Viewing last 25 versions of post by Azyrite in topic The Equestria Girls General Thread


Only the faithful.
"[@Thanotos Omega":](/pony/the-equestria-girls-general-thread/post/3608023#post_3608023
She sounded practically giddy at the thought of erasing the mane 6's memories of each other just to spite sunset and she had already reached inside their minds and screwed with their heads before. So she felt bad after the fact. she still did it.
I know in a kids show, Terrible actions are rarely treated with the severity they deserve, especially if it's a main character who did it, but... ah I dunno.
No reason given
Edited by Azyrite

Only the faithful.
"@Thanotos Omega":/pony/the-equestria-girls-general-thread/post/3608023#post_3608023
She sounded practically giddy at the thought of erasing the mane 6's memories of each other just to spite sunset and she had already reached inside their minds and screwed with their heads before. So she felt bad after the fact. she still did it.
No reason given
Edited by Azyrite