An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #D11A  
(Before the BLU team can do anything, several Tank Robots and Sentry Busters show up to blow them up)  
(The RED team and Humane Seven watch as the BLU team is effectively wiped out in one blow by the Sentry Busters and Tank Robots)  
Twilight: (shocked) “Whoa…”  
RED Sniper: (just as amazed) “Yeah.”
Background Pony #79AE
after the dust settles it shows an army of ubercharged heavys,soldiers,and medics
and a army of medic’s and a group of snipers with machina
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #5D65  
(Door opens, only for the BLU Heavy to be pounded with grenades and rockets from RED Demoman and RED Soldier, blowing him to pieces before the BLU Medics can help him)  
RED Demoman: “Oh, they’re going to have to glue you back together, in Hell!”  
RED Soldier: “This is MY world! You are not welcome in MY world!”  
RED Sniper: “Thanks, mate.”  
Twilight: “Yeah, thanks.”
Background Pony #BB84
blu heavy (waits out side spawn gun ready)nowhere to hide cowards.
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #5D65  
Twilight: “Run!”  
RED Sniper: “Yeah!”  
(They flee back to the RED resupply area)
Background Pony #BB84
blu medic 3(deploys another ubercharge on blu heavy)i’m coming for you (starts shooting up every thing until twilight and red sniper)
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #5D65  
Twilight: “Best option here is to stay outta sight until it wears off.”  
RED Sniper: “Okay, mate.”  
(They go find a hiding spot while BLU Heavy is distracted with the other RED players)
Background Pony #BB84
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #5D65  
Uh, which kind of Ubercharge? Invulnerability? Critical Hits? Mega Heal?
Background Pony #BB84
oh blu medic deploys ubercharge on blu medic deploying ubercharge on blu heavy
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #5D65  
Good point, if your using the right map for the job, but I’m using a multiplayer map, 5 Gorge, and not a Mann vs Machine map, like Decoy.
Background Pony #BB84
well to bad it’s gmod anything can happen
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #5D65  
That’s only for Mann vs Machine, not multiplayer.
Background Pony #BB84
blu medic (creates shield that blocks bullets and other attacks)
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #5D65  
(RED Sniper waits until the Ubercharge drops, then plugs BLU Heavy)  
RED Sniper: “Everything above your neck is going to be a fine red mist!”
Background Pony #BB84
blu heavy (uses huo long heater on red soldier and the humane 7 while uber charged) run cowards
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #5D65  
(RED Soldier plugs BLU Sniper while he’s distracted with killing RED Spy with the Cow Mangler 5000)  
RED Soldier: “Take your lumps like a man, Private Twinkle Toes.”
Background Pony #BB84
blu sniper is protected from backstab by razorback and stabs spy) spies bloody useless
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #5D65  
RED Spy backstabs him while he is taunting.  
RED Spy: “Surprise.”
Background Pony #BB84
blu sniper (headshots twilight and red sniper with machine)wave goodbye to your head wanker
Background Pony #BB84
discord I’m enjoying this
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #A34F  
Like I said, there’s no point in arguing with the Master of Chaos. End of story. Though I’m sure you will get tired after a while, won’t you, Discord? If not, I rest my case.
Background Pony #290F
discord you can’t(summons his thrown and enjoys the chao’s he caused)
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #A34F  
Okay, that makes sense.  
So then, if you say so, Discord. If you think that’s not the real Twilight, I won’t keep arguing with you about it. Besides, how am I supposed to argue with the Master of Chaos anyway?
Background Pony #290F
discord no thats not the real twilight  
me the reason why discord doesn’t know that the real twilight because he was not in eg phiyscaly he was a plush but not really there