Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #6DDF on image #1179889

Background Pony #6DDF
"[@Lucky Shot":](/1179889#comment_5140545
) Shot"]" 

> [
@Background Pony #4899":](/1179889#comment_5140313

Okay. Now explain why zooming in has orbited Everfree Forest around Ponyville, doubled the distance between Fillydephia and Manehattan (but not Fillydephia and Baltimare), and moved Vanhoover to the east.

What's actually happening is that this is an improvised cartoon map for a children's fantasy world that has very consistently shown that it doesn't maintain a coherent geometry (because it is a cartoon.) As such, locations are freely moved around, places that are no longer important disappear from the highly stylized map, and new important locations are labeled in their place.[/bq]


ecause it is a zoomed in and recolored version of the new "Explore Equestria" map.

See here >>1067179 and here >>1067376
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #6DDF
Background Pony #6DDF
"@Lucky Shot":/1179889#comment_5140545
[bq="Lucky Shot"]"@Background Pony #4899":/1179889#comment_5140313

Okay. Now explain why zooming in has orbited Everfree Forest around Ponyville, doubled the distance between Fillydephia and Manehattan (but not Fillydephia and Baltimare), and moved Vanhoover to the east.

What's actually happening is that this is an improvised cartoon map for a children's fantasy world that has very consistently shown that it doesn't maintain a coherent geometry (because it is a cartoon.) As such, locations are freely moved around, places that are no longer important disappear from the highly stylized map, and new important locations are labeled in their place.[/bq]

because it is a zoomed in and recolored version of the new "Explore Equestria" map.

See here >>1067179 and here >>1067376
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #6DDF
Background Pony #6DDF
"@Lucky Shot":/1179889#comment_5140545
[bq="Lucky Shot"]"@Background Pony #4899":/1179889#comment_5140313

Okay. Now explain why zooming in has orbited Everfree Forest around Ponyville, doubled the distance between Fillydephia and Manehattan (but not Fillydephia and Baltimare), and moved Vanhoover to the east.

What's actually happening is that this is an improvised cartoon map for a children's fantasy world that has very consistently shown that it doesn't maintain a coherent geometry (because it is a cartoon.) As such, locations are freely moved around, places that are no longer important disappear from the highly stylized map, and new important locations are labeled in their place.[/bq]

because it is a zoomed in and recolored version of the new "Explore Equestria" map.

See here >1067179 and here >1067376
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #6DDF