Viewing last 25 versions of post by Rayysef in topic [SFW] Artist's Group Chat

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Like this? (On both counts, regarding the new one) ![full](!


Nope, but I gave it a shot. trying my best to keep to show proportions:


I think what really sells it is the butt connection I pointed out in red. I imagine a muscle connecting from a little underneath the tailbone (if you were to draw r34, it would be like, in the middle of the genitalia), and then have it wrap around the leg. Here, it looks like it's not coming from where I said because the "buttcheeks" are kinda blending into it, but I still keep that muscle in mind.

[Clearer example of this.](
Also, simply marking the iliad crest (outer, upper rim of the pelvis, circled in red) gives pretty obvious form, and depending on the severity of the curve, direction.

Other than that, other points that show direction are the shoulder, which was covered in your image, but it does a give a sense of how the spine is moving (Twilight's tilting a bit to the side, to support her weight on her elbow.)

Another slight hint is how the chest and pelvis are connecting- a large part of it is hidden, but it isn't flat. It's hard to explain in words- but basically, I think of it connecting the same way that real horses connect, which you can really see here: >>956007p (Baron Engel's work is a really good reference for real-sy anatomy! I'm a big fan of his.)

Hope this helps- It was a bit harder than I thought it would be.
No reason given
Edited by Rayysef
Artist -


Like this? (On both counts, regarding the new one) !!


Nope, but I gave it a shot. trying my best to keep to show proportions:


I think what really sells it is the butt connection I pointed out in red. I imagine a muscle connecting from a little underneath the tailbone (if you were to draw r34, it would be like, in the middle of the genitalia), and then have it wrap around the leg. Here, it looks like it's not coming from where I said because the "buttcheeks" are kinda blending into it, but I still keep that muscle in mind.

Also, simply marking the iliad crest (outer, upper rim of the pelvis, circled in red) gives pretty obvious form, and depending on the severity of the curve, direction.

Other than that, other points that show direction are the shoulder, which was covered in your image, but it does a give a sense of how the spine is moving (Twilight's tilting a bit to the side, to support her weight on her elbow.)

Another slight hint is how the chest and pelvis are connecting- a large part of it is hidden, but it isn't flat. It's hard to explain in words- but basically, I think of it connecting the same way that real horses connect, which you can really see here: >>956007p (Baron Engel's work is a really good reference for real-sy anatomy! I'm a big fan of his.)

Hope this helps- It was a bit harder than I thought it would be.
No reason given
Edited by Rayysef