Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Joseph Raszagal on image #1254919

Joseph Raszagal
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Emily Brickenbrackle III
"[@Dirty Bit":](/1254919#comment_5441865
It's thinking about stuff like that that (and yes, I hate double that-ing) makes me wish I was back in high school. Back when those episodes came out.

I'm still young (25), but I feel so old when I think about cartoons that aren't around anymore. _*Good_* cartoons. Not the ones that they were remade into things which, as far as I'm concerned, failed to capture the magic that made the originals so creative and captivating.

Nostalgia is a double-edged sword. I can love things from the past and I can hate things in the now that are ostensibly products of the past.

And now I'll shut up.
Reason: i'm definitely not drunk and I definitely didn't misspell lots of things
Edited by Joseph Raszagal
Joseph Raszagal
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Emily Brickenbrackle III
"@Dirty Bit":/1254919#comment_5441865
It's thinking about stuff like that that (and yes, I hate double that-ing) makes me wish I was back in high school. Back when those episodes came out.

I'm still young (25), but I feel so old when I think about cartoons that aren't around anymore. _Good_ cartoons. Not the ones that they were remade into which, as far as I'm concerned, fail to capture the magic that made the original so creative and captivating.

Nostalgia is a double-edged sword. I can love things from the past and I can hate things in the now that are ostensibly products of the past.

And now I'll shut up.
No reason given
Edited by Joseph Raszagal