Viewing last 25 versions of post by absentia616 in topic Art is dead? Long live AI


No that's duplication, you don't need a AI for that, just a couple of keys on the keyboard, so that entire argument is invalid, and just goes to show that you don't know how the AI even works, to non artists the AI is a gimmick or a stand-in not a replacement, and to artists that except it, they can use it as a tool or aid.

And as for the whole it's stealing people's art nonsense, the reason you show it an image is so it knows what the image is, it can't draw a pony if it doesn't know what one is, and the reason why you have to show it so many images is because despite having intelligence in its acronym, it is dumb AF, a human artist can create an image of a pony after seeing one image to accurately create an image atof one, an AI needs thousands before it even knows what it's looking at, and even then it's still gets things very very wrong.

The whole it steals peoples art sits quite nicely with the world is flat, the world is run by lizard people and aliens built the pyramids when it comes to credibility.
Reason: Typo
Edited by absentia616