Viewing last 25 versions of post by NoBronyInParticular in topic Another Cringe Thread About Bronies in General. (Possibly NSFW)


"[@Lord Seraph":](/generals/another-cringe-thread-about-bronies-in-general-possibly-nsfw/post/3661007#post_3661007
Like I said in my original response to this, this fact is one of the resaons why I heavily doubt that too. While there are a few conservative areas within the city ( in particular the borough of Staten Island, which actually went for Trump ) the W Hotel is located in Manhattan.

While the guy refused to give Tara his name, I'm sure he had enough physical features that Tara seen to give a description to the management that would single him out amongst the staff.
No reason given
Edited by NoBronyInParticular

"@Lord Seraph":/generals/another-cringe-thread-about-bronies-in-general-possibly-nsfw/post/3661007#post_3661007
Like I said in my original response to this, this fact is one of the resaons why I heavily that too. While there are a few conservative areas within the city ( in particular the borough of Staten Island, which actually went for Trump ) the W Hotel is located in Manhattan.

While the guy refused to give Tara his name, I'm sure he had enough physical features that Tara seen to give a description to the management that would single him out amongst the staff.
No reason given
Edited by NoBronyInParticular