
I know someone will disagree, but I hope so.
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Who knows? Maybe Starlight will get the same amount of praise as Sunset after her third appearance.

It’s pretty simple that Starlight will be a protege sort of character, probably about as prominent as Spike or less so. Either way, whether she’s a main focus character or a side one, I put some trust in the writers. I was in a minority who liked Sunset and now she’s a fan favorite after her second appearance. There are differences, but no character is the same. I’m just not one for holding on to negativity.

Gay Viking
I’m behind that idea.

I think it’d be better if Twilight helps Starlight make a new group. Now that I could get behind.
Background Pony #77AC
Understandable. Not everyone is going to like a new idea. If someone just isn’t a fan of Starlight, then seeing her become a regular character might rightfully bother them. If someone feels like Starlight could be redeemable but the finale didn’t do it the right way, I can understand too. The finale was a bit rushed towards the end after all.
For a moment, I was afraid you’d be that kind of person too. XD Lots of Internet arguments involve at least one person, if not everyone, who is hostile. I thank you for being just as civil, probably even more civil than me.
My issue isn’t with disliking a character or with disliking the way the show handles something. I just sometimes like to argue against things when I feel there is another sensible way of seeing something.

But the main six have pretty much gotten where they want to be.  
Rarity has a shop in Canterlot.  
Rainbow is a trainee in the Wonderbolts.  
Twilight is a princess of friendship.  
Fluttershy has her animals and quiet lifestyle.  
Applejack has her family and friends.  
Pinkie Pie has her friends and a loving support system.  
The CMC have their marks and purpose in life.  
Spike…..has Twilight.
Bringing in new members of the assembled cast would be a good way to go about things. Am I just asking for Starlight Glimmer episodes? Well, perhaps we can have some more ‘Slice of Life’ in where we don’t focus on the other side characters more so, like the princess, the crystal empire, and such. I honestly believe they can turn her around, just like they did with Sunset and other characters.

Gay Viking
Well let’s hope they can work around that obvious choice of an episode and do something that will actually work the writers shot themselves in the foot with that ending so they’re going to need up their game to pull off something unpredictable.

@Background Pony #E8EA  
Oh, and thanks for being civil about your comment. It’s nice to hear someone on here at least doesn’t just go, “Aw FUCK YOU, you’re stupid. You’re an idiot and just a hater”. So thank you for that.

@Background Pony #E8EA  
Good points, good points. I just hope she doesn’t become of the mane cast, because it just wouldn’t work, at least to me. I still feel she should’ve gotten something more severe, but I get your point.
Background Pony #77AC
The only un-civil thing I did was accuse everyone who called Starlight an evil unforgivable psychopath of whining and crying and ignoring obvious points about the character. Which many of them are.

But isn’t that something that might pop up since she’s kind of going to be a student for Twilight, thus showing Twilight’s growth as a character into that of her princess roles. Honestly, it’d be a good step for both.
Background Pony #77AC
@Background Pony #E8EA
Which is my point. It’s stated it’s wrong… but then never dealt with. NOPE. Immediate forgiveness.
The first person to forgive her was Twilight. Twilight didn’t excuse what Starlight did, mind you, she only forgave Starlight when Starlight finally saw the error of her ways. I mean, what the hell would Twilight accomplish by being angry anyways? She saw what was wrong and helped fix it in a way that didn’t involve violence, and it worked. Maybe if it didn’t work she would have defeated Starlight through rightful force, but that is only necessary if reasoning does not work.
After that, Twilight spoke to her friends about the whole situation, and it’s believable that perhaps she convinced them over a period of time that she’s changed or willing to change. Keep in mind that technically Starlight was being “punished” by being kept close so that they can keep an eye on her, and show her the ways of a healthy friendship. Isn’t that a lot more ideal than killing her or imprisoning her in Tartarus?

Gay Viking
True and I’m sure they can pull off her character but if the episode has to do with making friends there will be zero tension but as long as they stay away from that type of episode it will probably be fine.

