Until and unless the Season 4 opener can prove to me Twilicorn isn’t a godawful decision, I’m just going to believe that every event after Twilight got vaporized never happened.
For my own fanfic/headcanon purposes, Twilight will never be an Alicorn princess, unless I feel like depicting her as a villain a la “Sunset”.
@Chilly Pepper
Ah, Sonic Retro. Where sanity goes to die and oldfags go to bitch. (I am speaking as a guy who has been a Sonic fan for 20 years now).
@Background Pony
Sorry dude, I can only agree with your last bullet point (Twilight being privileged and not deserving princesshood). The second and third bullets in particular make no sense.
The pacing was fine until Twilight got vaporized. Then things started to go ape-shit. I’m curious to see how it all ties together and don’t mind waiting until the episode airs to find out, rather than jump to ridiculous conclusions.
The philosophical nature of Friendship is Magic is what attracted me to the show in the first place. In season 3, I got to see the philosophies of:
• Objectifying Crystal Ponies
• Killing sentient beings to solve your problems
• Blaming the victim for not accepting a creepy stalker’s advances
• A super privileged individual being obscenely and singularly rewarded for something that should be universally achievable by anyone.
And in EqG, it is frustrating that they chose to go with the moral that they did, in the context of Twilight Sparkle being a country wide leader rather than in the context of humble friends. If pressed, I could cite countless examples of atrocities committed by leaders who “got the people to work with them,” and horribly negligent accidents that have happened because leaders didn’t force others to follow their authority.
Eh, why not? I think a Twilight “How do I princess?” episode would hold some potential, but I can’t say it sucks that we apparently aren’t getting one. But I don’t see why I should think less of you for disagreeing.
I liked MMC, at least until the coronation scene, but I can understand if others don’t like it. What annoys me are those who say it’s the worst thing ever, or that you have to be stupid to like it.
There are many thousands of hours of TV shows that are objectively worse than MMC, and I’m the type of person who generally frowns on talking about “objectivity” when judging entertainment media.
@Background Pony
I think it’s offensive to suggest that the show staff haven’t been trying to give their best. I don’t think it’s offensive to suggest they haven’t been able to give their best because of other factors.
Can anyone anyone here point out the exact pixel that says “EQG will directly tie-in to S4”. My eyesight must be going, because I can’t see to find it anywhere.
Well, to me, it isn’t about hasbro. It isn’t about the writers. Hell, it isn’t about my little pony. I just enjoyed what I was watching. Simple as that.
Well if events in EQG are brought up in a Ep. they probably won’t call them humans and more like “Those weird creatures from the other world”.