Background Pony #7ED1
Glorious Unicorn/Alicorn Villain master race
Background Pony #9CCD
Actually, I just meant that Chrysalis was not an earth pony or a pegasus. Sorry for being unclear. And the writers could give an earth pony or a pegasus some sort of artifact or device that would allow them to be a threat to the Elements of Harmony, true.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@Background Pony
Well nothing really stops the writers from making an earth pony or a pegasus some super powerful (kinda) creature like they did with Sombra. And Chrysalis is not a unicorn if that’s what you meant.
Background Pony #9CCD
Well, as I said, I don’t think you can prove anything one way or another from what’s in the show. Given what Lauren Faust has said, I tend to think of the three races as being roughly equal, but I’m not bothered if your headcanon is that the nobility is mostly unicorns.
And while I’m doubtful we’ll see an earth pony (or even a pegasus) villain on the level of Sombra or Chrysalis, it wouldn’t surprise me to see some more minor villains from those races.

None of what you said means anything in terms of class. In real life, medieval aristocrats probably lacked the skills of a worker, but they were still the aristocrats.  
All the arguing aside, I still think its doubtful that there is going to be an earth pony villian.

@Background Pony  
This is what I’ve been waiting for, someone to show actual proof of earth Ponies in the upper class canterlot. I take my hat of to you anon, I have lost this part of the argument.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Actually, the only thing that Unicorns are better at is being total fuckups. They are ultimately limited by the one advantage they have: Magic.  
Because of their magic, they do not have to learn any useful skills, and thus their mind stagnated because they have no challenges in their lives.  
Earth Ponies have to work hard for everything. So do Pegasi. A Unicorn would never achieve anything outside their magic. Hell, Magic isn’t even necessary, seeing as we have seen ponies do things with their hooves that require superhuman dexterity to accomplish. Face it, your assumptions are wrong, and this conversation is over.
Background Pony #9CCD
At the Grand Galloping Gala, an event so exclusive that the Elements of Harmony, after saving the world, could only get in due to Celestia’s influence:  
At the Canterlot Garden Party, second only to the Grand Galloping Gala as a Canterlot gathering:  
Seems to me there’s a fair number of earth ponies in the Canterlot elite. (A shortage of pegasi, apparently, but they do seem to keep to themselves more than the other two races, in general.)
I don’t think there’s anything to disprove the idea that unicorns make up most of the aristocracy and nobility, but nor do I think such a hypothesis necessarily follows from what we’ve seen in the show.

You ignored my last comment. The reality of Equestria is that it isn’t equal and classes are very prevelant. It should be obvious to see that unicorns are considerably the dominant race. I acknowledge that Earth Ponies can be rich, smart, and cunning, I just dont see them as equal scale as Unicorns. If something appears in the series to suggest differently, that there are aristocratic Earth Ponies, then I will adjust to that veiw. But based on what has been seen, it doesn’t work the way you want to see it.
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And quite frankly, when you get right down to it, the Equalists were basically just butthurt that they didn’t have super powers. Not very impressive.
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No, they are not.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Amon was actually a water bender, remember?

You have yet to confront me directly and I believe every argument I’ve made is valid.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

While I appreciate that stand up for the earth ponies I’d still like to point out the same thing that I said earlier which is the fact that normal unicorns don’t have any special abilities unless you count the basic telekinesis and some special ability related talent unicorns have. And yes I know you didn’t even say anything like that and my message is mostly pointed to lasthorizon though after reading his messages I can’t really take him too seriously anymore.

I doubt they had any political influence beyond having money.  
Besides, like you said earlier, maybe their a bunch of racist asses and dont have any other race in their group.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Filthy Rich. Implied to be the case for Aunt and Uncle Orange. Everypony that was at the dinner with Aunt and Uncle Orange that wasn’t Applejack.

Have you seen an aristocratic earth pony in the show?
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So being rich and powerful isn’t the same as being a part of aristocracy? From what I understand, that’s not at all the case.

Even assuming that only they can grow food, that doesn’t mean that they hold aristocratic positions. They can be rich, smart, and even sly and cunning, but they dont have the power and posittions that most unicorns have.  
My orginal comment was meant as a half joke anyway, I dind’t expect it to turn into a serious debate.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Actually, it’s outright said that only Earth Ponies can grow crops. Also, most Earth Pony settlements shown so far have proven to be typically growing food in places where it shouldn’t grow.

I dont believe it cant happen, just that its unlikely. And if it does I would be quite excited.

>Have we seen any evidence that the only rich ponies in Equestria all live in Canterlot? No, we’ve seen the opposite.  
Once again I’m taling about High ranking political Aristocracy, not the rich.
>Earth Ponies are dominant since they are the only group that produces food.  
Onc again based only off of a play that could have been manipulated for story purposes. The notion that a peguses or Unicorns cannot plant a crop and grow it is nonsensical.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Oh yeah, in a world of fantastic magic and powers, someone with no special abilities could never make a compelling antagonist.  
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Have we seen any evidence that the only rich ponies in Equestria all live in Canterlot? No, we’ve seen the opposite.  
And Unicorns are far from dominant. If anything, Earth Ponies are dominant since they are the only group that produces food.

I never heard of aristocratic groups working outside of a capital. Earth Ponies and Peguses can be rich and smart.
>Your logic is flawed and based entirely on assumptions with no basis in fact relating to how the world works.  
Actually almost every assumption I’ve made can be based on what is seen and how that works into the world. I still stand by my point that Unicorns, based on what has been seen and can possibly be assumed, are the dominant race.