Gay Viking
My grandmother watched this show with my six year old cousin and when the end happened she turned to my cousin and said if you do bad things this is not what happens you get punished and my cousin said I know, the fact my grandmother felt the need to tell her that this is not how these kind of actions are actually handled tells you right there something is wrong, she even told me she doesn’t see why I like this show and I had to say it’s usually better than this.

Exactly, so I’m going to be inclined not to hate Starlight because, just like all season finales, the ending’s a bit rushed but elements that needed to be expanded upon will be so in the opening of the next.
Twilight gets wings and is a princess but is fine in the 3 finale? Season 4 opener deals in detail with those issues.
Twilight loses her home and everything within? Dealt in the second episode of season 5.
Discord’s redemption being quick in season 3? Have season 4 expand on it and that he himself questions it in the season 4 finale.
The show has done greatly in expanding on momentary rushed pieces at later dates.

Gay Viking
@Background Pony #7FB4  
Doesn’t change the fact that we know how it’s going to end cause we already know they have spent time with each other and are best friends.
Twi should have been chewed out by celestia for that to be honest.
@Background Pony #E8EA  
Yeah I’m done if you can’t be civil and talk like a grown man/woman then I’m not going to bother I hope you’re not the spokesman for Starlight fans.

@Background Pony #E8EA  
Which is my point. It’s stated it’s wrong… but then never dealt with. NOPE. Immediate forgiveness.
Background Pony #77AC
A lot of people here are whining and crying about stuff that isn’t true.
Pot called the kettle black, you know saying stuff like that doesn’t make us believe you more it just hurts your own argument.
Yes Twi said she was wrong but it doesn’t change the fact she snapped in the first place and attempted the things she did just being told you’re wrong doesn’t equate to reprimanded.
The fact you chose to focus on a sentence that had nothing to do with my main point: That the show never justified Starlight’s actions, makes me further question your own argument. And yes, a lot of you people ARE crying and whining. And not to mention ignoring certain aspects of Starlight’s development and character.
What Starlight did was clearly wrong. And it was NOT a justification for her actions. It was the reason for her descent into darkness.
Honestly, Starlight isn’t too different from a lot of real life people who have issues with healthy friendships or reactions to emotional issues. The only difference is that she had ambition and power, which would realistically drive a lot of people to do mean/stupid things.
What Starlight did was wrong, even horrible. But the show never justified it. The show flat out stated it was wrong. And she learned she was wrong in the end.
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(Sigh) Well at least I still like you Starlight.

I’m sorry, but mind raping children, who know doubt went home bruised and battered especially after the adults got into the fight, because of a friendship letter that’s tardy isn’t a good thing either. I love Twilight, but she never got comeuppance for that and she went on to say that she was tardy. I understand what drove her off, but that still doesn’t mean Starlight is the only one who’s done bad things.
I have a little sister. Do you think I would forgive someone who did that to my little sister just because they were late on an assignment? Especially if said someone was a friend who made that choice all in one day? I’ll say it, Twilight is a scary character when she wants to be.

@Background Pony #7FB4  
But for me personally, that was a minor flaw. This is an entire character arc being done here.
Background Pony #FCEC
all we saw was her itneracting with the mane six and such. we can still ahve stories with her next season.  
besides songs are songs in mlp. be like taking twilight flying perfectly in a song seriously. XP

Gay Viking
A lot of people here are whining and crying about stuff that isn’t true.
Pot called the kettle black, you know saying stuff like that doesn’t make us believe you more it just hurts your own argument.
Yes Twi said she was wrong but it doesn’t change the fact she snapped in the first place and attempted the things she did just being told you’re wrong doesn’t equate to reprimanded.

Gay Viking
True but they did not attempt to kill or hurt anyone even Dash’s idiot idea was not intended to hurt anyone Starlight actively tried to hurt others.