Background Pony #FDCA
Hmm… well, if the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is correct, one of the key traits of a sociopath is a failure to feel remorse or guilt. Considering her behavior in the season 6 premiere, I think it’s safe to say this is inaccurate.  
Sunburst: I’m sorry we lost touch. Maybe if I had reached out, you could have helped me at magic school, and I could have helped you to…
Starlight Glimmer: Not become totally evil? Let’s just say I know what it’s like to have something you’re not exactly proud of.
Moving along, sociopaths also tend to be uneducated. Given that she mastered time travel and gave Twilight a run for her money, probably not true either. What else… oh yes. “Any crimes committed by a sociopath, including murder, will tend to be haphazard, disorganized and spontaneous rather than planned.” I think that’s clearly out, because there was nothing disorganized about her attempt at revenge.  
Starlight Glimmer: Well, finding her will be easy! But stopping her’s gonna be harder than you think. Sorry to disappoint you, but I created that spell to send myself back in time. So even when you cast it, I still get sent back here. It wasn’t difficult to change Star Swirl’s spell. He’d already done the hard part. But figuring out I could use the map to go to any time or place and pull you along with me? I even impressed myself with that.
So yeah, Starlight’s not a sociopath. Nor was she willing to kill everyone to get back at one pony, or most of those other comments. Heck, she ended last season determined to make up for what she almost did.  
Starlight Glimmer: I know there’s no excuse for what I did, but I want you all to know that I’m ready for whatever punishment you think is fair.
That doesn’t mean you have to like her. It doesn’t mean you have to agree with Twilight and her friends deciding to show her mercy and kindness. All I’m saying is that most of what this image is saying is incorrect, and there is clearly evidence to support that fact. But I also don’t mind having her as a recurring character. I appreciate that she’s been given a second chance. I actually think she wants to change for the better, and I am looking forward to seeing her do so.

@Background Pony #8BCB  
At least Shimmer knows how to shred the guitar.
Background Pony #A68D
They’ve changed her mane and (by what I hear; I haven’t bothered watching any of s6 since I wasn’t the least bit hopeful) voice, so it’s pretty well-established that new Glimmer is just old Glimmer’s retarded clone. I don’t even know why they did that. We didn’t need another badly reformed Twilight Sparkle counterpart who’s blander than cardboard. We have Sunset Shimmer for that.

@Background Pony #8BCB
I actually had a slightest tinge of hope about her in the S6 premiere. Then that line about her stealing Cutie Marks happened and she lost any interesting trait she had.
As far as I’m concerned she’s just a different character entirely.

Gay Viking
@Background Pony #8BCB  
Agreed I had no problem with her until the end of the finale she was a villain and a good one she even managed to escape Twilight that’s impressive but rather than keeping her established character they decided they would shoehorn her into the main cast using a poorly written backstory as an excuse, the worst part is she’s boring now she doesn’t do any of the things that made her interesting in the first place anymore.
Background Pony #A68D
Her character was actually pretty good up until the point where they tried to pin it all on some bullshit excuse for childhood trauma, then tossed everything that was interesting about her out the window based on that excuse. I mean, even her mane looks like crap now. It’s like they went out of their way to shit on the fans.

Gay Viking
Thanks I try.
This is why I prefer talking to users and not Anons you can actually see if they practice what they preach where as an Anon has no weight to their words. This has been a Public Service Announcement please booru responsibly.
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Hmmmmm. That…….Is actually correct. Touché Pagan, Touché.

Gay Viking
Funny since you just posted.
Starlight = the Good
Sunset = the Bad
And Take out the oc and replace it with another shimmer to = the Ugly
Right before coming here.
Pot called the kettle black.

Only if you do the same.
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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How about no and quit complaining.

Gay Viking

Nay this is incorrect as that would imply an actually character. She’s probably one of the most objectively terribly written character in G4 alone. I’d honestly take this Glimmer above in this image than what we actually got.
Can we have Sunburst take her place? He’s actually somewhat interesting and actually looks like he has potential unlike Glimmer whose potential and narrative importance is pretty much dead now.
Background Pony #A68D
@Lucky Shot  
So it basically comes down to “they don’t give a shit”. I don’t know why we should care about a story that not even that story’s creators care about, let alone write textwalls about them.

