Viewing last 25 versions of post by stsyn in topic Current knowledge about source images hosting sites

Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Economist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger

Idea is to put all knowledge about sites ("1st place" sources — not boorus) behavior in one single place. It may help you to understand, which sites tend to provide better quality pics.
Most prioritized, always provides images in original quality. In *italic* — not 100% sure, but no cases to put it lower.  
- **Aryion**;
- ***Boosty***;
- **Inkbunny** __(but be sure to upload not a thumbnail!)__;  
- **NewGrounds**;  
- ***NewTumbl***;  
- ***Patreon*** (unsure about public posts);  
- ***Pillowfort*** (seems to provide originals, allows 3rd side images embed);  
- **Pixiv** (but fetch doesn't seem to work, you have to download image manually);
- ***SubscribeStar***.
__**Upon artist choice**__  
Original image can be obtained, if artist allowed it in any way. Same priority, as previous, but should be checked.
- **DeviantArt** — if download explicitly allowed __(requires login and fetch does not work in this case!)__;  
- **FurAffunity** — if any image dimension is larger than 1280 ||(when image initially uploaded, it's compressed to JPG and 1280x1280 at most, but can be reuploaded again, then it won't be compressed)||;  
- **VK** — image can be uploaded as "document", usually [parallel upload]( (click on second image).

__**Reasonable technical limitations**__  
Sometimes image is present in original quality, sometimes not. It's not upon artist choice (at least, directly).
- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** image can be zoomed in and it will result in original quality;  
- **Twitter** — if naturally PNG (url edit does not count!) and if any image dimension is not equal to 1024/2048/4096;  
- **Tumblr** — naturally PNG under 1280x1960 for pics with old url format and under 2048x3072 (any format) for newer.

__**"Exploits" exists**__  
Not explicitly accessible, missing from the UI.
- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** original image will be provided in login page background, if opened from the image page;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — [see here](/forums/uppers/topics/about-pngs-from-portfolio-commishes-com) ;  
- **Tumblr** — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935) — for newer pics dimensions in URL can be edited (sometimes output will be forced JPEG), for older — reblog + dump blog  
- **** — append `?width=20000&height=20000` to the file link.
Listed roughly in quality order (may be duplicated based on the case):  
- **bluesky** — somewhat adequate jpeg around 2000px. Will convert **JPG to PNG** if you ask (so don't do that);
- **Twitter** — under 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096, JPG if no transparency. Will convert **JPG to PNG** if you ask (so don't do that);  
- **DeviantArt ("exploit")** — "intermediary" exploit for older images, under 6MPx, original format — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);
- **DeviantArt** — sometimes you can use Wix Image API to retrieve crops of various parts of image in original quality and clue it together, resulting in kind of original images. However, sometimes parts of image can be upscaled from 6MPx resolution;
- **Tumblr** (new image url format) — under 2048x3072, original format;  
- **DeviantArt (""exploit"")** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), original format if thumb url edited to match, also 100% quality JPG is possible — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);  
- **VK** — under 2560x2160 (except **very** old images), always JPG;  
- **Tumblr** (old image url format) — under 1280x1920, can be JPG if image is too large;  
- **DeviantArt** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), JPG if no transparency;  
- **** — under 1600x1280, crisp zoom, original format;  
- **FurAffunity** — under 1280x1280, JPG if no transparency;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — width can be 700, 960, 1920px, can be upscaled, crisp zoom, always indexed PNG;  
- **instagram** — somewhat under 1024-1600px, always heavily compressed JPG.
Reason: blusky
Edited by stsyn
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Economist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger

Idea is to put all knowledge about sites ("1st place" sources — not boorus) behavior in one single place. It may help you to understand, which sites tend to provide better quality pics.
Most prioritized, always provides images in original quality. In *italic* — not 100% sure, but no cases to put it lower.  
- **Aryion**;
- ***Boosty***;
- **Inkbunny** __(but be sure to upload not a thumbnail!)__;  
- **NewGrounds**;  
- ***NewTumbl***;  
- ***Patreon*** (unsure about public posts);  
- ***Pillowfort*** (seems to provide originals, allows 3rd side images embed);  
- **Pixiv** (but fetch doesn't seem to work, you have to download image manually);
- ***SubscribeStar***.
__**Upon artist choice**__  
Original image can be obtained, if artist allowed it in any way. Same priority, as previous, but should be checked.
- **DeviantArt** — if download explicitly allowed __(requires login and fetch does not work in this case!)__;  
- **FurAffunity** — if any image dimension is larger than 1280 ||(when image initially uploaded, it's compressed to JPG and 1280x1280 at most, but can be reuploaded again, then it won't be compressed)||;  
- **VK** — image can be uploaded as "document", usually [parallel upload]( (click on second image).

__**Reasonable technical limitations**__  
Sometimes image is present in original quality, sometimes not. It's not upon artist choice (at least, directly).
- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** image can be zoomed in and it will result in original quality;  
- **Twitter** — if naturally PNG (url edit does not count!) and if any image dimension is not equal to 1024/2048/4096;  
- **Tumblr** — naturally PNG under 1280x1960 for pics with old url format and under 2048x3072 (any format) for newer.

__**"Exploits" exists**__  
Not explicitly accessible, missing from the UI.
- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** original image will be provided in login page background, if opened from the image page;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — [see here](/forums/uppers/topics/about-pngs-from-portfolio-commishes-com) ;  
- **Tumblr** — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935) — for newer pics dimensions in URL can be edited (sometimes output will be forced JPEG), for older — reblog + dump blog  
- **** — append `?width=20000&height=20000` to the file link.
Listed roughly in quality order (may be duplicated based on the case):  
- **bluesky** — somewhat adequate jpeg around 2000px;
- **
Twitter** — under 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096, JPG if no transparency;  
- **DeviantArt ("exploit")** — "intermediary" exploit for older images, under 6MPx, original format — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);
- **DeviantArt** — sometimes you can use Wix Image API to retrieve crops of various parts of image in original quality and clue it together, resulting in kind of original images. However, sometimes parts of image can be upscaled from 6MPx resolution;
- **Tumblr** (new image url format) — under 2048x3072, original format;  
- **DeviantArt (""exploit"")** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), original format if thumb url edited to match, also 100% quality JPG is possible — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);  
- **VK** — under 2560x2160 (except **very** old images), always JPG;  
- **Tumblr** (old image url format) — under 1280x1920, can be JPG if image is too large;  
- **DeviantArt** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), JPG if no transparency;  
- **** — under 1600x1280, crisp zoom, original format;  
- **FurAffunity** — under 1280x1280, JPG if no transparency;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — width can be 700, 960, 1920px, can be upscaled, crisp zoom, always indexed PNG;  
- **instagram** — somewhat under 1024-1600px, always heavily compressed JPG.
Reason: blusky
Edited by stsyn
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Economist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger

Idea is to put all knowledge about sites ("1st place" sources — not boorus) behavior in one single place. It may help you to understand, which sites tend to provide better quality pics.
Most prioritized, always provides images in original quality. In *italic* — not 100% sure, but no cases to put it lower.  
- **Aryion**;
- ***Boosty***;
- **Inkbunny** __(but be sure to upload not a thumbnail!)__;  
- **NewGrounds**;  
- ***NewTumbl***;  
- ***Patreon*** (unsure about public posts);  
- ***Pillowfort*** (seems to provide originals, allows 3rd side images embed);  
- **Pixiv** (but somfetimch doesn't fseem tcho woreceik, you haves JPGto idownsteload ofimage PNGmanually);
- ***SubscribeStar***.
__**Upon artist choice**__  
Original image can be obtained, if artist allowed it in any way. Same priority, as previous, but should be checked.
- **DeviantArt** — if download explicitly allowed __(requires login and fetch does not work in this case!)__;  
- **FurAffunity** — if any image dimension is larger than 1280 ||(when image initially uploaded, it's compressed to JPG and 1280x1280 at most, but can be reuploaded again, then it won't be compressed)||;  
- **VK** — image can be uploaded as "document", usually [parallel upload]( (click on second image).

