Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -

Never go full Awkward
And our poor fan art killed him.
Cyan Lightning
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.
Chaotic Little Trees - 1000+ images under their artist tag
Tree of Harmony - Drew someone's OC for the 2022 Community Collab
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Kinship Through Differences - Celebrated the 11th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab

The Prodigy Unicorn
Artist -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Legionary Captain 🌹
If any of what you’ve said here is true, then the vast majority of non-Evangelical Christians are “bad” Christians. And I can statistically verify it, too.
Many athiests have faith. Faith is almost universally a human trait. Religion is taking that faith and twisting it into THEIR idea, preventing it from being personal. Believing in God does not make you a Christian, and neither does believing in Jesus. Otherwise I’m a Christian. But I’m not, I’m an athiest with faith. A faithiest.
You realize you’ve literally just said here that you’re not an atheist. If you believe in anything that could be construed as God, personal or impersonal, being or force, you are not an atheist, and if you believe in the teachings of Christ Jesus, then in all technicality, you are a Christian, regardless of denomination or lack thereof. Plain and simple. From what I can gather, you just dislike organized religion as it is right now, and I can understand that if you grew up among a lot of fundie conservatives. You probably view God much in the same way I do, as an impersonal force, or perhaps a personification of reality and the natural world (The person who wrote this linked article, btw, is a Protestant Christian Minister whose book has been critically acclaimed by clergy of many faiths). I’m kind of caught between the two. Speaking of which, more than a quarter of Christians in the US see God as impersonal rather than a person, including nearly a third of Catholics, the denomination I choose to identify with.  
I already said I know many Christians who do not follow the Bible, ones who find the things within nothing less than barbaric. I know this. But here’s the thing. You’re a bad christian if you don’t follow the bible. Real Christians hate these types. These Christian posers. But I love them, since they’re with me. Believers in humanity, athiests.
Well, I hate to break it to you here, but apparently only a quarter of American Christians are “good” Christians, considering nearly 75% believe it is not the literal word of God. Being a good Christian has never meant literally following the word of the Bible to the letter, unless you’re part of the fundamentalist minority. The Bible was never meant to be a literal account of history or science or whatever, it was meant to be interpreted, picked apart to find the hidden messages within, and viewed in a historical context. That’s what I learned when I was coming into the faith, and as such I’m thankful to have entered it through a more progressive university parish.  
I never said there was no god of any sort. I said the Christian God is provably false. Other Gods though? It’ll take me a while to disprove the 1000s of them. Or maybe find the real ones among them. But they aren’t relevant to this. Yahweh is not real was what I said and meant, nothing else or more. And you agree with me.
If God is something else, not a being but a force, then this God has gone far from being the Abrahamic one. Now you’re crossing over into other religions, or general faiths. I am impressed you can even have this belief in such a strict enviroment.
As I said before, I believe God should not be seen as a being, and therefore not “existing”, in the sense of the word, but that doesn’t make him any less “real” if you see him in an impersonal pantheistic sense, because then, God “is” reality and the natural world itself. This is an idea that even prominent Christian theologians are promoting, so I wouldn’t imagine it being completely out of place within Christianity; you’d be surprised how flexible Catholic dogma actually is, if you read it. If you mean the God of literalist fundamentalism, the supernatural cosmic terrorist who literally and attestably performs unnatural acts of unspeakable horror upon the denizens of Earth, that’s of utmost certainty. But understand that it is literally only a minority of Christians who believe this, as I previously pointed out - they’re not the “bad Christians”, the fundies are for taking their faith and smashing it against the wall.
Also as I said before, one of the core principles of the Catholic faith is the primacy of the individual conscience, a teaching originating from St. Thomas Aquinas, who was probably the single most influential thinker of medieval Europe. In his words, “Every judgement of conscience, be it right or wrong, be it about things evil in themselves or morally indifferent, is obligatory, in such wise that he who acts against his conscience always sins”. Well, in believing what I personally feel I should, I am exercising my informed conscience, and thus doing perhaps the most Catholic thing I can do.  
Being a Christian is literally about following the bible and following their moral codes. Following Jesus and spreading love and justice? That’s not a Christian thing at all. I see it everywhere, everyday. That’s a human thing.
