Viewing last 25 versions of post by Background Pony #748D in topic Fanon Style Hippogriffs and Classical-G4 Style Hippogriffs

Background Pony #748D
Err this is gyro...accidentally anonymized


This is though:
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Can you update tags on a few of the griffling pics and then i'll add descriptions to both that and the hippogriff tag? [/bq]

And at that point a few was as easy as all of them.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #748D
Background Pony #748D
Err this is gyro...accidentally anonymized

This is though:
[bq="cheezedoodle"] "@GyroTech":/tagging/hippogriffs-and-pseudohippogriffs/post/3374814#post_3374814
Can you update tags on a few of the griffling pics and then i'll add descriptions to both that and the hippogriff tag? [/bq]

Err this is gyro...accidentally anonymized

And at that point a few was as easy as all of them.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #748D
Background Pony #748D
This is though:
[bq="cheezedoodle"] "@GyroTech":/tagging/hippogriffs-and-pseudohippogriffs/post/3374814#post_3374814
Can you update tags on a few of the griffling pics and then i'll add descriptions to both that and the hippogriff tag? [/bq]

Err this is gyro...accidentally anonymized

And at that point a few was as easy as all of them.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #748D
Background Pony #748D
This is though:
[bq="cheezedoodle"] "@GyroTech":/tagging/hippogriffs-and-pseudohippogriffs/post/3374814#post_3374814
Can you update tags on a few of the griffling pics and then i'll add descriptions to both that and the hippogriff tag? [/bq]

And at that point a few was as easy as all of them.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #748D