Gay Viking
@Lucky Shot  
Then why the fuck are you still here? To stroke your ego about how you think not liking the show somehow makes you better than everyone else? Seriously chill your tits and just try to enjoy literally anything or if you can’t do that go find something you actually enjoy instead of crying how things aren’t exactly how you want them to be. If you seriously think the fanbase killed the show (which it obviously hasn’t it’s still going just fine) then your living in a deluded fantasy.
I will never understand why people stick around somewhere they absolutely hate and belittle everyone who is just trying to enjoy a fanbase or show when they can just go find something else they like. It’s like it’s ingrained in their heads they are some savior of the internet and their words are the prophecy of some higher power when in reality they’re just a bunch of obsessed egotistical wet rags who feel the need to try and ruin everyone else’s good time because they didn’t get exactly what they wanted.
Background Pony #C86F
By Lucky Shot own admission in various comments,he dont even watch the show or the episode (as such invalidating all his self-righteous talk.Seriously,check his comments and forum posts).He’s just here to be a pedant ,contrarian, hipster “fan of the fandom” so it’s better to just ignore his toddler tantrums.Whatever inner child he ever had is clearly dead and rotting,unmourned and unceremoniously burried under a pile of pseudo-intellectual garbage  
I dont care if MLP is not the best show ever.Fandom is not and should not be a competition for “who have the better tastes”.It’s not the “ebil bronies” who ruined the fandom/show/you name it,it’s dour faced,unpleasable,nitpicking adult-in-name-only who are terminally unable to watch a show clearly made for escapism without churning an in-depth intellectual masturbation analysis of everything wrong with pop culture or are unable watching a tongue-in-cheek 100th episode celebration of fans harmless inside joke as a testimony on how the writers bend over to the dark forces of peripherical fanbase and how it’s the death of culture yadda yadda yadda,regardless of whether or not they define themselves as bronies/trekkies/horsef*****thankyou4chan.Such attitude now leave us with revisionist ideologue like Sarkeesian who want to save gaming from scarecrows or obsessive otakus like the channers who overeact and dogpile everything that dont satisfy them.Both are equally bad in my book
“If you need the security a strong continuity provides, you may not want to seek psychological security in Star Wars, Star Trek, or any other science fiction series (or computer game continuity). There’s holes, gaps, and other problems — my suggestion to you would be to just try to relax a little and enjoy the escapism. When escapism becomes work, an obssession [sic], or is just stressing you out in general, then it’s not doing its job and you need to take a step back and take a breather.”  
— Chris Avellone
“The Indiana Jones movies are all entitled to some dumb moments. They recapture the spirit of the old adventure films that came out during The Great Depression and World War II. Audiences were looking to escape the real world and forget about their troubles. And that’s what movies are all about: entertainment. But today, audiences are far more critical, have less imagination, and aren’t as willing to suspend their disbelief; and that is the death of cinema.”  
— James Rolfe, Cinemassacre’s “Top 10 Dumbest Indiana Jones Moments
tl;dr Can you just chill and watch the effin show.If you dont like it,change the channel.No one is twisting your arm here
You may now proceed to question my sexuality/continue your Internet fight

Gay Viking
Boohoo they made an episode that celebrates it’s fans and then went back to business as usual it’s so terrible and the show staff are so infallible boohoohoo.
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*Shrug*, I’m not really a fan of obnoxious ego-stroking comments that on one hand fling crap on the fandom for all the show’s ails, and on the other proclaim their author’s perfect vision for how the show should be written. The irony that Lucky Shot is deriding how other fan’s contributions supposedly ruined the show, while simultaneously trying to say how the writers should take his fan perspective in and use it as a guide for the show is just too much.
Lord WyrmSpawN
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Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
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Lingering Wyvern
It’s not like it was completely unenjoyable just because we knew about it beforehand and they didn’t.
And don’t blame the older fans wholesale for any fuckups you perceive. We’re not writing it.

