Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Hericks on image #1218018


Mmmyeaaah-no, I really cannot see the humor in this. This is just messed up. It is basically laughing at the deaths of many people. I can laugh at taunting of the terrorists who performed this act, but this is just focusing on the tragedy itself, and expecting people to laugh at it.

Yes, it happened 15 years ago, but do you see people uploading photos of the mass graves from the holocaust and suggesting we laugh at it? No, because it isn't something to laugh about, and that happened much more than 15 years ago. The only exception iss if you are part of the terrorist group yourself., or support their actions, in which case, I strongly disapprove of your existence.
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Edited by Hericks

Mmmyeaaah-no, I really cannot see the humor in this. This is just messed up. It is basically laughing at the deaths of many people. I can laugh at taunting of the terrorists who performed this act, but this is just focusing on the tragedy itself, and expecting people to laugh at it.

Yes, it happened 15 years ago, but do you see people uploading photos of the mass graves from the holocaust and suggesting we laugh at it? No, because it isn't something to laugh about, unless you are a terrorist yourself.
No reason given
Edited by Hericks