Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #6DDF on image #1179889

Background Pony #6DDF
"[@Lucky Shot":](/1179889#comment_5140256
) Shot"]" 

> [
@Background Pony #4899":](/1179889#comment_5140210

The oceans are in the same place and the Everfree Forest has rotated almost 70 degrees around Ponyville respective to Sweet Apple Acres. The relative distances between other items such as Baltimare:Fillydelphia:Manehattan is also inconsistent.

Your spacial recognition needs a good bit of refinement[/bq]

look in the bottom middle of the new map just to the right of the white cloud. You can see the houses of Dodge City. Also to the left you can see the same bridge that leads to both Appleloosa and Dodge City. You can also see the tops of the mountains to the east of Las Pegasus.
The map is zoomed in.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #6DDF
Background Pony #6DDF
"@Lucky Shot":/1179889#comment_5140256
[bq="Lucky Shot"]"@Background Pony #4899":/1179889#comment_5140210

The oceans are in the same place and the Everfree Forest has rotated almost 70 degrees around Ponyville respective to Sweet Apple Acres. The relative distances between other items such as Baltimare:Fillydelphia:Manehattan is also inconsistent.

Your spacial recognition needs a good bit of refinement[/bq]

look in the bottom middle of the new map just to the right of the white cloud. You can see the houses of Dodge City. Also to the left you can see the same bridge that leads to both Appleloosa and Dodge City. You can also see the tops of the mountains to the east of Las Pegasus
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #6DDF