__**Reasonable technical limitations**__  
Sometimes image is present in original quality, sometimes not. It's not upon artist choice (at least, directly).
- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** image can be zoomed in and it will result in original quality;  
- **Twitter** — if naturally PNG (url edit does not count!) and if any image dimension is not equal to 1024/2048/4096;  
- **Tumblr** — naturally PNG under 1280x1960 for pics with old url format and under 2048x3072 (any format) for newer.

__**"Exploits" exists**__  
Not explicitly accessible, missing from the UI.
- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** original image will be provided in login page background, if opened from the image page;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — [see here](/forums/uppers/topics/about-pngs-from-portfolio-commishes-com) ;  
- **Tumblr** — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935) — for newer pics dimensions in URL can be edited (sometimes output will be forced JPEG), for older — reblog + dump blog  
- **** — append `?width=20000&height=20000` to the file link.
Listed roughly in quality order (may be duplicated based on the case):  
- **Twitter** — under 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096, JPG if no transparency;  
- **DeviantArt ("exploit")** — "intermediary" exploit for older images, under 6MPx, original format — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);
- **DeviantArt** — sometimes you can use Wix Image API to retrieve crops of various parts of image in original quality and clue it together, resulting in kind of original images. However, sometimes parts of image can be upscaled from 6MPx resolution;
- **Tumblr** (new image url format) — under 2048x3072, original format;  
- **DeviantArt (""exploit"")** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), original format if thumb url edited to match, also 100% quality JPG is possible — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);  
- **VK** — under 2560x2160 (except **very** old images), always JPG;  
- **Tumblr** (old image url format) — under 1280x1920, can be JPG if image is too large;  
- **DeviantArt** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), JPG if no transparency;  
- **** — under 1600x1280, crisp zoom, original format;  
- **FurAffunity** — under 1280x1280, JPG if no transparency;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — width can be 700, 960, 1920px, can be upscaled, crisp zoom, always indexed PNG;  
- **instagram** — somewhat under 1024-1600px, always heavily compressed JPG.
Reason: formating
Edited by stsyn
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Economist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger

Idea is to put all knowledge about sites ("1st place" sources — not boorus) behavior in one single place. It may help you to understand, which sites tend to provide better quality pics.
__**### ALWAYS ORIGINAL**__  
Most prioritized, always provides images in original quality. In *italic* — not 100% sure, but no cases to put it lower.  
- **Aryion**;
- ***Boosty***;
- **Inkbunny** __(but be sure to upload not a thumbnail!)__;  
- **NewGrounds**;  
- ***NewTumbl***;  
- ***Patreon*** (unsure about public posts);  
- ***Pillowfort*** (seems to provide originals, allows 3rd side images embed);  
- **Pixiv** (but sometimes fetch receives JPG instead of PNG);
- ***SubscribeStar***.
__**Upon artist choice**__  
Original image can be obtained, if artist allowed it in any way. Same priority, as previous, but should be checked.
- **DeviantArt** — if download explicitly allowed __(requires login and fetch does not work in this case!)__;  
- **FurAffunity** — if any image dimension is larger than 1280 ||(when image initially uploaded, it's compressed to JPG and 1280x1280 at most, but can be reuploaded again, then it won't be compressed)||;  
- **VK** — image can be uploaded as "document", usually [parallel upload]( (click on second image).

__**Reasonable technical limitations**__  
Sometimes image is present in original quality, sometimes not. It's not upon artist choice (at least, directly).
- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** image can be zoomed in and it will result in original quality;  
- **Twitter** — if naturally PNG (url edit does not count!) and if any image dimension is not equal to 1024/2048/4096;  
- **Tumblr** — naturally PNG under 1280x1960 for pics with old url format and under 2048x3072 (any format) for newer.

__**"Exploits" exists**__  
Not explicitly accessible, missing from the UI.
- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** original image will be provided in login page background, if opened from the image page;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — [see here](/forums/uppers/topics/about-pngs-from-portfolio-commishes-com) ;  
- **Tumblr** — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935) — for newer pics dimensions in URL can be edited (sometimes output will be forced JPEG), for older — reblog + dump blog  
- **** — append `?width=20000&height=20000` to the file link.
Listed roughly in quality order (may be duplicated based on the case):  
- **Twitter** — under 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096, JPG if no transparency;  
- **DeviantArt ("exploit")** — "intermediary" exploit for older images, under 6MPx, original format — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);
- **DeviantArt** — sometimes you can use Wix Image API to retrieve crops of various parts of image in original quality and clue it together, resulting in kind of original images. However, sometimes parts of image can be upscaled from 6MPx resolution;
- **Tumblr** (new image url format) — under 2048x3072, original format;  
- **DeviantArt (""exploit"")** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), original format if thumb url edited to match, also 100% quality JPG is possible — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);  
- **VK** — under 2560x2160 (except **very** old images), always JPG;  
- **Tumblr** (old image url format) — under 1280x1920, can be JPG if image is too large;  
- **DeviantArt** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), JPG if no transparency;  
- **** — under 1600x1280, crisp zoom, original format;  
- **FurAffunity** — under 1280x1280, JPG if no transparency;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — width can be 700, 960, 1920px, can be upscaled, crisp zoom, always indexed PNG;  
- **instagram** — somewhat under 1024-1600px, always heavily compressed JPG.
Reason: formating
Edited by stsyn
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Economist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger

Idea is to put all knowledge about sites ("1st place" sources — not boorus) behavior in one single place. It may help you to understand, which sites tend to provide better quality pics.
Most prioritized, always provides images in original quality. In *italic* — not 100% sure, but no cases to put it lower.  
- **Aryion**;
- **Inkbunny** __(but be sure to upload not a thumbnail!)__;  
- **NewGrounds**;  
- ***NewTumbl***;  
- ***Patreon*** (unsure about public posts);  
- ***Pillowfort*** (seems to provide originals, allows 3rd side images embed);  
- **Pixiv** (but sometimes fetch receives JPG instead of PNG).;
__**Upon artist choice**__  
Original image can be obtained, if artist allowed it in any way. Same priority, as previous, but should be checked.
- **DeviantArt** — if download explicitly allowed __(requires login and fetch does not work in this case!)__;  
- **FurAffunity** — if any image dimension is larger than 1280 ||(when image initially uploaded, it's compressed to JPG and 1280x1280 at most, but can be reuploaded again, then it won't be compressed)||;  
- **VK** — image can be uploaded as "document", usually [parallel upload]( (click on second image).
__**Reasonable technical limitations**__  
Sometimes image is present in original quality, sometimes not. It's not upon artist choice (at least, directly).
- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** image can be zoomed in and it will result in original quality;  
- **Twitter** — if naturally PNG (url edit does not count!) and if any image dimension is not equal to 1024/2048/4096;  
- **Tumblr** — naturally PNG under 1280x1960 for pics with old url format and under 2048x3072 (any format) for newer.
__**"Exploits" exists**__  
Not explicitly accessible, missing from the UI.
- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** original image will be provided in login page background, if opened from the image page;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — [see here](/forums/uppers/topics/about-pngs-from-portfolio-commishes-com) ;  
- **Tumblr** — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935) — for newer pics dimensions in URL can be edited (sometimes output will be forced JPEG), for older — reblog + dump blog  
- **** — append `?width=20000&height=20000` to the file link.
Listed roughly in quality order (may be duplicated based on the case):  
- **Twitter** — under 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096, JPG if no transparency;  
- **DeviantArt ("exploit")** — "intermediary" exploit for older images, under 6MPx, original format — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);
- **DeviantArt** — sometimes you can use Wix Image API to retrieve crops of various parts of image in original quality and clue it together, resulting in kind of original images. However, sometimes parts of image can be upscaled from 6MPx resolution;
- **Tumblr** (new image url format) — under 2048x3072, original format;  
- **DeviantArt (""exploit"")** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), original format if thumb url edited to match, also 100% quality JPG is possible — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);  
- **VK** — under 2560x2160 (except **very** old images), always JPG;  
- **Tumblr** (old image url format) — under 1280x1920, can be JPG if image is too large;  
- **DeviantArt** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), JPG if no transparency;  
- **** — under 1600x1280, crisp zoom, original format;  
- **FurAffunity** — under 1280x1280, JPG if no transparency;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — width can be 700, 960, 1920px, can be upscaled, crisp zoom, always indexed PNG;  
- **instagram** — somewhat under 1024-1600px, always heavily compressed JPG.
Reason: deviantart again
Edited by stsyn
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Economist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger

