
(sigh) Your maturity is astounding….

@Background Pony #7DCA  
Very true. It was she who revealed it was the unicorns, Princess Platinum’s bloodline no doubt, that formed Canterlot Castle and its beginnings and even formed old school traps for treasure hunters. Sounds right out of a Tolkien novel :D
If they are that old, I wonder if Amore and Chysalis are the only ones who know about Celestia and Luna’s beginnings. The book starts with Celestia and Luna simply appearing as older teen alicorns entering Canterlot near Equestria’s full founding, where Star-Swirled was convinced they were the true rulers for the kingdom, thus the flag. According to the comics and that one line from EG1, Sunset might be the only other pony who knows how Celestia and Luna became alicorns. Old Shimmer even jabbed Twilight about Celestia not confiding with her, but then again, Sunset’s implications were massive. There’s no way Celestia would tell Twilight a secret that big. But, that’s a different topic.

Gay Viking
Hahahahaha that’s funny wow you just said the masses agree with you and no one agrees with me with out even providing proof oh how wrong you are.
These are just some examples I have many more.

Most people on other sites I’ve found, who were suspicious of the quality of this arc at first, absolutely love this conclusion for very similar reasons then those that have already been stated. So many of the same people I know who felt Radiant Hope was dumb for her decisions and thought this felt like it was going nowhere are now praising the story and talking about how awesome Radiant Hope is. So saying you speak for more then yourself or ‘half the thread’, saying you ‘don’t want to see its quality drop’, doesn’t really fit when that opinion is relatively isolated. Half the thread is an exaggeration, only the loudest IDW haters have joined you, the others and most the people on other websites have good reviews of this comic arc now.
Just follow @cheezedoodle advice. Don’t make yourself this angry, and don’t piss on something the relative masses find good. If the opinion is split, fine, but if not, it achieves nothing.
Background Pony #C212
She must older than Equestria if she visited the Crystal Empire before the Umbrum were defeated.
IIRC in the Journal of the Two Sisters, when Celestia and Luna visit the Crystal Empire shortly after Equestria’s founding, Princess Amore is there and so is the Crystal Heart.
Therefore the war with the Umbrum happened before Equestria’s founding, and Chrysalis saw the Empire before/during that war. She’s quite old.

@Background Pony #7DCA  
That’s a good point. She definitely wanted Chrysalis to be gone, but she was calm enough to not be open about it in front of her. Chrysalis (again) surprising us on how much knowledge she has well beyond the age of the Princesses, like the Canterlot Catacombs and what they were used for, was kind of a lucky break for Hope that she didn’t have to manipulate or turn on Chysalis into leaving, she elected herself to go cause she knew what the Umbra was like…just how old is she?

Gay Viking
Maybe I actually like some of IDW work and just want see it improve before it had that quality drop and maybe if I point a certain problem out with the issue rather than saying because I’m not 100% praising I should leave maybe the point I made actually has some merit especially when half the thread agrees with me only for you to say we’re all just complaining and should be quite.
Also if this was a free webcomic I wouldn’t be that upset by a lot of things but this is a product people have to buy to read so that opens it up for criticism maybe they should put a little effort into their product that people are paying to see.
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TagZombie: AC15, Atk +8
That’s a pretty interesting interpretation of my attitude. I have this strange idea that if something makes you mad, maybe you should just stop exposing yourself to it.

Gay Viking
Just everytime you comment saying anyone who doesn’t like a particular thing about a comic should either stop reading them altogether or just shut up and simply saying “I’m right you’re wrong” while providing no points to back it up doesn’t help.
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TagZombie: AC15, Atk +8
I don’t know can you stop calling me a whiner for not blindly praising this comic? I didn’t think so.
Please, point out where I personally called you a whiner for not blindly praising this comic. That seems to have slipped my mind.

