Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #981E on image #1206029

Background Pony #981E
And now, the regen if it were done in the style of 12:

12: I've got a few things to remind my next self, Derpy. Basic stuff first. Never be cruel, never be cowardly, and never, ever eat pears!

*Derpy giggles at the pears part despite all the tears*

12: Remember to tell me at several points, hate is always foolish. and love is always wise. Always try and tell me to be nice, but never fail to be kind. Oh, and you and my next self mustn't tell anyone of my name. No one would understand it, anyway. Except, ah! **collapses onto the floor** Except children. Children can hear it sometimes. If their hearts are in the right place, and the stars are too, children can hear my name. But nobody else. Nobody else, ever...

*Derpy is still streaming tears like crazy but backs away when the Doctor motions her to do so*

12: Make sure future me will laugh hard, run fast, **be kind**.

*Derpy looks away, knowing what's about to happen*

12: **Talking to himself** Doctor... _*I let you go_*...
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #981E
Background Pony #981E
And now, the regen if it were done in the style of 12:

12: I've got a few things to remind my next self, Derpy. Basic stuff first. Never be cruel, never be cowardly, and never, ever eat pears!

*Derpy giggles at the pears part despite all the tears*

12: Remember to tell me at several points, hate is always foolish. and love is always wise. Always try and tell me to be nice, but never fail to be kind. Oh, and you and my next self mustn't tell anyone of my name. No one would understand it, anyway. Except, ah! *collapses onto the floor* Except children. Children can hear it sometimes. If their hearts are in the right place, and the stars are too, children can hear my name. But nobody else. Nobody else, ever...

*Derpy is still streaming tears like crazy but backs away when the Doctor motions her to do so*

12: Make sure future will laugh hard, run fast, *be kind*.

*Derpy looks away, knowing what's about to happen*

12: *Talking to himself* Doctor... _I let you go_...
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #981E