Background Pony #E6A6
only chracters who are so called redeemable
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@Background Pony #0395  
Jeez…You hate a lot of characters, don’t you?
Background Pony #E6A6
I mean the idiot starlight glimmer
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@Background Pony #0395  
Uh, say again with that last part?
Background Pony #E6A6
not only that it had the stupid and lame Trixie and dumlight itiotimmer
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@Background Pony #0395  
Yeah, and I’m certain that Cranky’s question to Celestia is one she’s probably heard many times before.
Background Pony #E6A6
yeah it was horrible
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@Background Pony #0395  
Why? Saw the new episode and the awkwardness of the dinner with Celestia along with Trixie’s return?
Background Pony #E6A6
hey turn on the tv right now
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@Background Pony #0395  
I’ll see about doing that. Thanks.
Background Pony #E6A6
I don’t know just look up vicious cycle collection
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@Background Pony #0395  
Is there a channel for them where I might be able to view them at all?
Background Pony #E6A6
all of them
Background Pony #E6A6
you know this reminds me of those vicious cycles tf2 videos
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@Background Pony #0395  
RED Spy: “This will be the last time you see me.” (Pops Dead Ringer and makes his escape)  
(Everyone else re-spawns and regroups for planning a counter-attack)
Background Pony #E6A6
blu pyro mmphh(no)(burns red spy)
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@Background Pony #0395  
(RED Spy was able to slip behind them while they were not looking and take revenge for his comrades)  
RED Spy: “Did you forget about me?!”
Background Pony #E6A6
that is true now blu sniper (headshots red sniper and twilight)wave goodbye to you’re head wankers  
blu heavy and soldier lay down an onslaught until everyone is dead
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@Background Pony #FB7D  
Whatever, man. I don’t know why I’m still doing this with you because of your hatred of Equestria Girls…
Background Pony #5B3B
oh because I saw some blue female dragon on this site anyway  
well i’m gonna nuke griffon stone
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@Background Pony #FB7D  
Season 6, Episode 5 - Gauntlet of Fire
Background Pony #5B3B
in which episode
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@Background Pony #FB7D  
Yeah, Ember is the blue dragon that befriended Spike.
Background Pony #5B3B
wait ember is she the blue dragon