Background Pony #DB47
@Background Pony #9BBD  
All: ‘Cause we’re going to the Promised Land%! Yeah, we’re going to the Promised Land%! ‘Cause we’re going to the Promised Laaaaaaaaaaaand~!
Background Pony #7C25
All: ‘Cause we’re going to the promised land!  
Granny Smith: I hear it’s flowing… with milk and honey…  
Flitter: Sounds sticky.
Artist -

All: Because we’re going to the Promised Land%! And in the Promised Land, it’s gonna be so grand%! We’ll have our fill from our grill as much as we can stand%! It’ll be so great%,
Flitter:With waffles on my plate.
Background Pony #DB47
@Background Pony #5851  
All: Because we’re going to the Promised Land%! And in the Promised Land, it’s gonna be so grand%! We’ll have our fill from our grill as much as we can stand%! It’ll be so great%, oh we can hardly wait%! ‘Cause we’re going to the Promised Land%!
Background Pony #8F7E
Filtter: I’d like a taco please, and some pintos and cheese…
Artist -

@Background Pony #EBC0  
Flash Sentry:The dining was lousy with Moses. But we’ll be feasting with Pinkie in command.
Background Pony #44F3
@Background Pony #3E64  
All: And in the promised land, it’s gonna be so grand! We’ll have our fill from the grill as much as we can stand! It’ll be so great, oh we can hardly wait! ‘Cause we’re going to the promised land!
Background Pony #DB47
@Background Pony #9BBD  
Flitter: For years I’ve eaten nothing but manna, a dish that is yummy, but bland!  
Cloudchaser: But now we’re on our way~,  
Granny Smith: I’ll have a cheese souffle~,  
All: Because we’re going to the Promised Land~!
Background Pony #7C25
@Background Pony #3E64  
All: Because we’re going to the promised land!
Background Pony #DB47
@Background Pony #9BBD  
Featherweight: We didn’t have a lotta fun in the desert, we didn’t have a lot of fun in the sand!  
Apple Bloom: Well settle up your cow~,  
Featherweight: It’s all behind us now~
Background Pony #7C25
@Background Pony #3E64  
Granny Smith: It’s time?  
Flash Sentry: It’s time?  
Filter: Did he/she just say it’s time?
Background Pony #DB47
@Background Pony #9BBD  
Twilight: The ponyites were sad about Moses dying because he was a great leader! But at last, it was finally time~.
Background Pony #7C25
@Background Pony #3E64  
Twilight: I’m the narrator.  
Pinkie: Oh.
Background Pony #DB47
@Background Pony #9BBD  
Twilight: No, it’s about Joshua.  
Scootaloo: Joshua? Who’s that?  
Twilight: A helper of Moses. So when Moses died, Joshua became the new leader of the Ponyites.  
Pinkie: Do I know you?
Background Pony #7C25
Twilight: By the time forty years had gone by, Moses had died.  
Scootaloo: I thought the story was about him.
Background Pony #DB47
Scootaloo: Wow…
Artist -

@Background Pony #3E64  
Scootaloo:You’re kidding me.  
Twilight:Nope. That’s why they’re stuck here. In the desert.
Background Pony #DB47
@Background Pony #9BBD  
Twilight: Now Faust was very disappointed in the Ponyites for not following Her directions. So She told them that nopony could go into the Promised Land for 40 years.
Background Pony #7C25
@Background Pony #3E64  
Twilight: But when some of the Ponyites took a look around, they saw people there that looked like giants. That scared them so much, they wouldn’t go in, they got to the land Faust promised him. And then they turned around and ran away.  
Scootaloo: Oh my÷
Background Pony #DB47
@Background Pony #9BBD  
Scootaloo: So, why are they here?  
Twilight: Ah, yes. That is the point. When Moses led the Ponyites out of Egypt, all they had to do was follow Faust’s directions and go right to the Promised Land~
Background Pony #7C25
Scootaloo: This is The Promised Land.  
Twilight: Oh no no no. All the land Faust promised it was wonderful. You could grow things and there was lots of food. No, this is the desert.
Background Pony #DB47
@Background Pony #9BBD  
Twilight: Right again~, but we’re gonna go back a little further…The Ponyites were living in Egypt, but not because they wanted to. No, the Egyptians had taken them captive and were making them work very hard as their slaves.  
Scootaloo: Oh, dear!  
Twilight: It was miserable! But Faust cared about the Ponyites, so She sent Moses to lead them out of Egypt and into their own land. The Promised Land!
Background Pony #7C25
Twilight: That’s easy. Have you ever heard of a guy named Moses?  
Scootaloo: Hmm, isn’t he the one who parted the Red Sea?
Background Pony #DB47
@Background Pony #9BBD  
Scootaloo: Why are we out here in the middle of nowhere?  
Twilight: Oh ho%, now that is a good question%!
Background Pony #7C25
@Background Pony #3E64  
Scootaloo: So these must be the Ponyites.  
Twilight: Yep.