Viewing last 25 versions of post by Background Pony #52BA in topic General Tag Discussion

Background Pony #52BA
[@Background Pony \#7C7A](/forums/tagging/topics/general-tag-discussion?post_id=5239086#post_5239086)
1. There's [pattern](/tags/pattern), but I don't know of a tag that distinguishes between the presence of a a pattern vs. when the entire image is a pattern. Also, to be slightly more pedantic, I don't know if there is (or should be) something to distinguish a repeating pattern where the image is ready to tile vs. when the image contains a repeating pattern but won't tile as it stands (such as the two examples you posted - they won't tile seamlessly)
^[edit]^ Among pictures tagged `tiled background`, all but three have [at least one of `wallpaper`, `pattern`, or `seamless`](/search?q=tiled+background%2C+%28wallpaper+%7C%7C+pattern+%7C%7C+seamless%29) when the whole image is the pattern itself.
[unideer](/tags/unideer) (found by looking at the "implied by" section for [deer)](/tags/deer)
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #52BA