You’ve been to the wrong sorts of churches if you sincerely believe that nonsense. And if that’s the case, The majority of non-Evangelical American Christians should probably be immediately excommunicated, considering that majority supports same-sex marriage as a right. Or what about the overwhelming global majority of Catholics who support reproductive freedoms? A true Christian is not measured by how well he adheres to the dictations of the hierarchy of the Church, and following teachings when they are oppressive and unjust in fact is exactly what Christ taught not to do. He fought against the Jewish religious establishment, against the Pharisees, and did it for the greater good of the people around him. So, yes, it is a Christian thing to protect the innocent and help the lowly and love unconditionally because it is a human thing. Christ was a humanist, Christ was a liberal, and to follow after him as such is the most Christian thing I can conceive.  
I just outed you as a closet athiest. I feel what I’m doing is fully worth it. Now I’ve come away from this knowing you’re someone I could enjoy talking about faith with. You’re open minded and kind. This is progress. The problem only begins when you decide to join a faction that excludes others. Unlike religion, Athiesm will never demand that you be a certain sexuality or race or anything of the sort to join. There are no barriers of devision here. Enjoy being free!
Call me what you will, but I sincerely believe that my faith and my beliefs are as Christian as they can be, and so do vast swathes of other fellow liberal/progressive Christians - laity, clergy, and theologians alike. I’ve learned what elements of my religion are inconsistent when put in a literal sense, and learned how to reconcile them with my faith and with reality, and I believe that all people of all faiths should do the same. As such, I remain, because I believe that I and the many other like-minded people of the faith can work as a force of change, to bring the Church back to real Christian principles - to being more open-minded and, most of all, more accepting, as Christ accepted the lowest of low.
I understand your qualms with religion, believe me, I do; I spent most of my early life as an apatheist. I had never gone to mass, I didn’t give two shits about God or Jesus or any element of faith whatsoever. I saw religion the same way you did, as causing more harm than good. But before I graduated high school, I started to see it in a new light,  
that I was only seeing the bad, and missing all the good that religion and faith had the potential to bring, if used the right way; that there was no one way to believe in God, and I could follow the faith in a way that not only allowed for scientific reason and love, but even encouraged it. That’s what made me change my mind; that’s what led me to convert - not mandate, not pressure, not unreasonable superstition, but love. That is what real Christianity is about, and that is what I will believe and fight for until my dying day, and what I hope that mainstream Christianity, with the help of those like-minded faithful, will again become.
What I would say is, don’t let the puffed up, prudish, fundie conservatives drive you away from associating with religion altogether. If, as you say, you truly believe in the teachings of Christ, and if you truly think there is something, even reality itself, you could refer to as God, then please, for your own sake, don’t be ashamed to call yourself what you are:
A Christian. An atypical one like me, but a Christian nonetheless.
King Sombra - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of The Crystal Empire!
A Lovely Nightmare Night - Celebrated the 12th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Kinship Through Differences - Celebrated the 11th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Philomena - For helping others attend the 2021 community collab
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
Dream Come True! - Participated in the MLP 9th Anniversary Event

It's bad. In a good way!
Well, I don’t know where you’re from, or what church you were brought up in, but I’ve never heard any of my fellow Christians say anything about ghosts and spirits being nonsense because of the bible. I don’t know where you’re getting this lidea that religion “rejects” spirituality and faith, because that is literally the basis for religion as a whole.
Many athiests have faith. Faith is almost universally a human trait. Religion is taking that faith and twisting it into THEIR idea, preventing it from being personal. Believing in God does not make you a Christian, and neither does believing in Jesus. Otherwise I’m a Christian. But I’m not, I’m an athiest with faith. A faithiest.  
That kind of thinking only comes from a misunderstanding of the faith, both within the faith and without. It may not occur to you, but the vast majority of Christians worldwide disagree with the current teachings on things like sexual morality and abortion, two positions on which I am firmly and unapologetically liberal. It’s not about “following the rules”, it’s about spreading and living Christ’s message of compassion, mercy, and unconditional love, and I scorn everyone who dares call themselves a Christian while simultaneously denigrating those who do not conform to their worldview. The “following the rules” mentality that I see within the unfortunately loud minority, such as in the conservative Evangelicals, is a detriment to the faith, and to human progress as a whole. What I was taught when becoming a Catholic was the primacy of the individual conscience, that there is no greater offense than to disobey one’s own informed conscience - a virtue which I strive to live by, and which all Christians should.