Idea is to put all knowledge about sites ("1st place" sources — not boorus) behavior in one single place. It may help you to understand, which sites tend to provide better quality pics.
Most prioritized, always provides images in original quality. In *italic* — not 100% sure, but no cases to put it lower.  
- **Aryion**;  
- **Inkbunny** __(but be sure to upload not a thumbnail!)__;  
- **NewGrounds**;  
- ***NewTumbl***;  
- ***Patreon*** (unsure about public posts);  
- ***Pillowfort*** (seems to provide originals, allows 3rd side images embed);  
- **Pixiv** (but sometimes fetch receives JPG instead of PNG).
__**Upon artist choice**__  
Original image can be obtained, if artist allowed it in any way. Same priority, as previous, but should be checked.
- **DeviantArt** — if download explicitly allowed __(requires login and fetch does not work in this case!)__;  
- **FurAffunity** — if any image dimension is larger than 1280 ||(when image initially uploaded, it's compressed to JPG and 1280x1280 at most, but can be reuploaded again, then it won't be compressed)||;  
- **VK** — image can be uploaded as "document", usually [parallel upload]( (click on second image).
__**Reasonable technical limitations**__  
Sometimes image is present in original quality, sometimes not. It's not upon artist choice (at least, directly).
- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** image can be zoomed in and it will result in original quality;  
- **Twitter** — if naturally PNG (url edit does not count!) and if any image dimension is not equal to 1024/2048/4096;  
- **Tumblr** — naturally PNG under 1280x1960 for pics with old url format and under 2048x3072 (any format) for newer.
__**"Exploits" exists**__  
Not explicitly accessible, missing from the UI.
- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** original image will be provided in login page background, if opened from the image page;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — [see here](/forums/uppers/topics/about-pngs-from-portfolio-commishes-com) ;  
- **Tumblr** — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935) — for newer pics dimensions in URL can be edited (sometimes output will be forced JPEG), for older — reblog + dump blog  
- **** — append `?width=20000&height=20000` to the file link.
Listed roughly in quality order (may be duplicated based on the case):  
- **Twitter** — under 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096, JPG if no transparency;  
- **DeviantArt ("exploit")** — "intermediary" exploit for older images, under 6MPx, original format — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);
- **DeviantArt** — sometimes you can use Wix Image API to retrieve crops of various parts of image in original quality and clue it together, resulting in kind of original images. However, sometimes parts of image can be upscaled from 6MPx resolution;  
- ~~**DeviantArt ("exploit")** — newer images under 6MPx can be retrived partially and combined later using "crop" API endpoint. However, lower right corner can be blurred;~~ now seems to always return upscaled publicly available image.
- **
Tumblr** (new image url format) — under 2048x3072, original format;  
- **DeviantArt (""exploit"")** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), original format if thumb url edited to match, also 100% quality JPG is possible — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);  
- **VK** — under 2560x2160 (except **very** old images), always JPG;  
- **Tumblr** (old image url format) — under 1280x1920, can be JPG if image is too large;  
- **DeviantArt** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), JPG if no transparency;  
- **** — under 1600x1280, crisp zoom, original format;  
- **FurAffunity** — under 1280x1280, JPG if no transparency;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — width can be 700, 960, 1920px, can be upscaled, crisp zoom, always indexed PNG;  
- **instagram** — somewhat under 1024-1600px, always heavily compressed JPG.
Reason: deviantart again
Edited by stsyn
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Economist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger

Idea is to put all knowledge about sites ("1st place" sources — not boorus) behavior in one single place. It may help you to understand, which sites tend to provide better quality pics.
Most prioritized, always provides images in original quality. In *italic* — not 100% sure, but no cases to put it lower.  
- **Aryion**;  
- **Inkbunny** __(but be sure to upload not a thumbnail!)__;  
- **NewGrounds**;  
- ***NewTumbl***;  
- ***Patreon*** (unsure about public posts);  
- ***Pillowfort*** (seems to provide originals, allows 3rd side images embed);  
- **Pixiv** (but sometimes fetch receives JPG instead of PNG).
__**Upon artist choice**__  
Original image can be obtained, if artist allowed it in any way. Same priority, as previous, but should be checked.
- **DeviantArt** — if download explicitly allowed __(requires login and fetch does not work in this case!)__;  
- **FurAffunity** — if any image dimension is larger than 1280 ||(when image initially uploaded, it's compressed to JPG and 1280x1280 at most, but can be reuploaded again, then it won't be compressed)||;  
- **VK** — image can be uploaded as "document", usually [parallel upload]( (click on second image).
__**Reasonable technical limitations**__  
Sometimes image is present in original quality, sometimes not. It's not upon artist choice (at least, directly).
- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** image can be zoomed in and it will result in original quality;  
- **Twitter** — if naturally PNG (url edit does not count!) and if any image dimension is not equal to 1024/2048/4096;  
- **Tumblr** — naturally PNG under 1280x1960 for pics with old url format and under 2048x3072 (any format) for newer.
__**"Exploits" exists**__  
Not explicitly accessible, missing from the UI.
- **DeviantArt** — token can be omitted, provided by [gallery-dl]( or [ADUp DeviantArt userscript](/forums/meta/topics/userscript-semi-automated-derpibooru-uploader);  
**DeviantArt** — **sometimes** original image will be provided in login page background, if opened from the image page;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — [see here](/forums/uppers/topics/about-pngs-from-portfolio-commishes-com) ;  
- **Tumblr** — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935) — for newer pics dimensions in URL can be edited (sometimes output will be forced JPEG), for older — reblog + dump blog  
- **** — append `?width=20000&height=20000` to the file link.
Listed roughly in quality order (may be duplicated based on the case):  
- **Twitter** — under 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096, JPG if no transparency;  
- **DeviantArt ("exploit")** — "intermediary" exploit for older images, under 6MPx, original format — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);
**DeviantArt** — sometimes you can use Wix Image API to retrieve crops of various parts of image in original quality and clue it together, resulting in kind of original images. However, sometimes parts of image can be upscaled from 6MPx resolution;  
- ~~**DeviantArt ("exploit")** — newer images under 6MPx can be retrived partially and combined later using "crop" API endpoint. However, lower right corner can be blurred;~~ now seems to always return upscaled publicly available image.
- **Tumblr** (new image url format) — under 2048x3072, original format;  
- **DeviantArt (""exploit"")** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), original format if thumb url edited to match, also 100% quality JPG is possible — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);  
- **VK** — under 2560x2160 (except **very** old images), always JPG;  
- **Tumblr** (old image url format) — under 1280x1920, can be JPG if image is too large;  
- **DeviantArt** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), JPG if no transparency;  
- **** — under 1600x1280, crisp zoom, original format;  
- **FurAffunity** — under 1280x1280, JPG if no transparency;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — width can be 700, 960, 1920px, can be upscaled, crisp zoom, always indexed PNG;  
- **instagram** — somewhat under 1024-1600px, always heavily compressed JPG.
Reason: deviantart again
Edited by stsyn
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Economist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger

Idea is to put all knowledge about sites ("1st place" sources — not boorus) behavior in one single place. It may help you to understand, which sites tend to provide better quality pics.
Most prioritized, always provides images in original quality. In *italic* — not 100% sure, but no cases to put it lower.  
- **Aryion**;  
- **Inkbunny** __(but be sure to upload not a thumbnail!)__;  
- **NewGrounds**;  
- ***NewTumbl***;  
- ***Patreon*** (unsure about public posts);  
- ***Pillowfort*** (seems to provide originals, allows 3rd side images embed);  
- **Pixiv** (but sometimes fetch receives JPG instead of PNG).
__**Upon artist choice**__  
Original image can be obtained, if artist allowed it in any way. Same priority, as previous, but should be checked.
- **DeviantArt** — if download explicitly allowed __(requires login and fetch does not work in this case!)__;  
- **FurAffunity** — if any image dimension is larger than 1280 ||(when image initially uploaded, it's compressed to JPG and 1280x1280 at most, but can be reuploaded again, then it won't be compressed)||;  
- **VK** — image can be uploaded as "document", usually [parallel upload]( (click on second image).
__**Reasonable technical limitations**__  
Sometimes image is present in original quality, sometimes not. It's not upon artist choice (at least, directly).
- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** image can be zoomed in and it will result in original quality;  
- **Twitter** — if naturally PNG (url edit does not count!) and if any image dimension is not equal to 1024/2048/4096;  
- **Tumblr** — naturally PNG under 1280x1960 for pics with old url format and under 2048x3072 (any format) for newer.
__**"Exploits" exists**__  
Not explicitly accessible, missing from the UI.
**DeviantArt** — token can be omitted, provided by [gallery-dl]( or [ADUp DeviantArt userscript](/forums/meta/topics/userscript-semi-automated-derpibooru-uploader);  
- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** original image will be provided in login page background, if opened from the image page;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — [see here](/forums/uppers/topics/about-pngs-from-portfolio-commishes-com) ;  
- **Tumblr** — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935) — for newer pics dimensions in URL can be edited (sometimes output will be forced JPEG), for older — reblog + dump blog  
- **** — append `?width=20000&height=20000` to the file link.
Listed roughly in quality order (may be duplicated based on the case):  
- **Twitter** — under 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096, JPG if no transparency;  
- **DeviantArt ("exploit")** — "intermediary" exploit for older images, under 6MPx, original format — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);  
- ~~**DeviantArt ("exploit")** — newer images under 6MPx can be retrived partially and combined later using "crop" API endpoint. However, lower right corner can be blurred;~~ now seems to always return upscaled publicly available image.
- **Tumblr** (new image url format) — under 2048x3072, original format;  
- **DeviantArt (""exploit"")** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), original format if thumb url edited to match, also 100% quality JPG is possible — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);  
- **VK** — under 2560x2160 (except **very** old images), always JPG;  
- **Tumblr** (old image url format) — under 1280x1920, can be JPG if image is too large;  
- **DeviantArt** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), JPG if no transparency;  
- **** — under 1600x1280, crisp zoom, original format;  
- **FurAffunity** — under 1280x1280, JPG if no transparency;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — width can be 700, 960, 1920px, can be upscaled, crisp zoom, always indexed PNG;  
- **instagram** — somewhat under 1024-1600px, always heavily compressed JPG.
No reason given
Edited by stsyn
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Economist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger

Idea is to put all knowledge about sites ("1st place" sources — not boorus) behavior in one single place. It may help you to understand, which sites tend to provide better quality pics.
Most prioritized, always provides images in original quality. In *italic* — not 100% sure, but no cases to put it lower.  
- **Aryion**;  
- **Inkbunny** __(but be sure to upload not a thumbnail!)__;  
- **NewGrounds**;  
- ***NewTumbl***;  
- ***Patreon*** (unsure about public posts);  
- ***Pillowfort*** (seems to provide originals, allows 3rd side images embed);  
- **Pixiv** (but sometimes fetch receives JPG instead of PNG).
__**Upon artist choice**__  
Original image can be obtained, if artist allowed it in any way. Same priority, as previous, but should be checked.

- **DeviantArt** — if download explicitly allowed __(requires login and fetch does not work in this case!)__;  
- **FurAffunity** — if any image dimension is larger than 1280 ||(when image initially uploaded, it's compressed to JPG and 1280x1280 at most, but can be reuploaded again, then it won't be compressed)||;  
- **VK** — image can be uploaded as "document", usually [parallel upload]( (click on second image).
__**Reasonable technical limitations**__  
Sometimes image is present in original quality, sometimes not. It's not upon artist choice (at least, directly).

- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** image can be zoomed in and it will result in original quality;  
- **Twitter** — if naturally PNG (url edit does not count!) and if any image dimension is not equal to 1024/2048/4096;  
- **Tumblr** — naturally PNG under 1280x1960 for pics with old url format and under 2048x3072 (any format) for newer.
__**"Exploits" exists**__  
Not explicitly accessible, missing from the UI.  

- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** original image will be provided in login page background, if opened from the image page;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — [see here](/forums/uppers/topics/about-pngs-from-portfolio-commishes-com) ;  
- **Tumblr** — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935) — for newer pics dimensions in URL can be edited (sometimes output will be forced JPEG), for older — reblog + dump blog  
- **** — append `?width=20000&height=20000` to the file link.
Listed roughly in quality order (may be duplicated based on the case):  
- **Twitter** — under 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096, JPG if no transparency;  
- **DeviantArt ("exploit")** — "intermediary" exploit for older images, under 6MPx, original format — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);  
- ~~**DeviantArt ("exploit")** — newer images under 6MPx can be retrived partially and combined later using "crop" API endpoint. However, lower right corner can be blurred;~~ now seems to always return upscaled publicly available image.
- **Tumblr** (new image url format) — under 2048x3072, original format;  
- **DeviantArt (""exploit"")** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), original format if thumb url edited to match, also 100% quality JPG is possible — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);  
- **VK** — under 2560x2160 (except **very** old images), always JPG;  
- **Tumblr** (old image url format) — under 1280x1920, can be JPG if image is too large;  
- **DeviantArt** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), JPG if no transparency;  
- **** — under 1600x1280, crisp zoom, original format;  
- **FurAffunity** — under 1280x1280, JPG if no transparency;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — width can be 700, 960, 1920px, can be upscaled, crisp zoom, always indexed PNG;  
- **instagram** — somewhat under 1024-1600px, always heavily compressed JPG.
No reason given
Edited by stsyn
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Economist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger

Idea is to put all knowledge about sites ("1st place" sources — not boorus) behavior in one single place. It may help you to understand, which sites tend to provide better quality pics.
Most prioritized, always provides images in original quality. In *italic* — not 100% sure, but no cases to put it lower.  
- **Aryion**;  
- **Inkbunny** __(but be sure to upload not a thumbnail!)__;  
- **NewGrounds**;  
- ***NewTumbl***;  
- ***Patreon*** (unsure about public posts);  
- ***Pillowfort*** (seems to provide originals, allows 3rd side images embed);  
- **Pixiv** (but sometimes fetch receives JPG instead of PNG).
__**Upon artist choice**__  
Original image can be obtained, if artist allowed it in any way. Same priority, as previous, but should be checked.  

- **DeviantArt** — if download explicitly allowed __(requires login and fetch does not work in this case!)__;  
- **FurAffunity** — if any image dimension is larger than 1280 ||(when image initially uploaded, it's compressed to JPG and 1280x1280 at most, but can be reuploaded again, then it won't be compressed)||;  
- **VK** — image can be uploaded as "document", usually [parallel upload]( (click on second image).
__**Reasonable technical limitations**__  
Sometimes image is present in original quality, sometimes not. It's not upon artist choice (at least, directly).  

- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** image can be zoomed in and it will result in original quality;  
- **Twitter** — if naturally PNG (url edit does not count!) and if any image dimension is not equal to 1024/2048/4096;  
- **Tumblr** — naturally PNG under 1280x1960 for pics with old url format and under 2048x3072 (any format) for newer.
__**"Exploits" exists**__  
Not explicitly accessible, missing from the UI.  

- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** original image will be provided in login page background, if opened from the image page;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — [see here](/forums/uppers/topics/about-pngs-from-portfolio-commishes-com) ;  
- **Tumblr** — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935) — for newer pics dimensions in URL can be edited (sometimes output will be forced JPEG), for older — reblog + dump blog  
- **** — append `?width=20000&height=20000` to the file link.
Listed roughly in quality order (may be duplicated based on the case):  
- **Twitter** — under 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096, JPG if no transparency;  
- **DeviantArt ("exploit")** — "intermediary" exploit for older images, under 6MPx, original format — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);  
- ~~**DeviantArt ("exploit")** — newer images under 6MPx can be retrived partially and combined later using "crop" API endpoint. However, lower right corner can be blurred;~~ now seems to always return upscaled publicly available image.
- **Tumblr** (new image url format) — under 2048x3072, original format;  
- **DeviantArt (""exploit"")** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), original format if thumb url edited to match, also 100% quality JPG is possible — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);  
- **VK** — under 2560x2160 (except **very** old images), always JPG;  
- **Tumblr** (old image url format) — under 1280x1920, can be JPG if image is too large;  
- **DeviantArt** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), JPG if no transparency;  
- **** — under 1600x1280, crisp zoom, original format;  
- **FurAffunity** — under 1280x1280, JPG if no transparency;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — width can be 700, 960, 1920px, can be upscaled, crisp zoom, always indexed PNG;  
- **instagram** — somewhat under 1024-1600px, always heavily compressed JPG.
No reason given
Edited by stsyn
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Economist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger

Idea is to put all knowledge about sites ("1st place" sources — not boorus) behavior in one single place. It may help you to understand, which sites tend to provide better quality pics.
Most prioritized, always provides images in original quality. In *italic* — not 100% sure, but no cases to put it lower.  
- **Aryion**;  
- **Inkbunny** __(but be sure to upload not a thumbnail!)__;  
- **NewGrounds**;  
- ***NewTumbl***;  
- ***Patreon*** (unsure about public posts);  
- ***Pillowfort*** (seems to provide originals, allows 3rd side images embed);  
- **Pixiv** (but sometimes fetch receives JPG instead of PNG).
__**Upon artist choice**__  
Original image can be obtained, if artist allowed it in any way. Same priority, as previous, but should be checked.  
- **DeviantArt** — if download explicitly allowed __(requires login and fetch does not work in this case!)__;  
- **FurAffunity** — if any image dimension is larger than 1280 ||(when image initially uploaded, it's compressed to JPG and 1280x1280 at most, but can be reuploaded again, then it won't be compressed)||;  
- **VK** — image can be uploaded as "document", usually [parallel upload]( (click on second image).
__**Reasonable technical limitations**__  
Sometimes image is present in original quality, sometimes not. It's not upon artist choice (at least, directly).  
- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** image can be zoomed in and it will result in original quality;  
- **Twitter** — if naturally PNG (url edit does not count!) and if any image dimension is not equal to 1024/2048/4096;  
- **Tumblr** — naturally PNG under 1280x1960 for pics with old url format and under 2048x3072 (any format) for newer.
__**"Exploits" exists**__  
Not explicitly accessible, missing from the UI.  
- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** original image will be provided in login page background, if opened from the image page;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — [see here](/forums/uppers/topics/about-pngs-from-portfolio-commishes-com) ;  
- **Tumblr** — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935) — for newer pics dimensions in URL can be edited (sometimes output will be forced JPEG), for older — reblog + dump blog  
- **** — append `?width=20000&height=20000` to the file link.
Listed roughly in quality order (may be duplicated based on the case):  
- **Twitter** — under 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096, JPG if no transparency;  
- **DeviantArt ("exploit")** — "intermediary" exploit for older images, under 6MPx, original format — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);  
- ~~**DeviantArt ("exploit")** — newer images under 6MPx can be retrived partially and combined later using "crop" API endpoint. However, lower right corner can be blurred;~~  now seems to always return upscaled publicly available image.
- **Tumblr** (new image url format) — under 2048x3072, original format;  
- **DeviantArt (""exploit"")** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), original format if thumb url edited to match, also 100% quality JPG is possible — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);  
- **VK** — under 2560x2160 (except **very** old images), always JPG;  
- **Tumblr** (old image url format) — under 1280x1920, can be JPG if image is too large;  
- **DeviantArt** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), JPG if no transparency;  
- **** — under 1600x1280, crisp zoom, original format;  
- **FurAffunity** — under 1280x1280, JPG if no transparency;  
- **Portfolio.commishes** — width can be 700, 960, 1920px, can be upscaled, crisp zoom, always indexed PNG;  
- **instagram** — somewhat under 1024-1600px, always heavily compressed JPG.
No reason given
Edited by stsyn
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Economist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger

Idea is to put all knowledge about sites ("1st place" sources — not boorus) behavior in one single place. It may help you to understand, which sites tend to provide better quality pics.



Most prioritized, always provides images in original quality. In *italic* — not 100% sure, but no cases to put it lower.  

- **Aryion**;  

- **Inkbunny** __(but be sure to upload not a thumbnail!)__;  

- **NewGrounds**;  

- ***NewTumbl***;  

- ***Patreon*** (unsure about public posts);  

- ***Pillowfort*** (seems to provide originals, allows 3rd side images embed);  

- **Pixiv** (but sometimes fetch receives JPG instead of PNG).






__**Upon artist choice**__  

Original image can be obtained, if artist allowed it in any way. Same priority, as previous, but should be checked.  

- **DeviantArt** — if download explicitly allowed __(requires login and fetch does not work in this case!)__;  

- **FurAffunity** — if any image dimension is larger than 1280 ||(when image initially uploaded, it's compressed to JPG and 1280x1280 at most, but can be reuploaded again, then it won't be compressed)||;  

- **VK** — image can be uploaded as "document", usually [parallel upload]( (click on second image).


__**Reasonable technical limitations**__  

Sometimes image is present in original quality, sometimes not. It's not upon artist choice (at least, directly).  

- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** image can be zoomed in and it will result in original quality;  

- **Twitter** — if naturally PNG (url edit does not count!) and if any image dimension is not equal to 1024/2048/4096;  

- **Tumblr** — naturally PNG under 1280x1960 for pics with old url format and under 2048x3072 (any format) for newer.


__**"Exploits" exists**__  

Not explicitly accessible, missing from the UI.  

- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** original image will be provided in login page background, if opened from the image page;  

- **Portfolio.commishes** — [see here](/forums/uppers/topics/about-pngs-from-portfolio-commishes-com) ;  

- **Tumblr** — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935) — for newer pics dimensions in URL can be edited (sometimes output will be forced JPEG), for older — reblog + dump blog  

- **** — append `?width=20000&height=20000` to the file link.





Listed roughly in quality order (may be duplicated based on the case):  

- **Twitter** — under 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096, JPG if no transparency;  

- **DeviantArt ("exploit")** — "intermediary" exploit for older images, under 6MPx, original format — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);  

- **DeviantArt ("exploit")** — newer images under 6MPx can be retrived partially and combined later using "crop" API endpoint. However, lower right corner can be blurred;  

- **Tumblr** (new image url format) — under 2048x3072, original format;  

- **DeviantArt (""exploit"")** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), original format if thumb url edited to match, also 100% quality JPG is possible — [see here](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);  

- **VK** — under 2560x2160 (except **very** old images), always JPG;  

- **Tumblr** (old image url format) — under 1280x1920, can be JPG if image is too large;  

- **DeviantArt** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), JPG if no transparency;  

- **** — under 1600x1280, crisp zoom, original format;  

- **FurAffunity** — under 1280x1280, JPG if no transparency;  

- **Portfolio.commishes** — width can be 700, 960, 1920px, can be upscaled, crisp zoom, always indexed PNG;  

- **instagram** — somewhat under 1024-1600px, always heavily compressed JPG.
No reason given
Edited by stsyn
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Economist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger

Idea is to put all knowledge about sites ("1st place" sources — not boorus) behavior in one single place. It may help you to understand, which sites tend to provide better quality pics.


