Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Axel_Changeling on image #1289725


I was thinking of her having more of a background character role, similar to Derpy. Just for a random joke here or there, not as a main character.

"she’s a ponification of the worst lolrandom "humor""

I always thought she was cute and funny, as do many others. I don't find her nearly as annoying as Pinkie Pie and her off the wall antics and fast high pitched talking. But now we are entering the opinion zone so I suppose we should just end it here.
No reason given
Edited by Axel_Changeling

I was thinking of her having more of a background character role, similar to Derpy. Just for a random joke here or there, not as a main character.

"she’s a ponification of the worst lolrandom "humor""

I always thought she was cute and funny, as do many others. But now we are entering the opinion zone so I suppose we should just end it here.
No reason given
Edited by Axel_Changeling

I was thinking of her having more of a background character role, similar to Derpy. Just for a random joke here or there, not as a main character.
No reason given
Edited by Axel_Changeling