Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Populuxe on image #1296497


Enjoy me. Won’t you?


There are more unanswered questions. Why did Sunny go through the mirror in the first place? It's a world without magic. HWhy would she exile herself like that? Celestia's explanation that Sunset wasn't getting what she wanted as fast as she wanted doesn't explain why she went through the mirror. What was she expecting to find? Also, how did she know about Twilight and her crown? It sounds like Twilight became Celestia's student after Sunset already went through the mirror, so Sunset wouldn't even know who Twilight was, much less that she was a new princess. It just doesn't add up.
No reason given
Edited by Populuxe

Enjoy me. Won’t you?


There are more unanswered questions. Why did Sunny go through the mirror in the first place? It's a world without magic. Hy would she exile herself like that? Celestia's explanation that Sunset wasn't getting what she wanted as fast as she wanted doesn't explain why she went through the mirror. What was she expecting to find? Also, how did she know about Twilight and her crown? It sounds like Twilight became Celestia's student after Sunset already went through the mirror, so Sunset wouldn't even know who Twilight was, much less that she was a new princess. It just doesn't add up.
No reason given
Edited by Populuxe