> The ordering of filters in the select element popup for filters has changed. On the live site, the optgroups listed are in the order ["Your Filters", "Recent Filters"], while on philomena, the ordering is ["Recent Filters", "Your Filters"]. A minor thing, but its screwing with my muscle memory.
> Even more minor is that the text in the select element popup for filters on the live site is monospaced, while the text on philomena is proportional. [/bq]
I didn't see anyone respond to this (or my bug report[s]) so I'd just like to bring this up again.
That change seems _*really_* weird, considering the _*My Filter_* is the one I use the most, whilst most of the "recent filters" are ones I've literally never touched in my life.
Edit: Oh. It was fixed? Never mind then... ![full](//derpicdn.net/img/view/2016/11/14/1295737.png)