I already said I know many Christians who do not follow the Bible, ones who find the things within nothing less than barbaric. I know this. But here’s the thing. You’re a bad christian if you don’t follow the bible. Real Christians hate these types. These Christian posers. But I love them, since they’re with me. Believers in humanity, athiests.  
You seem to be contradicting yourself here. You say you don’t claim to know all the answers, yet you so quickly jump to the conclusion that “there is no God of any sort, and it is certainty”. If you’re referring specifically to God as a personal being, that’s one thing, and I will not discredit that observation, because, in my opinion, it is correct. But what you seem to neglect here is that there are many different ways of believing in God. Is there a personal God that presents himself as a being who can at a whim defy the laws of nature and intercede in human affairs? No. Even as a Christian, I think to believe in such a God would be ridiculous, as do, perhaps surprisingly, many other faithful. We are not just limited to thinking of God as a being, in fact, it is counterproductive to do so. I, personally, find myself believing in God as many modern theologians do - as an impersonal force that is non-interventionist. To put it simply, the depictions of God in the Bible as personal and interventionist are merely relics of ancient cult practices that were still deeply ingrained in the culture of Judea even in the age of Christ, and as such cannot hold up to scientific scrutiny. Thinking of God instead as a philosophical force, such as the “Ground of Being” or the “ordering force of the universe” is an idea that is not only reasonably sound, but completely compatible with religion. In fact, most non-Christian faiths such as Judaism and Islam hold that belief even amongst their laity.
I never said there was no god of any sort. I said the Christian God is provably false. Other Gods though? It’ll take me a while to disprove the 1000s of them. Or maybe find the real ones among them. But they aren’t relevant to this. Yahweh is not real was what I said and meant, nothing else or more. And you agree with me.  
If God is something else, not a being but a force, then this God has gone far from being the Abrahamic one. Now you’re crossing over into other religions, or general faiths. I am impressed you can even have this belief in such a strict enviroment.  
Because, as I said before, being a Christian is not about literal interpretation of the Bible or adherence to stringent moral codes; it’s about emulating the person of Christ, standing up for injustice, resisting oppression, and giving unconditional love to everyone, especially those who are outcast and rejected. Clearly, from everything you’ve said here, you grew up in a conservative Evangelical church, because that’s the only church I could possibly conceive someone developing such an abject hatred for religion upon leaving; well, let me tell you this - they are anything but Christian.
Being a Christian is literally about following the bible and following their moral codes. Following Jesus and spreading love and justice? That’s not a Christian thing at all. I see it everywhere, everyday. That’s a human thing.  
But let me just make this clear to you, since you seem to be so intent on attacking me and many others here for our insistence on our adherence to faith: telling me not to be a Christian is just as bad as me telling you not to be an atheist; there exists freedom of religion for a reason. You have no right to claim the intellectual and moral high ground simply because a few radicals have warped your perception on religion; just as a conservative Evangelical doesn’t simply because people don’t conform to the skewed literalistic interpretation of a book, penned by ancient Jews and translated into and out of 5 languages, that they set as their worldview. You’re not enlightening anyone here by denigrating the whole of religion for the ignorance of a few, you’re not convincing people of your arguments by antagonizing them, you are simply making yourself part of the problem.
I just outed you as a closet athiest. I feel what I’m doing is fully worth it. Now I’ve come away from this knowing you’re someone I could enjoy talking about faith with. You’re open minded and kind. This is progress. The problem only begins when you decide to join a faction that excludes others. Unlike religion, Athiesm will never demand that you be a certain sexuality or race or anything of the sort to join. There are no barriers of devision here. Enjoy being free!
We can take this to PMs if you want.
Artist -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Legionary Captain 🌹
Many religions reject faith and spirituality, like in your face obviously. I have always believed in ghosts and spirits, and was told by my Christian upbringing such things werent in the bible and so were false.