Most prioritized, always provides images in original quality. In _*italic_* — not 100% sure, but no cases to put it lower.
- **Aryion**;
- **Inkbunny** +__(but be sure to upload not a thumbnail!)+__;
- **NewGrounds**;
- *_**NewTumbl_***;
- *_**Patreon_*** (unsure about public posts);
- *_**Pillowfort_*** (seems to provide originals, allows 3rd side images embed);
- **Pixiv** (but sometimes fetch receives JPG instead of PNG).




Upon artist choice*+
Original image can be obtained, if artist allowed it in any way. Same priority, as previous, but should be checked.
- **DeviantArt** — if download explicitly allowed +__(requires login and fetch does not work in this case!)+__;
- **FurAffunity** — if any image dimension is larger than 1280 [spoiler]||(when image initially uploaded, it's compressed to JPG and 1280x1280 at most, but can be reuploaded again, then it won't be compressed)[/spoiler]||;
- **VK** — image can be uploaded as "document", usually "[parallel upload":]( (click on second image).


*Reasonable technical limitations*+
Sometimes image is present in original quality, sometimes not. It's not upon artist choice (at least, directly).
- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** image can be zoomed in and it will result in original quality;
- **Twitter** — if naturally PNG (url edit does not count!) and if any image dimension is not equal to 1024/2048/4096;
- **Tumblr** — naturally PNG under 1280x1960 for pics with old url format and under 2048x3072 (any format) for newer.


*"Exploits" exists*+
Not explicitly accessible, missing from the UI.
- **DeviantArt** — **sometimes** original image will be provided in login page background, if opened it from the image page;
- **Portfolio.commishes**"[see here":](/forums/uppers/topics/about-pngs-from-portfolio-commishes-com) ;
- **Tumblr**"[see here":](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935) — for newer pics dimensions in URL can be edited, for older — reblog + dump blog
- **** — append @`?width=20000&height=20000@` to the file link.



Listed roughly in quality order (may be duplicated based on the case):
- **Twitter** — under 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096, JPG if no transparency;
- **DeviantArt ("exploit")** — "intermediary" exploit for older images, under 6MPx, original format — "[see here":](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);
- **DeviantArt ("exploit")** — newer images under 6MPx can be retrived partially and combined later using "crop" API endpoint. However, lower right corner can be blurred;
- **Tumblr** (new image url format) — under 2048x3072, original format;
- **DeviantArt (""exploit"")** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), original format if thumb url edited to match, also 100% quality JPG is possible "[see here":](/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935);
- **VK** — under 2560x2160 (except **very** old images), always JPG;
- **Tumblr** (old image url format) — under 1280x1920, can be JPG if image is too large;
- **DeviantArt** — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), JPG if no transparency;
- **** — under 1600x1280, crisp zoom, original format;
- **FurAffunity** — under 1280x1280, JPG if no transparency;
- **Portfolio.commishes** — width can be 700, 960, 1920px, can be upscaled, crisp zoom, always indexed PNG;
- **instagram** — somewhat under 1024-1600px, always heavily compressed JPG.
No reason given
Edited by stsyn
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Economist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger

Idea is to put all knowledge about sites ("1st place" sources — not boorus) behavior in one single place. It may help you to understand, which sites tend to provide better quality pics.

Most prioritized, always provides images in original quality. In _italic_ — not 100% sure, but no cases to put it lower.
- *Aryion*;
- *Inkbunny* +(but be sure to upload not a thumbnail!)+;
- *NewGrounds*;
- *_NewTumbl_*;
- *_Patreon_* (unsure about public posts);
- *_Pillowfort_* (seems to provide originals, allows 3rd side images embed);
- *Pixiv* (but sometimes fetch receives JPG instead of PNG).



+*Upon artist choice*+
Original image can be obtained, if artist allowed it in any way. Same priority, as previous, but should be checked.
- *DeviantArt* — if download explicitly allowed +(requires login and fetch does not work in this case!)+;
- *FurAffunity* — if any image dimension is larger than 1280 [spoiler](when image initially uploaded, it's compressed to JPG and 1280x1280 at most, but can be reuploaded again, then it won't be compressed)[/spoiler];
- *VK* — image can be uploaded as "document", usually "parallel upload": (click on second image).

+*Reasonable technical limitations*+
Sometimes image is present in original quality, sometimes not. It's not upon artist choice (at least, directly).
- *DeviantArt* — *sometimes* image can be zoomed in and it will result in original quality;
- *Twitter* — if naturally PNG (url edit does not count!) and if any image dimension is not equal to 1024/2048/4096;
- *Tumblr* — naturally PNG under 1280x1960 for pics with old url format and under 2048x3072 (any format) for newer.

+*"Exploits" exists*+
Not explicitly accessible, missing from UI.
- *DeviantArt* — *sometimes* original image will be provided in login page background, if open it from the image page;
- *Portfolio.commishes* — "see here":/forums/uppers/topics/about-pngs-from-portfolio-commishes-com ;
- *Tumblr* — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935 — for newer pics dimensions in URL can be edited, for older — reblog + dump blog
- ** — append @?width=20000&height=20000@ to the file link.


Listed roughly in quality order (may be duplicated based on the case):
- *Twitter* — under 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096, JPG if no transparency;
- *DeviantArt ("exploit")* — "intermediary" exploit for older images, under 6MPx, original format — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935;
- *DeviantArt ("exploit")* — newer images under 6MPx can be retrived partially and combined later using "crop" API endpoint;
- *Tumblr* (new image url format) — under 2048x3072, original format;
- *DeviantArt (""exploit"")* — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), original format if thumb url edited to match — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935;
- *VK* — under 2560x2160, always JPG;
- *Tumblr* (old image url format) — under 1280x1920, can be JPG if image is too large;
- *DeviantArt* — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), JPG if no transparency;
- ** — under 1600x1280, crisp zoom, original format;
- *FurAffunity* — under 1280x1280, JPG if no transparency;
- *Portfolio.commishes* — width can be 700, 960, 1920px, can be upscaled, crisp zoom, always indexed PNG;
- *instagram* — somewhat under 1024-1600px, always heavily compressed JPG.
No reason given
Edited by stsyn
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Economist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger

Idea is to put all knowledge about sites ("1st place" sources — not boorus) behavior in one single place. It may help you to understand, which sites tend to provide better quality pics.

Most prioritized, always provides images in original quality. In _italic_ — not 100% sure, but no cases to put it lower.
- *Aryion*;
- *Inkbunny* +(but be sure to upload not a thumbnail!)+;
- *NewGrounds*;
- *_NewTumbl_*;
- *_Patreon_* (unsure about public posts);
- *_Pillowfort_* (seems to provide originals, allows 3rd side images embed);
- *Pixiv* (but sometimes fetch receives JPG instead of PNG).



+*Upon artist choice*+
Original image can be obtained, if artist allowed it in any way. Same priority, as previous, but should be checked.
- *DeviantArt* — if download explicitly allowed +(requires login and fetch does not work in this case!)+;
- *FurAffunity* — if any image dimension is larger than 1280 [spoiler](when image initially uploaded, it's compressed to JPG and 1280x1280 at most, but can be edited)[/spoiler];
- *VK* — image can be uploaded as "document", usually "parallel upload": (click on second image).

+*Reasonable technical limitations*+
Sometimes image is present in original quality, sometimes not. It's not upon artist choice (at least, directly).
- *DeviantArt* — *sometimes* image can be zoomed in and it will result in original quality;
- *Twitter* — if naturally PNG (url edit does not count!) and if any image dimension is not equal to 1024/2048/4096;
- *Tumblr* — naturally PNG under 1280x1960 for pics with old url format and under 2048x3072 (any format) for newer.