Gay Viking
@Background Pony #DE6D
Most defintiely agree with your stance, but don’t let Starswirl get to you. He’s caused tons of drama on this site with his dodgy methods of ignoring Twilight’s faults in conversations.
You guys do realize that the anon he was giving the well-thought out discussion, and you two chuckleheads were posting immature gifs, being rude and taking potshots for the entirity of the conversation. While the anon obviously lost his temper near the end, its no mystery why.
Don’t know what countries you guys are from, but where I come from, everyone would consider you two the trolls.
Plus, Chrysalis drove Twilight into this unstable and nigh lethal mentality while she was in the caverns in A Canterlot Wedding. This is completely canon behavior for her given the right circumstances. No one ever accused Twilight of being an non-judgemental saint afterall.
And, to increase the likelyhood of this tirade of Twilight occuring again, the writers had Chysalis torment her endlessly just prior to Twilight getting her magic back and, cause and effect doing something rash.
No he was harassing a user who clearly wanted nothing to do with him and he wouldn’t leave it alone and kept insulting him.
I don’t know can you stop calling me a whiner for not blindly praising this comic? I didn’t think so.
Background Pony #C212
Worth noting that Chrysalis leaving was not part of Hope’s plan, because she was actually planning on turning on Chrysalis after using her to get Sombra back.

Agreed. The comic only from here on out.
@Miss Shy
I think those judgements are bit too hasty,don’t you think?
  1. They were there because those guys were no stranger to grudges and using dubious methods, but not lethal enough to cause a serious threat. Sending neutrals to deal with heroes is actually a lot more clever then sending straight up villains cause the heroes wouldn’t consider them a threat. Radiant Hope had no intention of unleashing a bunch of murderers on the Crystal Empire. Of course, ponies as powerful as Luna needed to be stalled with a more powerful person, Chysalis, and she agreed not to harvest the love from others until Sombra’s resurrection(which Hope knew Sombra would be less then agreeable about, although she eased tensions just to make sure Chysalis didn’t do something rash, eventually letting Chysalis leave by her own volition.
    Twilight goading Chrysalis and Chrysalis suddenly stopped sparring and prepared to kill Twilight close range wasn’t in the plan, but thankfully, she was as angry as she was distracted, and she got steamrolled by her own flung allies.
  2. Unless Amore never told the two sisters anything, the ignoring of Sombra’s deathly aversion to the Crystal Heart, him finally losing his mind, and the loss of the potential Princess of Healing in the process, Radiant Hope, was a grave moral scar on the history of the monarchy. They had to consider karma.
    Radiant Hope not only managed to change Sombra’s fate, she revived him and convinced him to seal away the Umbra forever.
    And if you hadn’t noticed, in MLP:FiM they go to even more excessive extremes to forgive those that hadn’t a) lost everything and had 1000 years of exile, or b) were influenced by the blood of demons while the Monarchy simply watched things get worse until he had no where else to go.
  3. While we never saw the full fight, Celestia and Luna supposedly had the elements of harmony at the time, the same way they had it against Discord. When the Crystal Empire returned initially, he was mostly immaterial smoke. Radiant Hope managed to revive him in a completely restored body. In most fiction, that makes a huge difference whether a demon lord has his full body revived.
  4. Are you saying they shouldn’t have helped at all against Chysalis and the others until Sombra was arrived? Heck, the fact they got involved at all, actually being useful, prior to getting pushed to aside by the big boss character makes it a lot more progressive then the show in earlier years.
  5. Stupid? She succeeded in everything she planned to do. The only exception being the Umbra, only Amore or Cadence could physically see through the umbra’s illusions. And despite being tricke by those, even just after recovering from a nigh lethal spell from Twilight, she still managed to convince Sombra to not only reject his destiny but seal away the Umbra forever.
    For all the people calling her stupid…  
    a) Sombra was revived  
    b) The coup was practiaclly bloodless by including the neutrals like Iron Will and Lightning Dust.  
    c) She created an arrangement to use Chrysalis on the condition that she wouldn’t seriously harm the people until Sombra was revived(tactical decision to join forces with Sombra on Chysalis’ part), leading to Chysalis leaving due to their plans.  
    d) She didn’t give up on the world when the Umbra revealed themselves, and only grew more determined to alter Sombra’s fate.  
    e) She convinced Sombra to conquer his evil destiny and banish the Umbra forever.  
    f) She refused to accept him disappearing and surprised even the princesses to create a spell that give Sombra life on the physical plane, and inspired the princesses to help her.
    Hardly stupid. More like a gutsy genius. I don’t mind her getting her hooves a little dirty after both her and her best friend being screwed from every side, the good and the bad, and what was in her knowledge she kept damage to a minimum, and what wasn’t, she didn’t let herself get disheartened. Even when the Umbra were nearly on the rest of the world’s doorsteps, she didn’t lose faith in her childhood friend and said ‘screw destiny’. And that saved the day and banished the umbra for good, never to return.
  6. See the end of my answer to question 2. People have been forgiven a lot more for a lot less extenuating circumstances then demonic/umbra bloodline.