Well, I don’t know where you’re from, or what church you were brought up in, but I’ve never heard any of my fellow Christians say anything about ghosts and spirits being nonsense because of the bible. I don’t know where you’re getting this lidea that religion “rejects” spirituality and faith, because that is literally the basis for religion as a whole.  
Christianity is not about faith, it is not about having a connection to this force we cant see. It’s about following the rules. It is a detriment to spirituality everywhere.
That kind of thinking only comes from a misunderstanding of the faith, both within the faith and without. It may not occur to you, but the vast majority of Christians worldwide disagree with the current teachings on things like sexual morality and abortion, two positions on which I am firmly and unapologetically liberal. It’s not about “following the rules”, it’s about spreading and living Christ’s message of compassion, mercy, and unconditional love, and I scorn everyone who dares call themselves a Christian while simultaneously denigrating those who do not conform to their worldview. The “following the rules” mentality that I see within the unfortunately loud minority, such as in the conservative Evangelicals, is a detriment to the faith, and to human progress as a whole. What I was taught when becoming a Catholic was the primacy of the individual conscience, that there is no greater offense than to disobey one’s own informed conscience - a virtue which I strive to live by, and which all Christians should.  
Athiesm is the truth. It doesn’t know everything like religions claim to, but what it does know is at least true. That is always a constant with athiesm.
Proving God wrong is not only possible, but has been done non-stop over and over. We know with certainty that the Christian God does not exist.
You seem to be contradicting yourself here. You say you don’t claim to know all the answers, yet you so quickly jump to the conclusion that “there is no God of any sort, and it is certainty”. If you’re referring specifically to God as a personal being, that’s one thing, and I will not discredit that observation, because, in my opinion, it is correct. But what you seem to neglect here is that there are many different ways of believing in God. Is there a personal God that presents himself as a being who can at a whim defy the laws of nature and intercede in human affairs? No. Even as a Christian, I think to believe in such a God would be ridiculous, as do, perhaps surprisingly, many other faithful. We are not just limited to thinking of God as a being, in fact, it is counterproductive to do so. I, personally, find myself believing in God as many modern theologians do - as an impersonal force that is non-interventionist. To put it simply, the depictions of God in the Bible as personal and interventionist are merely relics of ancient cult practices that were still deeply ingrained in the culture of Judea even in the age of Christ, and as such cannot hold up to scientific scrutiny. Thinking of God instead as a philosophical force, such as the “Ground of Being” or the “ordering force of the universe” is an idea that is not only reasonably sound, but completely compatible with religion. In fact, most non-Christian faiths such as Judaism and Islam hold that belief even amongst their laity.  
Doesn’t seem to bother most people though, an alarming amount of my Christian friends don’t believe in the bible. So like, why even call yourself Christian then? But that’s become the norm now.
Because, as I said before, being a Christian is not about literal interpretation of the Bible or adherence to stringent moral codes; it’s about emulating the person of Christ, standing up for injustice, resisting oppression, and giving unconditional love to everyone, especially those who are outcast and rejected. Clearly, from everything you’ve said here, you grew up in a conservative Evangelical church, because that’s the only church I could possibly conceive someone developing such an abject hatred for religion upon leaving; well, let me tell you this - they are anything but Christian.
But let me just make this clear to you, since you seem to be so intent on attacking me and many others here for our insistence on our adherence to faith: telling me not to be a Christian is just as bad as me telling you not to be an atheist; there exists freedom of religion for a reason. You have no right to claim the intellectual and moral high ground simply because a few radicals have warped your perception on religion; just as a conservative Evangelical doesn’t simply because people don’t conform to the skewed literalistic interpretation of a book, penned by ancient Jews and translated into and out of 5 languages, that they set as their worldview. You’re not enlightening anyone here by denigrating the whole of religion for the ignorance of a few, you’re not convincing people of your arguments by antagonizing them, you are simply making yourself part of the problem.
King Sombra - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of The Crystal Empire!
