Viewing last 25 versions of post by O. Hancock in topic Vent thread

O. Hancock
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

My goodness this seems to be a more heated argument than I thought it would be. Yes, the dictionary is clear that they can literally be used synonymously, but it simultaneously shows a distinction. News flash- there are more ways than one to look at something. Jamie Oliver and Guy Fieri never went to culinary school, and I'd never hesitate for a moment to call either a chef. In this regard, I can agree with Sectioned's disapproval of anonycat's logic. However, I agree with the underlying principle in what Anonycat is arguing, even if I don't agree with the exact interpretatiion, I respect his opinion and agree that at least _*some_* distinction should be generally made.
No reason given
Edited by O. Hancock
O. Hancock
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

My goodness this seems to be a more heated argument than I thought it would be. Yes, the dictionary is clear that they can literally be used synonymously, but it simultaneously shows a distinction. News flash- there are more ways than one to look at something. Jamie Oliver and Guy Fieri never went to culinary school, and I'd never hesitate for a moment to call either a chef. In this regard, I can agree with Sectioned's disapproval of anonycat's logic. However, I agree with the underlying principle in what Anonycat is arguing, even if I don't agree with the exact interpretatiin, I respect his opinion and agree that at least _some_ distinction should be generally made.
No reason given
Edited by O. Hancock