@Miss Shy  
7) One, he fought his instincts when, if the princesses ages ago were a little more interested, he probably could of been helped. It puts Celestia in an awkward position where “You turned darkside because we royals were negligent” sort of deal. Two, Celestia probably heard about how Sombra was less then pleased with the idea of releasing the Umbra before Twilight had a worse relapse of her anger in the caves in A Canterlot Wedding, and recklessly fired at Sombra without listening to what they were saying, making Sombra snap again when he saw Radiant Hope fall to the ground. That’s additional awkwardness, Twilight is her student.
8) Apologizing to the people responsible for the original problem is awkward for all parties involved, especially when the ‘villain’, Hope, turned out to be right about Sombra’s being redeemable all along, and set everything right. (At the very least Celestia should of known about Amore’s two most relevant citizens in her empire. Amore admitted she knew what Sombra was all along.) And they set out to restore Cadence’s great-great-great-grandmother to complete their role in setting things right. Despite how much she screwed over Sombra’s early life, she deserved to have a second chance if they did.
9) Compared to Starlight Glimmer, his adjustment and growth from evil to good took an eternity. I could create a step by step list on how things slowly changed in this arc for Sombra.
10) No, Sombra just banished the umbra forever, and all 4 princesses were inspired by Sombra’s act and Hope’s unwillingness to give up and help her save Sombra. Some may accuse Celestia of being irresponsible and being a chessmaster, which maybe true to some extent, but she’s not the sort of pony who won’t help a person who reforms right in front of her.
11) At times it was thematic and awesome, but other times it was rather weak. It was a mark on the sin tally, but it was a forgivable one.
The Umbra are a species of powerful deceivers. More like ‘the demons that whisper only sweetness, Lucifer was the most beautiful angel of all’ kind of deal. Unlike the changelings, they are more known for being powerful and being manipulators, not creatures of war, violence and parasites of love that are, circumstantially, the underdogs like the changelings.
12) “Where the hell did everyone go after the reformation? The team of “villains”?” They skipped town in the 3rd issue. They aren’t exactly bastions of courage or reformation.
“Shining Armor?” Most likely restored. He didn’t get to say any heated words to Discord after Twilight’s Kingdom either.
“Any citizen of the Crystal Empire?” When Chrysalis was being imprisoned within the Crystal Empire, most of the citizens got the hell out of dodge in the first issue. Considering their history, I don’t blame them.
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TagZombie: AC15, Atk +8
@Background Pony #DE6D  
Can you guys please stop with the personal insults and sniping and either go back to discussing the comic or unsubscribe from the thread?
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CronoM, look back at the second answer I got from BP. He outright dismissed anything I might have had to say as blind fanboyism, in advance. He called me rude, defensive, put words in my mouth, and after all that, had the nerve to call for less drama.
So, you can take it and shove it.
Background Pony #56BA
Good point. Thanks.
Miss Shy
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You're going to love me.
I don’t mind when there’s some comedic parts to a fight scene.
When Ponyville was fighting off the Nightmare Forces, it had some comedic moments, but there was some tension, something to fight for. It was a a town and the princesses of Equestria taking a stand against evil. Everyone played a part in fending off the Nightmare Forces before Nightmare Rarity came in, and then the remaining Mane 7.
When they were fighting off the Umbrum, I felt no tension, I didn’t care. It was just a few moments of distraction before the great Radiant Hope saved the day. When Ponyville fought the Nightmare Forces, it was in Ponyville’s favor for the few panels of fighting, but there still struggle. With the reinforcements against the Umbrum, it was a brief moment of triumph before a curb stomp.