A Lovely Nightmare Night - Celebrated the 12th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Kinship Through Differences - Celebrated the 11th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Philomena - For helping others attend the 2021 community collab
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
Dream Come True! - Participated in the MLP 9th Anniversary Event

It's bad. In a good way!
Your biggest mistake is in thinking athiests aren’t spiritual, and religions are. This is completely false. Many religions reject faith and spirituality, like in your face obviously. I have always believed in ghosts and spirits, and was told by my Christian upbringing such things werent in the bible and so were false. Christianity is not about faith, it is not about having a connection to this force we cant see. It’s about following the rules. It is a detriment to spirituality everywhere. Christians specifically have wiped out so many smaller religions, and repainted old gods and devils.
The damage done by this group is proof enough that they are harmful. Mentally, emotionally, and still to this day, physically. This supression of belief from religions really harms people, especially vulnerable ones or mentally ill ones. It is the opposite of science. The opposite of thought. The opposite of freedom.
People are not wrong to hate it, nor are they hypocrites to be “extremist athiests” or “push their athiesm down your throat”. You can’t equate the two. Just as you cant compare a doctor trying to give you pills to various drug dealers doing the same. Athiesm is the truth. It doesn’t know everything like religions claim to, but what it does know is at least true. That is always a constant with athiesm. Spreading it in a world so corrupted by the Abrahamic faiths in truly doing a good deed.
Proving God wrong is not only possible, but has been done non-stop over and over. We know with certainty that the Christian God does not exist. And we can prove it with the bible alone. Just start off by describing God as christians believe, write that down. Then read the Bible and make a mark for everytime God goes against that description. Several hours later you’ll find you’ve run out of room to write anymore marks. If there was a god involved in the events in the Bible, we know for certain, he is not the same one people praise. He is not a nice God, he does not answer prayers, he takes sacrifices instead, he kills people constantly even when they are said to be innocent, he’s been outwitted by humans, he didn’t open heaven until 2000 years ago so even his own believers would’ve gone to hell for millenia.
If Christians were honest about their God, you’d not even want to worship or follow him. He’s pathetic. A child that murders on a whim. A god ruled place would look a lot like North Korea. This is a problem for all monotheistic religions. It just doesn’t work. The polytheistic ones are the only religions where God’s stay in-character… Well, mostly. When they go off-script the Gods merge or seperate. It is kinda fun seeing how modern religion has tried to change itself to work better. But by changing they lose anything that made them sacred. Now they exist only as fun stories and interesting ideas to think about. Doesn’t seem to bother most people though, an alarming amount of my Christian friends don’t believe in the bible. So like, why even call yourself Christian then? But that’s become the norm now.
But there is that one religion that has chosen not to adapt and modernise. That has remained very sacred, with all the muder and such intact. I don’t even need to name it. I think all people can agree that’s a genuine blight. Athiests, Christians, Bhuddists, Hindus, Jews, Shintoists can come really together when it’s for humanity. I’ve been seeing that more often in the wake of the problem group.
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.

Right About Everything
There’s also the fact that most of the old testament was written during periods where society was pretty unstable, and Judea/Israel was a tiny, undeveloped country that spent most of it’s existence being invaded by far more powerful neighbors. All that stuff in the old testament about death and conquest might seem extreme to us all living in first world countries, but some thought has to be given to context.
And Spirituality = Philosophy = Science. Sure there’s differences between them, but a lot of similarities too. And though there’s room for pure logic in science, it doesn’t produce the kind of inspiration that really drives progress.
Artist -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Legionary Captain 🌹
@Silent Wing  
I sort of understand what you’re saying about scripture, but you miss a few important points when addressing that point.
The first portion of scripture in the Bible and Quran are derived from the Jewish Tanakh, so there is little surprise in their similarities. And yes, the Old Testament is rife with verses about holy wars and sacrifices and whatnot, which is why many churches teach that it is not meant as the literal, unaltered truth, and why I advise anyone reading it to take it with a grain of salt, which brings me to my next point.
As I learned it in Catechesis, the accepted teaching is that the Bible is the inspired word of God. Notice my emphasis on the word, “inspired”; the view of most modern theologians, and myself, is that the Bible is not the literal, unaltered, dictated word of God, but rather written as a philosophically inspired reflection on the nature of God. Whether or not that inspiration is divine is really up to interpretation, but the fact is, it was written down by human beings. It is therefore said not to be literally true, but rather contains “truths” derived from that inspiration.
