Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Yukito_097 on image #1110476


I love how you don't read shit.

"Then why did she leave? "

Yuki said: "until that final straw snapped"

"The problem was that he wasn’t being nice at all:"

He also wasn't being mean.

"1)Had a general snide and demeaning attitude toward other ponies." - All one of them. And more towards her food than the pony herself. In fact, ENTIRELY towards her food.

"2)Being self centered.(i.e. Only complimenting himself" - Self-centred is only THINKING of yourself, not only COMPLIMENTING yourself. And again, he complimented himself all of one time. Unless you're suggesting everyone who doesn't compliment every random stranger that approaches them is self-centred.

"3)Expecting special treatment for various activities, and instead of finding a compromise, just kept pushing until he got his way." - Being still and silent isn't pushing. Also, Rarity did the EXACT SAME THING. The difference? She gave in sooner. Doesn't mean she wasn't expecting HIM to do things FOR HER for no reason at all! And, again, a PRINCE. Royal blood through those veins. Only makes sense he EXPECTS things to be done for him.

But yeah, if you're gonna call Blueblood 'revolting' for doing silent protest, then you gotta call Rarity revolting, too... And then I'll say you live in some god-like utopia where clearly the worst thing that ever happens to you is when someone drops a wrapper on the street, if you think THAT'S 'revolting'.

""Majority =/= right"
Yes. So?" - So don't use it as 'evidence' to 'prove your point'.

Witness: "This links the suspect to the weapon!"
Judge: "Right, bBut ithere's not concrnecteion."
Witness: "Yeah. So?"

"Just because there are worse people doesn’t mean he’s not revolting." - I know, right? How dare he sit on a cushion, not step in a puddle and not want to open a door. Jack the Ripper himself would vomit at the sight of this guy not liking Applejack's snacks!

"And it’s fairly evident that his personality is revolting because most people that encounter that kind of personality tend to be revolted." - Again, you live in some WONDERFUL utopia, I get that, but for those of us on EARTH, no. Not at all. We would shrug indifferently and forget about it. If anything, the topic of conversation the next day would be how Rarity tried to bag some rich guy without zero effort and was shocked he didn't treat her like the princess she's not.

"Yeah, gonna have to call shenanigans on that.
You don’t just unconsciously pick up something that weighs almost as much as you instead of" - That's because it's a cartoon. And a comedic scene. You know what else doesn't tend to happen IRL? Pretty much a good 60% of what went on inside the episode. I mean, y'know, barring the whole magical talking pony thing. People also don't tend to survive falling pianos on them - in fact, in real life, it's quite tragic when that happens 'cause the person dies. Not funny at all. But for comedy in a cartoon? Logic gets pushed aside and we get a funny scene instead of a funeral.
No reason given
Edited by Yukito_097

I love how you don't read shit.

"Then why did she leave? "

Yuki said: "until that final straw snapped"

"The problem was that he wasn’t being nice at all:"

He also wasn't being mean.

"1)Had a general snide and demeaning attitude toward other ponies." - All one of them. And more towards her food than the pony herself. In fact, ENTIRELY towards her food.

"2)Being self centered.(i.e. Only complimenting himself" - Self-centred is only THINKING of yourself, not only COMPLIMENTING yourself. And again, he complimented himself all of one time. Unless you're suggesting everyone who doesn't compliment every random stranger that approaches them is self-centred.

"3)Expecting special treatment for various activities, and instead of finding a compromise, just kept pushing until he got his way." - Being still and silent isn't pushing. Also, Rarity did the EXACT SAME THING. The difference? She gave in sooner. Doesn't mean she wasn't expecting HIM to do things FOR HER for no reason at all! And, again, a PRINCE. Royal blood through those veins. Only makes sense he EXPECTS things to be done for him.

But yeah, if you're gonna call Blueblood 'revolting' for doing silent protest, then you gotta call Rarity revolting, too... And then I'll say you live in some god-like utopia where clearly the worst thing that ever happens to you is when someone drops a wrapper on the street, if you think THAT'S 'revolting'.

""Majority =/= right"
Yes. So?" - So don't use it as 'evidence' to 'prove your point'.

Witness: "This links the suspect to the weapon!"
Judge: "Right, but it's not concrete."
Witness: "Yeah. So?"

"Just because there are worse people doesn’t mean he’s not revolting." - I know, right? How dare he sit on a cusion, not step in a puddle and not want to open a door. Jack the Ripper himself would vomit at the sight of this guy not liking Applejack's snacks!

"And it’s fairly evident that his personality is revolting because most people that encounter that kind of personality tend to be revolted." - Again, you live in some WONDERFUL utopia, I get that, but for those of us on EARTH, no. Not at all. We would shrug indifferently and forget about it. If anything, the topic of conversation the next day would be how Rarity tried to bag some rich guy without zero effort and was shocked he didn't treat her like the princess she's not.

"Yeah, gonna have to call shenanigans on that.
You don’t just unconsciously pick up something that weighs almost as much as you instead of" - That's because it's a cartoon. And a comedic scene. You know what else doesn't tend to happen IRL? Pretty much a good 60% of what went on inside the episode. I mean, y'know, barring the whole magical talking pony thing. People also don't tend to survive falling pianos on them - in fact, in real life, it's quite tragic when that happens 'cause the person dies. Not funny at all. But for comedy in a cartoon? Logic gets pushed aside and we get a funny scene instead of a funeral.
No reason given
Edited by Yukito_097