Viewing last 25 versions of post by PastelBacon in topic Philomena open beta / breaking API changes


Sunset Shimmer
"[@Gameplay The Pony":](/forums/meta/topics/philomena-open-beta-breaking-api-changes?post_id=4643498#post_4643498
It's that little eye with a / through it you see along with the other things like Favorite, Upvote, Downvote, and Comment.  
It's the last option. You click on it, then refresh the page, and the image will no longer be visible to you.
No reason given
Edited by PastelBacon

Sunset Shimmer
"@Gameplay The Pony":/forums/meta/topics/philomena-open-beta-breaking-api-changes?post_id=4643498#post_4643498
It's that little eye with a / through it you see along with the other things like Favorite, Upvote, Downvote, Favorite and Comment.
It's the last option. You click on it, then refresh the page, and the image will no longer be visible to you.
No reason given
Edited by PastelBacon

Sunset Shimmer
"@Gameplay The Pony":/forums/meta/topics/philomena-open-beta-breaking-api-changes?post_id=4643498#post_4643498
It's that little eye you see along with the other things like Upvote, Downvote, Favorite and Comment.
You click on it, then refresh the page, and the image will no longer be visible to you.
No reason given
Edited by PastelBacon