Example: I’m sure you’ve read through Genesis in your scripture read-throughs; Creation can be seen as utter nonsense by anyone reasonably scientifically literate, but take a closer look at how it is structured and what is said. There is a pattern in the “days” of Creation, which indicates an orderly, methodical nature to it. It’s not a dictation of how the world was legitimately made, but a clever reflection on the tendency of nature to order and structure.
The Bible may have been built upon a philosophical understanding of God, but it was written and penned by men, and man is fallible and prone to his own biases and prejudices; it would thus, not be very surprising that in the more primitive ancient Levantine society that was Judea, someone could slip in a passage or two implying a desire for the execution of sinners and unbelievers, or something like that. That is precisely why those passages are typically ignored by all but the most conservative fundamentalist Christians (who unfortunately seem to make up half of the conservative voter base in America).
In short, while I believe in the Bible as a sacred text, I realize that is was written down by imperfect human beings, where elements inconsistent with the overall message could easily slip in, and thus it cannot be said to be absolutely literal and infallible.  
even if I still desire to eradicate it peacefully, in a war of debates and rationality, just as we have done away using primitive technology.
You say that like human tendency toward religion and spirituality is a disease that needs to be cured, or something we somehow should have grown out of already, like it somehow serves as nothing but a detriment to the human condition. Here you fall prey to the erroneous implication that somehow faith and spirituality are in opposition to and mutually exclusive with reason and logic, when it is clear to see that, empirically, that is wholly incorrect. Some of the greatest minds on Earth were people of faith - Galileo, Copernicus, Isaac Newton, Ibn al-Haytham, Albert Einstein. On the verge of a complete loss of antique knowledge and scholarship with the Dark Ages, people of faith kept that ancient learning alive in their institutions. Faith is not a recent phenomenon - as an element of the state, relatively; but of human behavior, no - it has been with us since our ancestors first set out from the jungles of Africa. Spirituality is not some technology that we can outgrow: it is an ingrained human tendency, a natural consequence of our intelligence just as spoken word and tool use.
You are not alone in your desire for a world of free thought, and for the freedom of belief or nonbelief, and I’m sorry for whatever made you think that religion makes that impossible, but your desire to eliminate faith as a whole will only ultimately impose your own limits on freedom of thought.
Eden Shallowleaf - For supporting the site
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Emerald - For users who have donated to the site
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
Dream Come True! - Participated in the MLP 9th Anniversary Event

Visit Friendship Daily!
@Silent Wing  
very true!
Psy Key
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

‘Could’ doesn’t mean ‘is’.
Eden Shallowleaf - For supporting the site
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Emerald - For users who have donated to the site
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
Dream Come True! - Participated in the MLP 9th Anniversary Event

Visit Friendship Daily!
@Silent Wing  
and it also COULD be God.
Psy Key
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

You and I differ little in our desire for peace, but where I differ more is in the scripture. I find the original passages, supposedly written by a being of superior knowledge, to be abhorrent and one that desires terror more than love. The three most prominent religions in the world, Christianity, Catholicism, and Islam, all have original scriptures, stated specifically written by the almighty, that speak greatly of bloodlust and revenge. Wrath and hatred. Pure mocking of one’s own creation for the sake of self-hatred in said creation. It is madness, in my opinion.
It bewilders me, then, to see sects of these religions to replace the writing with a different translation, even if they do still leave in more gruesome parts. It is almost insulting, in my opinion. If a god does exist, I would wager it would be angry of such actions. They are better humans for wanting to be more peaceful, but to say that they are more holy and apart of their religion… I would say otherwise. I commend those that want to reform their religion to be more acceptable to the general population, even if I still desire to eradicate it peacefully, in a war of debates and rationality, just as we have done away using primitive technology.
Now, I don’t know about you, but I have read many ‘holy’ books. I have read them for the sake of understanding. It astounds me to meet many religious who do not read what they believe in. It saddens me to know that these people were taught at a young age to listen and believe, instead of think. However, I do not blame them. I blame the scripture. It would be stupid of me to blame the people who are not responsible.
