Artist -

@Background Pony #E1C8  
Diamond Tiara:Ha,ha! Flee you cowards. You may have your Faust but we have our wall.
Background Pony #A8FF
Pinkie & Flitter: ! embrace, but the lid is falling so it’s a sigh of relief…Until the slushie hits Flitter  
Both: !  
Flitter: Maybe we should fall back and regroup…
Artist -

@Background Pony #EBBC  
Silver Spoon: Yes tiny horse. You are not a mighty mare,you’re just an overgrown filly.
Pinkie:I’m a pony.
Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon: laughs
Silver Spoon:Ooh,my slushie.
Background Pony #41CA
SS: Oh, Ho, Ho. Ho, ho!  
DT: Ha, Ha, Ha, ha, I’d like to see you try, you could never get over our giant wall, tiny pickle!
Artist -

@Background Pony #E1C8  
Pinkie:Now listen to me. Our Faust said that this land was ours. And that all we had to do was follow his directions.So …I’m afraid…If you don’t come out,we’ll have to come in there after you.
Background Pony #A8FF
Diamond Tiara: Let me point something out to you, filly. We have a wall.  
Silver Spoon: Yes.  
DT: You do not.  
SS: No.  
DT: If anypony is doing the leaving, it will be you.
Artist -

@Background Pony #E1C8  
Silver Spoon: laugh That is hilarious.
Background Pony #A8FF
Diamond: laughing Did you hear that, Silver? The little filly says that we have to leave!  
Pinkie: I’m a mare.
Artist -

@Background Pony #9878  
Pinkie:Faust has given this land for our new home. So well…You’re gonna have to leave
Background Pony #A1E3
Pinkie: No, you don’t understand.
Artist -

@Background Pony #9878  
Silver:It was nice to meet you now go away.  
Diamond:Yes. blows rasperry
Background Pony #A1E3
Pinkie: Oh. clears throat I am Pinkie, and these are the children of Ponreal~.  
Silver: Ohhh, hello, children~  
Flitter: Hi~!
Artist -

@Background Pony #9878  
Pinkie:Who are you?  
Diamond Tiara:Who are we? I think we should ask who are you?
Background Pony #A1E3
@Background Pony #C031  
song ends; now back to the story  
Silver Spoon: Did you hear something, Diamond?  
Diamond Tiara: Sure did, Silver. I think that’s the sound of somepony at our wall.  
both fillies look down to see the Ponyites
Background Pony #D13F
@Background Pony #9878  
Flitter: I want my money back.  
Cloudchaser: Yeah. That’d be good.
Background Pony #A1E3
Flitter, Cloudchaser, & Scootaloo: leaving No more song about cebus%…Need another verse or two%…Audience is standing and leaving, byebye moo-moo, byebye moo-moo, byebye moo-moo, byebye moo-moo, moo moo~!
Artist -

@Background Pony #9878  
Pinkie Pie:No wait. That’s a water buffalo.
Background Pony #A1E3
@Background Pony #C031  
Flitter, Cloudchaser, & Scootaloo: Cebuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~!
Background Pony #D13F
@Background Pony #9878  
Pinkie: Oh look! A cebu!
Background Pony #A1E3
@Background Pony #C031  
Fancy: You can’t just start a song and leave it hanging like that! You know, I’ve come to expect a lot more from you. This is quite disappointing! I’m going to have to speak to Twilight about this.
Background Pony #D13F
@Background Pony #9878  
Pinkie: Oh wow.  
Scootaloo, Cloudchaser, and Flitter: Ooh…  
Pinkie: Forgot about that one. There’s me and that bull again.
Background Pony #A1E3
@Background Pony #C031  
Pinkie: Oh, look%! There’s me and Twilight at Sea World%!
Background Pony #D13F
@Background Pony #9878  
Fancy: Is the boy injured? Why is the sad cebu sad? Is the canoe wood or aluminum?
Background Pony #A1E3
@Background Pony #C031  
and then the projector has problems  
Pinkie: Uh-oh.  
Fancy: Wait! What happens next?  
music stops  
Pinkie: Um…  
Fancy: Does the hippo see them? Is the poor mute cebu unsuccessful in communicating the intimate dangers to the other passengers?
Background Pony #D13F
@Background Pony #9878  
Pinkie: Hippo seen by mute cebu  
Flliter, Cloudchaser, and Scootaloo: Hippo seen by mute cebu  
Pinkie: Tries to tell the other two  
Flliter, Cloudchaser, and Scootaloo: Tries to tell the other two  
Pinkie: Mute cebu is waving and grunting. Mmm-hmm mmm mmm, mmm-hmm mmm mmm, mmm-hmm mmm mmm, mmm-hmm mmm mmm mmm mmm  
Flliter, Cloudchaser, and Scootaloo: Mmm-hmm mmm mmm, mmm-hmm mmm mmm, mmm-hmm mmm mmm, mmm- hmm mmm mmm mmm mmm