+*"Exploits" exists*+
Not explicitly accessible, missing from UI.
- *DeviantArt* — *sometimes* original image will be provided in login page background, if open it from the image page;
- *Portfolio.commishes* — "see here":/forums/uppers/topics/about-pngs-from-portfolio-commishes-com ;
- *Tumblr* — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935 — for newer pics dimensions in URL can be edited, for older — reblog + dump blog
- ** — append @?width=20000&height=20000@ to the file link.


Listed roughly in quality order (may be duplicated based on the case):
- *Twitter* — under 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096, JPG if no transparency;
- *DeviantArt ("exploit")* — "intermediary" exploit for older images, under 6MPx, original format — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935;
- *DeviantArt ("exploit")* — newer images under 6MPx can be retrived partially and combined later using "crop" API endpoint;
- *Tumblr* (new image url format) — under 2048x3072, original format;
- *DeviantArt (""exploit"")* — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), original format if thumb url edited to match — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935;
- *VK* — under 2560x2160, always JPG;
- *Tumblr* (old image url format) — under 1280x1920, can be JPG if image is too large;
- *DeviantArt* — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), JPG if no transparency;
- ** — under 1600x1280, crisp zoom, original format;
- *FurAffunity* — under 1280x1280, JPG if no transparency;
- *Portfolio.commishes* — width can be 700, 960, 1920px, can be upscaled, crisp zoom, always indexed PNG;
- *instagram* — somewhat under 1024-1600px, always heavily compressed JPG.
No reason given
Edited by stsyn
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Economist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger

Idea is to put all knowledge about sites ("1st place" sources — not boorus) behavior in one single place. It may help you to understand, which sites tend to provide better quality pics.

Most prioritized, always provides images in original quality. In _italic_ — not 100% sure, but no cases to put it lower.
- *Aryion*;
- *Inkbunny* +(but be sure to upload not a thumbnail!)+;
- *NewGrounds*;
- *_NewTumbl_*;
- *_Patreon_* (unsure about public posts);
- *_Pillowfort_* (seems to provide originals, allows 3rd side images embed);
- *Pixiv* (but sometimes fetch receives JPG instead of PNG).



+*Upon artist choice*+
Original image can be obtained, if artist allowed it in any way. Same priority, as previous, but should be checked.
- *DeviantArt* — if download explicitly allowed +(requires login and fetch does not work in this case!)+;
- *FurAffunity* — if any image dimension is larger than 1280 [spoiler](when image initially uploaded, it's compressed to JPG and 1280x1280 at most, but can be edited)[/spoiler];
- *VK* — image can be uploaded as "document", usually "parallel upload": (click on second image).

+*Reasonable technical limitations*+
Sometimes image is present in original quality, sometimes not. It's not upon artist choice (at least, directly).
- *DeviantArt* — *sometimes* image can be zoomed in and it will result in original quality;
- *Twitter* — if naturally PNG (url edit does not count!) and if any image dimension is not equal to 1024/2048/4096;
- *Tumblr* — naturally PNG under 1280x1960 for pics with old url format and under 2048x3072 (any format) for newer.

+*"Exploits" exists*+
Not explicitly accessible, missing from UI.
- *DeviantArt* — *sometimes* original image will be provided in login page background, if open it from the image page;
- *Portfolio.commishes* — "see here":/forums/uppers/topics/about-pngs-from-portfolio-commishes-com ;
- ** — append @?width=20000&height=20000@ to the file link;
- *
Tumblr* — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935 — for newer pics dimensions in URL can be edited, for older — reblog + dump blog
- *ych
.art* — append @?width=20000&height=20000@ to the file link.


Listed roughly in quality order (may be duplicated based on the case):
- *Twitter* — under 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096, JPG if no transparency;
- *DeviantArt ("exploit")* — "intermediary" exploit for older images, under 6MPx, original format — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935;
- *DeviantArt ("exploit")* — newer images under 6MPx can be retrived partially and combined later using "crop" API endpoint;
- *
Tumblr* (new image url format) — under 2048x3072, original format;
- *DeviantArt (""exploit"")* — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), original format if thumb url edited to match — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935;
- *VK* — under 2560x2160, always JPG;
- *Tumblr* (old image url format) — under 1280x1920, can be JPG if image is too large;
- *DeviantArt* — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), JPG if no transparency;
- ** — under 1600x1280, crisp zoom, original format;
- *FurAffunity* — under 1280x1280, JPG if no transparency;
- *Portfolio.commishes* — width can be 700, 960, 1920px, can be upscaled, crisp zoom, always indexed PNG;
- *instagram* — somewhat under 1024-1600px, always heavily compressed JPG.
No reason given
Edited by stsyn
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Economist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger

Idea is to put all knowledge about sites ("1st place" sources — not boorus) behavior in one single place. It may help you to understand, which sites tend to provide better quality pics.

Most prioritized, always provides images in original quality. In _italic_ — not 100% sure, but no cases to put it lower.
- *Aryion*;
- *Inkbunny* +(but be sure to upload not a thumbnail!)+;
- *NewGrounds*;
- *_NewTumbl_*;
- *_Patreon_* (unsure about public posts);
- *_Pillowfort_* (seems to provide originals, allows 3rd side images embed);
- *Pixiv* (but sometimes fetch receives JPG instead of PNG).



+*Upon artist choice*+
Original image can be obtained, if artist allowed it in any way. Same priority, as previous, but should be checked.
- *DeviantArt* — if download explicitly allowed +(requires login and fetch does not work in this case!)+;
- *FurAffunity* — if any image dimension is larger than 1280 [spoiler](when image initially uploaded, it's compressed to JPG and 1280x1280 at most, but can be edited)[/spoiler];
- *VK* — image can be uploaded as "document", usually "parallel upload": (click on second image).

+*Reasonable technical limitations*+
Sometimes image is present in original quality, sometimes not. It's not upon artist choice (at least, directly).
- *DeviantArt* — *sometimes* image can be zoomed in and it will result in original quality;
- *Twitter* — if naturally PNG (url edit does not count!) and if any image dimension is not equal to 1024/2048/4096;
- *Tumblr* — naturally PNG under 1280x1960 for pics with old url format and under 2048x3072 (any format) for newer.

+*"Exploits" exists*+
Not explicitly accessible, missing from UI.
- *DeviantArt* — *sometimes* original image will be provided in login page background, if open it from the image page;
- *
Portfolio.commishes* — "see here":/forums/uppers/topics/about-pngs-from-portfolio-commishes-com ;
- ** — append @?width=20000&height=20000@ to the file link;
- *Tumblr* — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935 — for newer pics dimensions in URL can be edited, for older — reblog + dump blog.


Listed roughly in quality order (may be duplicated based on the case):
- *Twitter* — under 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096, JPG if no transparency;
- *DeviantArt ("exploit")* — "intermediary" exploit for older images, under 6MPx, original format — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935;
- *Tumblr* (new image url format) — under 2048x3072, original format;
- *DeviantArt (""exploit"")* — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), original format if thumb url edited to match — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935;
- *VK* — under 2560x2160, always JPG;
- *Tumblr* (old image url format) — under 1280x1920, can be JPG if image is too large;
- *DeviantArt* — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), JPG if no transparency;
- ** — under 1600x1280, crisp zoom, original format;
- *FurAffunity* — under 1280x1280, JPG if no transparency;
- *Portfolio.commishes* — width can be 700, 960, 1920px, can be upscaled, crisp zoom, always indexed PNG;
- *instagram* — somewhat under 1024-1600px, always heavily compressed JPG.
No reason given
Edited by stsyn
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Economist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger

Idea is to put all knowledge about sites ("1st place" sources — not boorus) behavior in one single place. It may help you to understand, which sites tend to provide better quality pics.

Most prioritized, always provides images in original quality. In _italic_ — not 100% sure, but no cases to put it lower.
- *Aryion*;
- *Inkbunny* +(but be sure to upload not a thumbnail!)+;
- *NewGrounds*;
- *_NewTumbl_*;
- *_Patreon_* (unsure about public posts);
- *_Pillowfort_* (seems to provide originals, allows 3rd side images embed);
- *Pixiv* (but sometimes fetch receives JPG instead of PNG).



