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@Background Pony #A34F  
You will give Twilight her mouth back, right? If not, you’re in trouble, Discord.
Background Pony #290F
discord ah who cares (takes twilights mouth away and does the conga)
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #A34F  
Twilight: “Then maybe you should ask Princess Celestia about it. I’m sure she would give you a good history lesson about it.”
Background Pony #290F
discord i have never heard of a portal in canterlot ‘‘twilight’’ if that really you
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #A34F  
Twilight: “It’s me, Discord. Princess Twilight Sparkle? The same one you know from Equestria? I became human thanks to a portal between the human world and Equestria.”
Background Pony #290F
discord wait your not twilight,the twilight i know is a princess not this hideous creature
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #A34F  
Twilight: “Uh, Discord? Did you mean for that to happen, or do I need to ask Celestia about turning you to stone again with the Elements?”
Background Pony #290F
discord (turns sniper to stone )mwhahahahaha
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #A34F  
RED Sniper and Twilight: “Oh, double crap…”
Background Pony #290F
giant soldier robot beep boop i am a robot
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #A34F  
RED Sniper: “Ah, piss…”  
Twilight: “We’re going to need more help to deal with all of them. My friends and your team are not going to be enough.”
Background Pony #290F
grey mann (deploys 400,000 giant soldier robots)
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #A34F  
RED Sniper: (headshots BLU Sniper along with the BLU team behind him with the Machina) “All your heads are going to be a fine red mist!!” (To Twilight) “You okay?”  
Twilight: “I’ve been better…”  
RED Sniper: “MEDIC! Heal Twilight!”  
RED Medic: “Ja!” (heals Twilight with Medigun)
Background Pony #290F
blue sniper(returns from spawn) (throws jarate and uses huntsman on eg twilight)
Background Pony #DADB
Deletion reason: No reason given
Background Pony #7E03
MLG Twilight is MLG.
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #1344  
Twilight: Wanna have a go at him?  
RED Sniper: Bloody right, mate!! (Takes aim and headshots BLU Sniper) Piss off, ya mongrel!!  
Twilight: That was perfect!  
RED Sniper: Thanks, mate!
Background Pony #4425
blu sniper:holy duly now thats damn right embarrasing
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #E737  
I’m pretty sure for him, in terms of what he says in his Meet The Team video, he’s more of a marksman since his job is more of a profession than what the United States Armed Forces do when they train their snipers before they’re deployed for duty against the enemy.
If you want, why not check out those documentaries I mentioned? Might help teach you a few things regarding snipers.
Background Pony #4D27
Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve read anything war related, so my knowledge is admittedly just bits and pieces. I’m not sure if Snipers are typically involved in combat situations. Would the TF2 Sniper technically really even be a Sniper or more of a Marksman? I can’t tell…
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #E737  
Good point. I’ve seen in the documentaries how when a sniper team learns that the enemy knows their position, they make for escape, ready to shoot anything waiting for them on the way to their evacuation convoy.
Back in Vietnam, sniper teams were usually just the sniper and his spotter, like with Hathcock.
Background Pony #4D27
Yeah, but security isn’t always like being right there and ready to shoot. Sometimes it’s simply being able to tell them someone is coming their way and that they need to book it. This is probably why the two aren’t always in the same place. From my understanding, they typically communicate via radio.
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #E737  
Well, from the History Channel documentaries I saw, the spotter is with the sniper and provides him information, tells him where the biggest threat is, and acts as his security, so if their position is compromised, he can help ensure their escape.
The documentaries use examples from both Vietnam and Iraq, such as with the famous sniper Carlos Hathcock and his kills of North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong snipers.
Background Pony #4D27
I have not, but I’ve read up on Spotters before, and my understanding is that most of what they do involves them observing where the Sniper will be shooting with their own specialized scope, observing for obstructions, civilians, etc., making calculations of where the Sniper should shoot and so forth. From what I’ve read they are often not even in the same place as the Sniper.