Background Pony #77AC
You are really really really really overblowing her “evil”. I’ll look for a long argument I wrote a while ago and post here, because I’m sure as hell not gonna retype it.
For now though, let me just mention this: When did the episode EVER say that what Starlight did was justified and okay? Never. The episode didn’t say she had a good excuse. In fact, Twilight herself told Starlight why she was wrong. Twilight gave reasons for why Starlight was wrong.
A lot of people here are whining and crying about stuff that isn’t true. The show never stated that what Starlight did was okay. The show never stated that Starlight had a good excuse. The show openly stated that what Starlight did was wrong and that she did not have a good excuse. And Starlight finally realized she was wrong in the end.

Pinkie Pie lost it in the span of an afternoon and thought inanimate objects were talking to her.  
Twilight mind raped children.  
Rainbow Dash destroyed the weather factory.
Not to mention other times. Everypony is nuts. It’s a part of life for them.

Gay Viking
@Background Pony #F1B4  
Actually despite how much I would have liked a reoccurring villain in the series I’m okay with her being redeemed everyone in this show is redeemable when you think about it I would have liked to have seen some consequences for her actions though you can’t just commit crimes and even attempt murder (season opener) and not get some form of reprimandation whatsoever.
My main gripe was just that her backstory made her look like a loon who could snap at the slightest inconvenience.

@Mr. Horrible  
Idiot for making a comparison? I said forgive my crude comparison, but it makes somewhat sense.
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@Mr. Horrible  
Ok, comparing her to Hitler is now too much.
Background Pony #7E13
Well I sure as hell thought you made it, considering Evovwizard said “did you even see the episode?” to no one but the artist and you responded “yeah I did”
And yeah, like I said, Starlight didn’t want to be wrong. But of course, Twilight challenges her fears and makes Glimmer reconsider. I don’t think the backstory was meant to be an excuse, you can interpret it however you want though. I think any backstory is just supposed to inform why they are the way they are. No one was ever saying or implying with that backstory “so her actions are therefore justified).
I guess her not facing any real punishment was a bit ridiculous. I mean you could argue she’s being kept on a short leash, but it’s not really punishment if she enjoys it. But comparing it to Sunset, who did Starlight really wrong in the end? The Mane 6, and they’re pretty forgiving ponies.
And you stand by everything. Even a statement as blatantly bullshit as “wiling to kill everyone so she can torment a single person for all eternity”? Because there’s nothing about that statement that is correct in the slightest.

@Background Pony #F1B4  
I don’t mind her being redeemed, the problem for me though is the fact she suffered no consequences and was forgiven by EVERYONE immediately. At least Sunset had to go through hoops and was not forgiven at all, except mildly by her friends.
Mr. Horrible

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Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
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Please control yourself with those angry biased tags.

@Mr. Horrible  
My apologies Mr. Horrible, I meant to say “It doesn’t excuse all of the thing SHE did”, not you. Sorry ’bout that.

@Mr. Horrible  
It doesn’t excuse all of the things you did. Hell, forgive my crude comparison, the same ideal could be attached to historical figure, Hitler. Same exact scenario. Wanting to create something ideal in his eyes. Also, look what happened to him. When he saw he was losing, he committed suicide. I’m in NO WAY saying the show should go that route, I just mean the fact an evil person having these ideals in THEIR EYES, doesn’t make it acceptable or OK in the long run.
Background Pony #5092
Starlight did not say anything about being game about destroying the world just to see Twilight suffer. She said she was game to fight Twilight for eternity just to prevent the Rainboom and Twilight’s connection with her friends. She was in denial about all that dooming Equestria and just thought that Twilight was playing a manipulative trick.
In the end, Twilight was able to talk Starlight down rather than forcibly stop her from continuing her plan. She’s not that bad or beyond redemption.
Mr. Horrible

Think of it this way then:
You spend your entire life working towards an ideal. Literally every waking second of every single day trying to achieve something that you believe would make life better for everyone in the world. You know nobody agrees with you, but you truly believe that what you’re doing is the right thing to do.
Then, the person you hate most in the world comes up and presents you with objective proof that what you’re doing will cause an unparalleled catastrophe.
Would you be able to instantly abandon your entire life’s work based on the word of your worst enemy? Just immediately give up everything you’ve ever dreamed of and say “Oh, okay never mind” just like that?

@Background Pony #3B6F  
“Chosen One” trope.

@Mr. Horrible  
What the fuck are you even talking about? I did see the episode. I’m trying to explain my opinions and why I can’t like this character, and you’re just shoving my opinion to the side and acting like I’m a fucking idiot. Aren’t you forgetting the imprisonment in the season premiere? Everything else she’s ever done? All just being forgiven and forgotten about right on the spot? The fact she didn’t have to suffer any repercussions, like how Sunset did?

Gay Viking
@Mr. Horrible  
Or, or we watched the episode saw her backstory was utter shit and watched a montage that ended her possible story arc in season 6 before it even began and thought wow what a load of shit.
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@Mr. Horrible  
Yeah, how stupid can those Starlight haters get? Seriously…

@Background Pony #3B6F  
But even in that scene, she still was acting stubborn and not listening to Twilight (I guess not wanting to admit she was wrong?), but the backstory was basically used as an excuse by the writer. It felt so forced and rushed that it just kind of collapsed her character for me. That, and forgiving everything she ever did that quickly without any repercussions on her was just ridiculous. Everything else in this picture I stand by. Oh, I didn’t make it either. Look at the tags and the link.
Background Pony #7E13
And consider for the film, that they decided to continue calling the main cast the mane 6 to hide the spoiler. Or maybe they’re not changing the name at all, even with Starlight joining the main cast. The synopsis doesn’t mention Spike. Is he not in the movie? See how flawed your logic is?
Background Pony #E0A3
Except it isn’t.
Replacing what actually happened with your own interpretation is not canon, despite your claims to the contrary.
Mr. Horrible

Literally only ever intended to hurt one person, because they had hurt her in the past, and immediately changed her tune when she realized that other people would get hurt because of it. If you paid even the slightest bit of attention to what was actually happening at all it’s plainly spelled out.
It’s like you people didn’t even watch the episode. Like you just heard that she got reformed at the end from someone else and popped a giant hate-boner because you wanted to see a literal public lynching in a cartoon called “Friendship is Magic.”

Best condensed analysis of the character I’ve seen.
Background Pony #7E13
Oh. You made this. It makes sense now how utterly nonsensical this thing is.
In response to what you said to Evovwizard, she didn’t say that line in that scene, that was much earlier. Starlight wasn’t purposely acting ignorant, or using her backstory to try and justify her actions. She showed Twilight her past because she knew nothing about her, and in her mania she was trying to convince herself that what Twilight showed her couldn’t have been true, that it didn’t make sense.
And in truth, from her perspective it really doesn’t make sense. To her, how could one group of friends prevent what is essentially the apocalypse?

@Background Pony #BBEE  
It’s not salty if everything on it is pretty much completely true.
Background Pony #E0A3
Get Silver Quill to read this
and that one background pony that keeps defending her.
Yes. Because naturally how could she have more than ONE fan!? (Not the bgp you were referring to btw)
This little salty picture doesn’t mean squat.
Also this little