+*Upon artist choice*+
Original image can be obtained, if artist allowed it in any way. Same priority, as previous, but should be checked.
- *DeviantArt* — if download explicitly allowed +(requires login and fetch does not work in this case!)+;
- *FurAffunity* — if any image dimension is larger than 1280 [spoiler](when image initially uploaded, it's compressed to JPG and 1280x1280 at most, but can be edited)[/spoiler];
- *VK* — image can be uploaded as "document", usually "parallel upload": (click on second image).

+*Reasonable technical limitations*+
Sometimes image is present in original quality, sometimes not. It's not upon artist choice (at least, directly).
- *DeviantArt* — *sometimes* image can be zoomed in and it will result in original quality;
- *Twitter* — if naturally PNG (url edit does not count!) and if any image dimension is not equal to 1024/2048/4096;
- *Tumblr* — naturally PNG under 1280x1960 for pics with old url format and under 2048x3072 (any format) for newer.

+*"Exploits" exists*+
Not explicitly accessible, missing from UI.
- *Portfolio.commishes* — "see here":/forums/uppers/topics/about-pngs-from-portfolio-commishes-com ;
- ** — append @?width=20000&height=20000@ to the file link;
- *
Tumblr* — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935 — for newer pics dimensions in URL can be edited, for older — reblog + dump blog.


Listed roughly in quality order (may be duplicated based on the case):
- *Twitter* — under 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096, JPG if no transparency;
- *DeviantArt ("exploit")* — "intermediary" exploit for older images, under 6MPx, original format — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935;
- *Tumblr* (new image url format) — under 2048x3072, original format;
- *DeviantArt (""exploit"")* — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), original format if thumb url edited to match — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935;
- *VK* — under 2560x2160, always JPG;
- *Tumblr* (old image url format) — under 1280x1920, can be JPG if image is too large;
- *DeviantArt* — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), JPG if no transparency;
- ** — under 1600x10280, crisp zoom, original format;
- *FurAffunity* — under 1280x1280, JPG if no transparency;
- *Portfolio.commishes* — width can be 700, 960, 1920px, can be upscaled, crisp zoom, always indexed PNG;
- *instagram* — somewhat under 1024-1600px, always heavily compressed JPG.
No reason given
Edited by stsyn
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Economist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger

Idea is to put all knowledge about sites ("1st place" sources — not boorus) behavior in one single place. It may help you to understand, which sites tend to provide better quality pics.

Most prioritized, always provides images in original quality. In _italic_ — not 100% sure, but no cases to put it lower.
- *Aryion*;
- *Inkbunny* +(but be sure to upload not a thumbnail!)+;
- *NewGrounds*;
- *_NewTumbl_*;
- *_Patreon_* (unsure about public posts);
- *_Pillowfort_* (seems to provide originals, allows 3rd side images embed);
- *Pixiv* (but sometimes fetch receives JPG instead of PNG).



+*Upon artist choice*+
Original image can be obtained, if artist allowed it in any way. Same priority, as previous, but should be checked.
- *DeviantArt* — if download explicitly allowed +(requires login and fetch does not work in this case!)+;
- *FurAffunity* — if any image dimension is larger than 1280 [spoiler](when image initially uploaded, it's compressed to JPG and 1280x1280 at most, but can be edited)[/spoiler];
- *VK* — image can be uploaded as "document", usually "parallel upload": (click on second image).

+*Reasonable technical limitations*+
Sometimes image is present in original quality, sometimes not. It's not upon artist choice (at least, directly).
- *DeviantArt* — *sometimes* image can be zoomed in and it will result in original quality;
- *Twitter* — if naturally PNG (url edit does not count!) and if any image dimension is not equal to 1024/2048/4096;
- *Tumblr* — naturally PNG under 1280x1960 for pics with old url format and under 2048x3072 (any format) for newer.

+*"Exploits" exists*+
Not explicitly accessible, missing from UI.
- *Portfolio.commishes* — "see here":/forums/uppers/topics/about-pngs-from-portfolio-commishes-com ;
- *Tumblr* — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935 — for newer pics dimensions in URL can be edited, for older — reblog + dump blog.


Listed roughly in quality order (may be duplicated based on the case):
- *Twitter* — under 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096, JPG if no transparency;
- *DeviantArt ("exploit")* — "intermediary" exploit for older images, under 6MPx, original format — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935;
- *Tumblr* (new image url format) — under 2048x3072, original format;
- *DeviantArt (""exploit"")* — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), original format if thumb url edited to match — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935;
- *VK* — under 2560x2160, always JPG;
- *Tumblr* (old image url format) — under 1280x1920, can be JPG if image is too large;
- *DeviantArt* — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), JPG if no transparency;
- ** — under 1600x1080, crisp zoom, original format;
- *FurAffunity* — under 1280x1280, JPG if no transparency;
- *Portfolio.commishes* — width can be 700, 960, 1920px, can be upscaled, crisp zoom, always indexed PNG;
- *instagram* — somewhat under 1024-1600px, always heavily compressed JPG.
No reason given
Edited by stsyn
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Economist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger

Idea is to put all knowledge about sites ("1st place" sources — not boorus) behavior in one single place. It may help you to understand, which sites tend to provide better quality pics.

Most prioritized, always provides images in original quality. In _italic_ — not 100% sure, but no cases to put it lower.
- *Aryion*;
- *Inkbunny*;
- *NewGrounds*;
- *_NewTumbl_*;
- *_Patreon_* (unsure about public posts);
- *_Pillowfort_* (seems to provide originals, allows 3rd side images embed);
- *Pixiv* (but sometimes fetch receives JPG instead of PNG).



+*Upon artist choice*+
Original image can be obtained, if artist allowed it in any way. Same priority, as previous, but should be checked.
- *DeviantArt* — if download explicitly allowed;
- *FurAffunity* — if any image dimension is larger than 1280 [spoiler](when image initially uploaded, it's compressed to JPG and 1280x1280 at most, but can be edited)[/spoiler];
- *VK* — image can be uploaded as "document", usually "parallel upload": (click on second image).

+*Reasonable technical limitations*+
Sometimes image is present in original quality, sometimes not. It's not upon artist choice (at least, directly).
- *DeviantArt* — *sometimes* image can be zoomed in and it will result in original quality;
- *Twitter* — if naturally PNG (url edit does not count!) and if any image dimension is not equal to 1024/2048/4096;
- *Tumblr* — naturally PNG under 1280x1960 for pics with old url format and under 2048x3072 (any format) for newer.

+*"Exploits" exists*+
Not explicitly accessible, missing from UI.
- *Portfolio.commishes* — "see here":/forums/uppers/topics/about-pngs-from-portfolio-commishes-com ;
- *Tumblr* — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935 — for newer pics dimensions in URL can be edited, for older — reblog + dump blog.


Listed roughly in quality order (may be duplicated based on the case):
- *Twitter* — under 1024x1024, 2048x2048 or 4096x4096, JPG if no transparency;
- *DeviantArt ("exploit")* — "intermediary" exploit for older images, under 6MPx, original format — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935;
- *Tumblr* (new image url format) — under 2048x3072, original format;
- *DeviantArt (""exploit"")* — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), original format if thumb url edited to match — "see here":/forums/meta/topics/report-deviantart-high-resolution-images-here-for-updating?post_id=4134935#post_4134935;
- *VK* — under 2560x2160, always JPG;
- *Tumblr* (old image url format) — under 1280x1920, can be JPG if image is too large;
- *DeviantArt* — thumb size upon artist choice (under 1920 pixels width), JPG if no transparency;
- ** — under 1600x1080, crisp zoom, original format;
- *FurAffunity* — under 1280x1280, JPG if no transparency;
- *Portfolio.commishes* — width can be 700, 960, 1920px, can be upscaled, crisp zoom, always indexed PNG;
- *instagram* — somewhat under 1024-1600px, always heavily compressed JPG.
No reason given
Edited by stsyn