show could handle it better. Handle Flash Sentry better, if I might add.
If they actually gave him a larger role, spent some time to get to know Twilight instead of just ‘crushing’ on her since she’s cute. {Because, honestly, that’s why they like each other at this point. They haven’t been able to get to know each other at all really.} It would get rid of all this Flash Sentry hate, even if the ship goes nowhere.
Background Pony #6C90
the only images of flash that don’t get downvoted to hell are the ones with him getting hurt  
and even those have more downvotes than the average image
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The Tastiest
Flash’s face is more surprised than actually hurt.
Speaking Fancy - For helping with translations

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CHS, Class of 20XX
Seems like a good way to lose the few friends she’s made at CHS, but okay.
Background Pony #5179
They won’t expand because it was never meant to go beyond that: a silly little crush with a dance and some blushing. There’s no way it even could go beyond that, considering they belong to different dimensions.
I’d agree with the reactions if they had presented it as something serious with pony Twilight and Flash dating or whatever. That would be out of character and ridicuous.
But that’s not nearly what happened, as soon as Twilight’s work is done she goes back home considering Flash nothing more than a friend, at best.

@Millennial Dan  
Well, they could improve on it. Yes, it’s a ‘crush’, but it happened a bit too quickly. That was a problem with the whole first Equestria Girls movie and the second did nothing with it. It just said ‘Hey. Flash is still alive and hey, they have a crush on each other. They don’t know each other well, but they think the other is hot’. Yeah, they need to expand on it or it’s just a useless plotthread.
{Also confirms that Twilight is a xenophiliac.}
Millennial Dan
Artist -

With Flash and Twilight, all we’ve seen between them is an innocent crush. That’s well within the purview of the show. It doesn’t hurt anything, and it hasn’t been portrayed as a way that isn’t “believable.”
Speaking Fancy - For helping with translations

sunset shimmer:IM NEW!  
flash sentry:what the fuck is that even meannnnn ded

@Millennial Dan  
Hmmm, your own words did it. This isn’t a dating show. Soexplain why it is ok to thrust FS in there? Why a love interest if this isn’t a dating show? If you aren’t going to build it to be believable, then it shouldn’t be included.