What? It’s the truth. S4 showed signs of the show’s massive changes over to the brony fandom, then S5 happen, and BAM an entire episode where girls who are the target demographic have no idea about as to why the episode is showing, because it’s one giant FAN SERVICE to bronies. This fandom has ruined the show because it will never be what it could have been thanks to all of us existing, because the show staff let us influence the show to much. they listened to us, they changed things for us, and threw in references to things only we understand.
@Lucky Shot  
Exactly. If Starlight was actually thought through it wouldn’t have felt so forced when they forced her onto us. All it would have taken is during S5 a episode where we saw her behind the scenes
Hey, Woulda made a MUCH MUCH better finale if the finale was a behind the scenes actions of the ENTIRE s5 where Starlight was manipulating things in the background that had effects on the episodes that we saw.
Bloom and gloom for example, easily have had her giving those dreams to AB.
“Could” have been so awesome.. “could” have been so much better.
Instead we get this thing where she goes nuts and kills everypony, then is redeemed for doing that because one friend left her
awww :P
Duck - Hates bronies, but is one. Go figure.
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aka Summersong
@Lucky Shot
Also Larson was the original one to write Starlight’s basic story. Haber got notes that said she needed to be redeemed but absolutely no hint as to how or why.
So Starlight was quite literally not thought through, and Haber had to improvise on the spot.
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…because bronies can’t stand the painful truth that the show was ruined ages ago because of them…
Duck - Hates bronies, but is one. Go figure.
Hard Work - Merited Perfect Pony Plot Provider badge with only their own art
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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aka Summersong
To put this in perspective, there is an 8 page argument spanning 4 months on this image over an objectively bad character, because bronies can’t stand the painful truth that the show was ruined ages ago because of them and Starlight is merely one drop of piss in the yellow sea.
Bronies love M.A. Larson for one reason: he bent over backwards to cater to them. Once he was given more creative control of the show, it suddenly became shallow brony dick-stroking alongside general memes, fake intellectualism, and fad-chasing.
Larson is the kind of person who looks at a show for little girls about cartoon horses who understand human phrases like “getting on a soapbox” and “get off your high horse” and thinks “They won’t know what days or weeks are! Let’s have them exclusively say ‘moons’ when they talk about time passing. That’s some deep lore right there.”
And though Larson no longer works on the show (thank god!), he still set the ship on this course and Starlight is still a result of fad-chasing. For the last ten years if not longer, society has been obsessed with forgiving unforgivable villains with cheap and unacceptable excuses, usually in the form of a mild childhood trauma that’s supposed to justify the massively unbalanced retaliation thereafter (note: it doesn’t.)
This twisted conceit is affectionately called the Batman villain. Basically, in Batman, if someone slips on a banana peel, they’ll hate bananas so much that they’ll wage war on all Gotham and kill people just because they like to eat bananas, and usually the comic or movie or whatnot will (fail to) portray the villain as sympathetic / tragic or downplay their evil decisions. Replace bananas with cutie marks & Gotham with Equestria and that’s Starlight in a nutshell.
Friendship is Magic suffers from this particularly badly because of its forgiving, anything-goes setting: it started as a goofy cartoon show for little girls where you could get away with incredibly stupid shit like Nightmare Moon and love & forgiveness <=) were the answer to every problem. But it doesn’t have that excuse anymore, thanks to Larson pushing so hard to make the show indepth & epic and generally present itself more seriously with problems that are much more severe, with much higher stakes, and much closer to real world problems which do not have the same black-or-white morality system or “everybody’s good on the inside!” pattern as cartoon problems.
All the changes Larson made that ruined the show where exactly what bronies wanted him to do and up until recently they were all quite happy with it! Yet all of a sudden the pattern has become blatant enough that the very people who spent 4 years begging for it are sick of it.
Yeah well it’s their fault. Everything wrong with this show is because of bronies, and they’d rather blame everybody but themselves.
But oh! There’s one single light of hope in the darkness!
Josh Haber does not give one single shit about bronies, which is why they hate him. He’s perfectly willing to make jokes at his own expense and generally doesn’t take bronies or himself too seriously.
Those exact traits are what made Friendship is Magic good in season 1 and 2. Josh is the only chance the show has to be good again.
Buuuut whether he can pull that off remains to be seen. >__>

She caused all of that, she went fuckin’ insane and tried to destroy lives, brainwashing innocent ponies and relentlessly tormenting Twilight, because A FRIEND MOVED AWAY. A friend she clearly didn’t care enough to try writing to or visiting.
It doesn’t matter that she’s ‘sorry’ and ‘just wants fwends’ (which, btw, was forced as fuck), one does not react in that way to something so mundane unless they are a psychopath. The ends do not justify the means in this scenario.
If somebody tries to kill me, or tries to ruin my life in some way (let’s say, having me falsely imprisoned for a major crime), and then cried and says he’s sorry and just wants to be my friend now, does he just fuckin’ go free with no surveillance? Would I be unreasonable for holding a grudge against him if he revealed his friend from childhood moved away and he was scared to make new friends?
Her motivation was weak - I daresay non-existant, and her ‘redemption’ was lazy.
Background Pony #A68D
I actually liked her as a villain. But now she can piss off. Congratulations, writers. You’ve driven off everyone who liked her for her old self and failed to make anyone like her new self, and now she’s this show’s Scrappy Doo. I hope you’re proud of yourselves.