Viewing last 25 versions of comment by VNagato on image #1174507

Artist -

I was saying that in a more joking sense, but okay
1 - The "real castle" is in Canterlot, the one where Celestia and Luna lives (probably Cadance too before S3)
2 - Why doesn't she have the obligation for any guards?
3 - That's the joke, that she's just short and stubby in comparison to the other princesses
No reason given
Edited by VNagato
Artist -

I was saying that in a more joking sense, but okay
1 - The "real castle" is in Canterlot, the one where Celestia and Luna lives (probably Cadance too before S3)
2 - Why doesn't she have the obligation for any guards?
3 - That's the joke that she's short and stubby in comparison to the other princesses
No reason given
Edited by VNagato