@Background Pony #DE6D  
Most defintiely agree with your stance, but don’t let Starswirl get to you. He’s caused tons of drama on this site with his dodgy methods of ignoring Twilight’s faults in conversations.
You guys do realize that the anon he was giving the well-thought out discussion, and you two chuckleheads were posting immature gifs, being rude and taking potshots for the entirity of the conversation. While the anon obviously lost his temper near the end, its no mystery why.
Don’t know what countries you guys are from, but where I come from, everyone would consider you two the trolls.
Plus, Chrysalis drove Twilight into this unstable and nigh lethal mentality while she was in the caverns in A Canterlot Wedding. This is completely canon behavior for her given the right circumstances. No one ever accused Twilight of being an non-judgemental saint afterall.
And, to increase the likelyhood of this tirade of Twilight occuring again, the writers had Chysalis torment her endlessly just prior to Twilight getting her magic back and, cause and effect doing something rash.
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@Miss Shy  
problem 11 is something I didn’t really care for. Why was that such a bother? we had the same happen in almost any fight scenes for the show, well that is until s4 finale changed it all and started going into serious fight scenes.
Idk. I don’t mind silliness in fight scenes as long as it’s done good and this time, it was pretty good. The Fabulous attack, the Discord scene, maybe with the exception of the CMC, that one’s way overused and something you would only see in the god damn fanfics. REALLY.. I’m surprised no one was against bringing them there to begin with, because that’s a good idea! Bring in a bunch of 8-12 years olds to fight unspeakable horrors from the ancient past!
Miss Shy
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
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Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
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Ten years of changes - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of MLP:FiM!
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You're going to love me.
  1. Why are Iron Will, Flim, Flam, and Lightning Dust here? They serve little purpose outside of distracting, hell Chrysalis is the only “villain” with a reason to be there, and even then, there’s no payoff.
  2. Why did they just disappear without any consequence? They committed high treason.
  3. How is Sombra suddenly stronger than Celestia when he’s been imprisoned?
  4. Why were Celestia and Luna there if their only purpose is to get their ass kicked?
  5. Why is Radiant Hope so god damn stupid, and why does she never face the consequences? Not one bad thing ever happens aside from this one panel.
  6. Why is Sombra so easily forgiven? Do you not remember anything he did?
  7. Why the fuck did Celestia say Sombra didn’t need to apologize because he saved Equestria? He saved it from himself you dumb broad.
  8. Why doesn’t Radiant Hope ever apologized? She’s one of the masterminds behind this, and she just runs off with her boyfriend?
  9. Why is Sombra’s reformation so quick? There was so little internal conflict that it feels like someone just snapped their fingers and said he should be good.
  10. Why is it the only reason Celestia and Luna decide to help save Sombra is because Twilight wants to?
  11. The fight scene is way too comedic. You can’t just have a mood shift between “serious brooding” and “comedy fighting” in a fight scene, because you didn’t have that before, and you suck at both.
  12. Where the hell did everyone go after the reformation? The team of “villains”? Who cares? Shining Armor? Who cares? Any citizen of the Crystal Empire? Who cares?
    Those are 13 problems off the top of my head.
Dashie41 YT
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).

Negan Guy
Like really what’s the problem with the latest issue is thought it was really interesting and dark

Gay Viking
Anons these days I swear, I miss the days when actual effort was at least applied to their trolling this right here is just sad.
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Don’t bother. There was way too much bait in there to be anything but a troll attempt.

Gay Viking
@Background Pony #DE6D  
Um what? I say I don’t like one issue and that IDW probably won’t improve (though there is a small chance they might) and that equates to me being a shitposter? Right so anyone who doesn’t love this comic is a shitposter good to know.
I don’t know if you take meds or something or if your parents forgot to set the parental lock or what but you might want rethink some things.
And you were the one saying “hur dur Twilight is worst pony because comics” not me I merely pointed out that they are not written the same, I can’t believe I have to break this down for you.