I desire a world of free thought, where one’s beliefs are not pressed on another, young or old, weak or strong. I have seen the abuse of children, the ignorance of law in favor of one’s own rules. It disgusts me how such things become overlooked because, “It’s their belief.” By that logic, I should be free to kill as I please, if my belief were that. I just want peace. However, I know the peaceful solution to that end, in regards to those that cannot be reasoned with, is a path of blood and fire.
Fun fact, it was Fallout: New Vegas - Honest Hearts that taught me that. Joshua Graham is a wise fellow, if a little more interesting than one hopes for.
Perhaps I will leave with a quote of my own.  
If the path to peace were paved with speech, then you are already there.
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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This is bat country!
I wish I had your intelligence and eloquence.
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Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Legionary Captain 🌹
@Silent Wing  
Ever considered the possibility that God doesn’t want to force you to believe? The whole point of faith is following of your own volition, not blind indoctrination, regardless of what some of the more fanatical churches would like you to think.
I was a deist, bordering on agnostic, before recently converting to Catholicism; I, by my own will, converted not because I was willed or threatened or taught to do so, but because I wanted to, because I felt a calling to faith. I was taught by my church that faith comes only of our own calling, that God wants us to follow, but do so because we want to.
I was drawn to the Church, so I became Catholic; you were drawn to nonbelief, so you’re an atheist. We are creatures of free will, and where our will takes us, we more often than not end up going. You cannot be forced into genuine belief or nonbelief. I cannot force you to become Catholic, both because that would be incredibly crass of me and because you would not want it, just as you cannot force me to become an atheist for the same reasons.
Bear in mind, I have nothing against atheists; I’m totally cool with you not wanting to be spiritual. What I do take issue with is when atheists try to ridicule those who do believe; just as I take issue with those believers who ridicule atheists or other faiths for not following their beliefs. You can say, “Oh, I don’t believe in God because I’m an atheist”, and that’s totally fine, you do you; but the second it becomes “I don’t believe in God and neither should you”, you’ve crossed a line.
Too many atheists try to invoke some kind of superiority simply because they don’t believe in God, just as too many Christians try to invoke that same superiority because they do believe. I understand the worry that some are using faith as a substitute for rationality; believe me, I do. But you cannot assume that spirituality and reason are diametrically opposite because of it.
We’re all humans, we’re all citizens of this mote of dust called Earth, why can’t we all just treat each other that way?
Psy Key
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

Yes, evolution has been proven. What people often don’t understand is micro and macro evolution, and why one doesn’t exist or make sense, and the other does. Simply put, macro evolution doesn’t make sense. It’s a really dumb idea many religious, Kent Hovind to name one, think science means when concerning evolution.
Micro evolution, or just evolution, is looking at how one animal can slowly become another, by classification, over BILLIONS of years. It does not make the argument that a wolf can become a fish, but it CAN make the argument that a wolf can become aquatic. We have evidence for the first fish that walked on land, but we don’t have evidence for a whale suddenly becoming a humming bird. It’s because that doesn’t happen.
A great example of “forced” evolution would be the dog, in general, compared to the wolf. Very long ago, humans took wolves and domesticated them by capturing them, and forcing them to hunt with humans. Wolves proved excellent tools because they were able to find other animals by smell and could easily catch small prey themselves. It vastly increased the amount of food a hunting party of a tribe could bring back, and the wolf slowly changed into what we know as a dog based on “forced” breeding by humans for specific traits. These could include but are not limited to breeding together the two best hunting dogs you have at camp, breeding the two smallest dogs should you need to be concealed from other animals while you hunt. It’s unclear what traits were sought after more than others, but now we have dogs and we have wolves, which at this point in time can still mate and breed with each other. This is a small evolutionary change, despite the amount of time humans put into it, and is actually quicker than natural evolution because we undoubtedly forced specific traits we wanted into our breeding process with these animals.
Many dog lovers do this today, with countless different traits such as having dense hair or thin hair, being small or big, the list goes on and on.
