Viewing last 25 versions of post by Aurora Glimmer in topic Unpopular opinion time

Aurora Glimmer

Wow! Glimmer
I guess some people don't care she's a villain sue as long as she's able to fuck with Twilight.


The fact she didn't think to use time travel for anything _*other_* than fucking with Twilight makes it seem like she didn't give a rats ass about equality in the first place. ||Then again, that wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.||
No reason given
Edited by Aurora Glimmer
Aurora Glimmer

Wow! Glimmer
I guess some people don't care she's a villain sue as long as she's able to fuck with Twilight.

The fact she didn't think to use time travel for anything _other_ than fucking with Twilight makes it seem like she didn't give a rats ass about equality in the first place.
No reason given
Edited by Aurora Glimmer