It’s important to note that micro and macro evolution can also be used as a lens, of sorts. In this case, macro evolution would be looking at one specific organism and seeing what it has transitioned to, perhaps not even fully as with the case of canines. While micro evolution can be seen as looking at the extremely small changes over the same portion of time.
Fun fact, this means that talking, technicolor ponies are a very distant possibility. It’s possible that could happen in the next 10 trillion years. Our star will destroy Earth long before that.
Saying, “Don’t know the answer, therefor God,” is probably the worst decision you can make in making a decision, purely for the fact that we have evidence that suggests a massive expanse did occur, and that it probably wasn’t the first. Just because you don’t know the answer, doesn’t mean pick the one that fills in the criteria. The difference between how spiritual people find things and the scientific method is spiritual people say, “Here’s our answer, what supports it,” and the scientific method says, “Here’s the information we could gather, what does it point toward?”
It’s why so many people have a problem with how science uses the word ‘theory’. It’s used to say, “proven, but our understanding is changing with more information being found,” instead of, “what we think is the answer.”
Also, for those that will ask for proof on the second part of the ‘big bang’, it’s more speculation at this point than anything. An easy way to get an understanding of how there COULD be more of these expansions can be displayed with a marble, or a set of marbles. You can take one marble and split it in half, and now you technically have two marbles. It’s more difficult to take both of those and put them back together, to form the larger marble, and easier to split another marble or the same marbles. You can think of the marbles as galaxies, which each having a black hole in the middle. If the hypothesis that black holes have a capacity level is proven true, it would mean that at some point a black hole has to release that matter, which COULD be the ‘big bang’ we’ve talked about for so long.
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Pone of Astronomy
Um, I’m pretty sure Evolution has been proven regardless of anything Charles Darwin might have said.  
Since fossils for old humans have been unearthed.
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This is bat country!
I think it’s also funny how secular people still cling to evolution when Charles Darwin himself denounced it.
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he’s a smart dude
Sky Spark - For Patreon supporters
Pone of Astronomy - For Patreon supporters
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
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Verified Pegasus - Show us your gorgeous wings!
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
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Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.

Pone of Astronomy
I would like to add that Jesus did not like religion himself.
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Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
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Exactly! Science can’t fill the gap in the “big bang” so it makes perfect sense that physicists would gravitate towards that idea. we don’t know which god is the right one, but there is clearly an otherworldly power.
Psy Key
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

Okay, and?
If a god exists and desires me to believe in them, they can make it happen. If they’re not that powerful, then they’re a pretty shitty god. Like the fuckin’ god of doorknobs.
Artist -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Legionary Captain 🌹
The thing is, it’s impossible to prove or disprove God.
Everyone, Christian or no, should be able to understand this.
It seems a common misconception among atheists that religion as a whole assumes that God is some mystical physical being who personally designed the world and directly interferes in the affairs of men; that God is some cosmic babysitter who will pull you out of the road if you decide to play in traffic. Whether or not that is the case in some sects of religions, I don’t know, but I’m a Catholic, and I understand from what I’ve learned myself that is not how it works - God, as I see, is not a being, but rather an essence of being, transcendent of our notions of existence; a Holy Spirit, if you will. Because of this, we have no real way of proving God’s existence by empirical means, but also no way to disprove it. Our understandings of the nature of God are built upon a philosophical interpretation of the world around us, not a literal and physical one, and thus to argue about it and try and prove or disprove as a certainty is a waste of time - either you chose to believe or you don’t. Simple as that.
And believe it or not, most people, even aspiring physicists like me, will tend to gravitate toward belief in a higher spiritual power. Why? Not because they’re sheep without a will of their own, not because they’re ignorant to the well-established physical sciences and the principles which guide them, but because it gives them a sense of purpose, a sense of hope, and a sense of wonder at the vastness and relative predictability and calculability of the forces that shape the universe.
Fun Fact: an estimated 2/3 of doctored scientists belong to some form of religious devotion.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
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Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

I’m not commenting,  
I killed myself 😛
Eden Shallowleaf - For supporting the site
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
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Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Emerald - For users who have donated to the site
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
Dream Come True! - Participated in the MLP 9th Anniversary Event

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i’m never happy when it comes to college :P